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grow up, to graduate from school and the Soviet aviation university. After scrolling through

informational sites on my laptop, | decided to sort out my finances. Twenty thousand hryvnia,

the security company's severance pay has already amounted to 9,000, plus six thousand US

rubles, at the exchange rate, this is equal to 24 thousand hryvnia, a total of 33,000 hryvnia. If

you spend on food, you can somehow live a year, and then what? | looked hard at the mirror,

unshaven with gray hair, an unwashed bum was looking at me from the mirror: “No, | won't

walk like such a garbage effigy,” | thought, and | went into the bathroom. After putting himself

in order and attaching glasses to his nose, the picture completely changed. An intelligent

appearance with a beard neatly trimmed in an oriental style was completely different from the

real me, which made me incredibly happy. | let go of my long gray hair and in the mirror | was

looked at by a man wise by life experience, not yet an old man, full of strength and health.

Satisfied with myself, | glanced at my watch, the arrows showed ten minutes to 10. Morning

time, breakfast time. | fried himself scrambled eggs with sausage and onions, made coffee, and

began to eat. A sudden knock on the door made me stop eating. A man in camouflage uniform

and matching headdress stood in the peephole of the door. | saw that they were looking

through the peephole, took out the certificates of the captain of the armed forces of Ukraine,

Rudenko Petr Afanasyevich. | opened the door and asked unfriendly:

– What do you need?

– I'm on the ad, is this apartment two hundred and seventy-three?

– Yes, Malinovsky twenty-five, apartment two hundred and seventy-three, but still, what do you


– | am a friend of Sibagatullin Galley Shavkatovich, you studied with him in the same group at

the institute,

he recommended that he turn to you if you need to spend the night, you have a three-room

apartment, he said that there was enough space for one night. – His narrowly set eyes with a

slanting look lit up in a friendly smile, – My name is Ferdinand Fleur, and these certificates are

so fiction.

– Yes, come in already, there was no surveillance for you? | asked apprehensively.

– What kind of surveillance, when | crossed the border from the train directly from Kherson,

Lieutenant Colonel Chernov Ivan Ivanovich sent to find out why there were no reports on the

state of affairs at the headquarters of the CIA and MI-6, from Vladimirskaya, where they sit on

the upper floors of their service. Interested in their plans and actions in terms of preparing

operations for execution? – Taking off his jacket, said Ferdinand. | ignored his words as | offered

him breakfast. The guest sat down at the table, | began to eat the traditional scrambled eggs

with sausage. When fried, put in a plate with a fork on the table and poured cognac into

glasses. Then he said:

– For acquaintance, and let's get to know each other better, tell me your title, position, and, in

general, what do you think is necessary?

– Major of the intelligence unit of the FSB foreign intelligence under the control of the general

in charge of the department.

– Wow, the direction means when the major himself was sent, experience is valued in your

office, isn't it? – | poured more cognac from a new bottle, – | report! – and | told the major all the

ups and downs with a visit to the resident Boris Eduardovich Sosnin.

– The resident failed, – the major said, thinking, – my task was to find out only this, but how we

will conduct business further, it does not depend on me. Lieutenant Colonel Chernov handed

over to you, captain, money, here twenty thousand American rubles, and ordered them to be

handed over to you if there is confidence that you have not been identified and agree to work

further, do you agree? Ferdinand asked with a barely perceptible smile.

– In my opinion, it is obvious that | agree! | answered firmly.

– Wait, I'll get a reward, – the major got up and went out into the corridor, taking off a

camouflage bag from the hanger, he took out a solid bundle of dollars and a book about

traveling to the ends of the earth, putting it on the table, adding, – for each completed task you

will receive twice as much, and for this, that he managed to survive and not reveal himself,

that's how much, – he put the money on the table, and two receipts, saying, – sign here, please,

for the amount received and for the valuable artifact.

| put my signature in the indicated place and refilled the glasses, we drank. The major tore off

my copied signature on the forged copy of the receipt:

– And one more thing, on the Runetka website, in the Young section, you will find a girl working

under the nickname Your-X-Eva, she lives in the Khreschatyk Hotel, hiding her place of

residence for ordinary clients, of whom quite a lot comes to the site. Quite a few business

travelers from the CIA and MI6 stay at this hotel. She is an excellently trained agent of ours,

fluent in English and the art of seduction. Often high-ranking ranks, not skimping on the

generosity of tips, spread along with solid sums of money and the secrets of their missions, like

those and others, so your task is to get to know her, become a fan of her talent and receive

information. This book has a cipher translator, you attach the copied text of the email received

from Galley Shavkatovich in infrared illumination, and by the arrangement of the letters

highlighted through a thin copy of the email, you read the message, and in reverse order you

encrypt the letter to your friend, send him information to the mail, obtained by Eve. From our

letters you will give the girl tasks with whom she should make contact and what information

interests us in the first place. You understood, first of all, acquaintance with Eva, look, do not

scare her with an excessive pressure of feelings, show, first of all, a businesslike approach to the

common cause.

– What are you, a major, how can | be interested in some kind of shlendra, who obtains

information from his trained place?! – | spoke in complete bewilderment, – I'm not a pimp?!

– The first thing | want to tell you is that she is a very experienced agent who has been trained

since early childhood, and virtual sex does not require the presence of a model in bed, | hope

you understand everything? – Ferdinand answered in a calm voice, taking a photo of a girl from

the breast pocket of a camouflage jacket, handed it to me, with the words, – Where can | lie

down, | haven't slept for almost a day, and the way back is not easy and can | take a shower?

Having taken the photo from his hands, | put it on the kitchen table without looking at the

photo and showed Fleur the bathroom, then | went to prepare a bed for him. After a shower,

having laid the major in the allotted room, | again sat down at the laptop, watching reports

from the front … In the morning, after preparing breakfast, | decided to invite Ferdinand to the

kitchen and knocked on his room. Nobody responded. This alerted me, | opened the door and

saw that the bed was neatly made, there was a note on the table: “Sorry, captain, | didn’t want

to wake you up.” | left the room, puzzled, and starting to eat began to weigh the situation with

the visit of the scout. The picture looked rather strange. Major, making sure that | was not a

failure and that there was no evidence of Boris Eduardovich in his espionage activities,

otherwise the SBU would have canceled surveillance. But, on the other hand, surveillance is

necessary to identify residents of signalmen. From this it follows that a search will be carried

out at his apartment, which will not give anything, since | destroyed the evidence that he gave

me. And | think they'll leave him alone. What about me? And | had to wait for a secret e-mail

from someone who would send a letter to me under the nickname of Galley Shavkatovich, and

introduce me in detail to the work, what and how to conduct my underground activities against

the regime that had seized power in Ukraine, and what to convey to Eva. | sat at the laptop

until 11 o'clock and decided to take a walk around the city. It was my first exit with a new

appearance, | carefully examined myself and was amazed at how a beard and long hair radically

change my appearance, clicking the fingers of my right hand with satisfaction, | left the house.

Having not gone even a hundred meters to the Obolon metro station, when the air raid siren

suddenly howled, | had to return. Before reaching his entrance, two powerful explosions were