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changed clothes, shortening the regrown hairs on my beard with an

electric razor to the level of regrown thorns, neatly shaping them to an oriental-type beard and

cutting my hair on my head, neatly putting it in a youth haircut, | acquired my well-groomed

image. | decided to find my Eva again, but the girl disappeared from the Runetki website, and

only late at night, | stumbled upon her room, where the “online” sign was glowing. Without

hesitation, | went to her website and happily greeted her, dropping her enough tokens for a

private date. And suddenly | saw a picture of a ban:

“The model sent you to a ban for obscene behavior,” – like snow on my head on a hot day, it cut

me on the nerves, which completely plunged me into despondency and deepest melancholy. |

frantically began flipping through the Runetka website, hoping to find it. But she disappeared

there too. It was already 23:30. | sat in a devastated melancholic state, not knowing what to do

with myself to get rid of this obsession. Thoughts gradually began to come into a state of cold

reason and, comparing myself with a female hysteric, | suddenly realized how disgusting it was

to lose self-control because of a creature that itself does not know what it wants in a

momentary outburst of passion. | pulled myself together to realize one single truth, that | am

still a man and must be aware that the girl was trained for this work for many years and that

she does not belong to herself, and that a free life for a special agent of the corresponding

department will never exist. | began to orient myself in this direction of thinking and gradually

bounce back. Three days later, he began jogging in the morning, then one day, from a distance,

he saw how three military men were dragging a young man into a minibus with a flashing light.

And | realized that | had to stay at home until | was raked into the trenches somewhere near

Bakhmut or near Odessa, where General Surovikin was planning an offensive, and that the

delay bought from the military commissar would not save me. Tossing and turning in bed, |

could not sleep, and thoughts about the girl again and again began to take possession of me. |

went into the kitchen, sat there, drank warm water from a thermos, and went back to bed. |

didn’t understand how | fell asleep, | woke up at about nine o'clock in the morning and began to

put things in order with myself and in the apartment. Then, after collecting the garbage, he took

it to the trash can. There, a dirty homeless woman in smelly clothes was rummaging through

the tank, trying to find something to eat. | had not seen her here before, but there was nothing

surprising in this, the country was in the conflagration of a civil war and people, having lost their

roof over their heads, were saving themselves as best they could. By eleven o'clock | was about

to go to the store for groceries and again came across a homeless woman. She was sitting on a

bench with her garbage belongings, sorting through them and taking out some pieces of food

wrapped in a clean wrapper with dirty hands in torn gloves. | walked past, returning from the

store and again came across a homeless woman, as you can see, she took root here for a long

time. Two weeks later, | saw this woman again, passing by her caught the disgusting smell of a

dirty, unkempt body, and passing by, he spat out a whole lump of accumulated saliva due to the

stench that breathed in. The disgust was so strong that | jumped into the bathroom after

throwing my groceries and washed my hands for a long time, then carefully brushed my teeth

and rinsed my mouth with mint rinse. Not having time to make purchases in the kitchen, the

doorbell rang. | carefully looked out the peephole, and what a disappointment | was when | saw

this poor woman at the door.