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– You, young man, promised to show me the jewelry, show me?! – | heard behind me a response

to yesterday's password, shuddering in surprise. After a pause, | slowly turned to her and half

rose from the bench.

– | would not sell my treasure for anything, if | had it, | would give it to you as a token of

gratitude for the amazing show that you pleased me with yesterday, and made me fall in love

with you so much that now | don’t know What do i do? | wailed.

– What, the kid is still not married, and you haven’t seen a woman's pussy, or what? – she

laughed sincerely, – You'd better tell me why you were sent instead of Sosnin Boris

Eduardovich? – | told everything how it was, and in turn asked:

– What about the information?

– Did that information burn with a blue flame when you burned it? – with a smile, the girl

answered the question with a question.

– Eva, can you repeat the information?

– Let's do it this way, I'll go with you to you, we will plunge headlong into my show especially for

you, and after that | will restore everything in detail, since | agree ?!

| could not restrain myself, pressed her to me and, burning with love passion, began to kiss her

so passionately that, laughing, she began to fight me off with her fists, saying:

– Leave, leave a little of your ardor for our romance, lover of girls of easy virtue, huh? – Smiling

with an angelic smile, she said, – Come on, | also missed a normal healthy guy, and not those

jerks who flock to me in the chat, let's go!

– Wait, let's go down to the vintage wine shop, which is near the hotel where you live … – | did

not finish when she interrupted me with a patter:

– Oh, no, no! Let's go to the funicular, go to the Pochtovaya Ploschad metro station and there

are a lot of different wines for sale on Podil, we'll buy something for ourselves, okay?

– It's coming! – | answered, completely falling under the skillful heel of my beloved priestess of

Love … In the first wine store that came across, which was located on the way from Postal

Square to Kontraktovaya Ploshchad metro station, they bought two bottles of Asti Brut


– Eva, let's order a taxi? | suggested.

– Oh, no, no, every day | go by taxi, then by BMW limousine, and | want to ride with a simple guy

in a simple subway and feel like | was eighteen years old, at a graduation at school. She

dreamily rolled her eyes, twirled in place, then threw herself on my neck and merged with me

in a long kiss. This made me dizzy, and blissful tenderness for this girl spread throughout my

body, causing an inevitable bliss of love for this unearthly creature. We passed by the sculpture

of the philosopher Skovoroda with a knapsack on his shoulder and, in bast shoes on his feet. His

face was turned towards the Kiev Mohelian Academy. Eva could not resist to speak about the

graduates of this institution:

– A nest of the destruction of the Ukrainian language, replacing it with some kind of Zapadinsky

dialect, nurtured by the Fugitive Bendera in the American diaspora.

– Yes, I'm not looking, zombie, it’s impossible to listen to this dialect, where in the oral speech

of the announcers it sounds like “Ch” is pronounced with a terrible accent, and instead of the

sound of the letter “0”, it says “U”, Shevchenko from such Ukrainian in the coffin is already

overturned several times.

– Yes, my hero, we are going to you, the sooner the better, | want you! | want normal human

love! Help me if you are as you are, kind, good, gentle, – she suddenly blushed, and with her

eyes filled with tears, hugged me, leaning against me, quieted down. We were standing on the

platform, having let two trains pass in the direction of the Obolon station. Finally she whispered

in my ear:

– Excuse me, Valentin, | lost heart, because of everyday stress and endless nights of pretending

with the vile and smelly employees of the CIA, the highest echelons of power, who consider us

Ukrainians to be inferior and not people at all, unlike the Russian brothers, after all, we are one

the people are obliged to stand in this war, Ukraine must disappear from the face of Russia,

becoming Little Russia, or simply the outskirts of the Russian state, that's what | think.

– These savages, degraded from the USA, will not stop, with their impudent slogan "War to the

last Ukrainian!".

We were already on the train when drunk five people in military camouflage robes burst into

the car. They shouted loudly on their surzhik, feeling like the masters of Kyiv, and in general in

Ukraine. Their senior, when he was the first to enter the Taras Shevchenko station, heard me

say in Russian “… to the last Ukrainian!”. The whole company sat down in front of us, and this

bat was staring at me with his piercing gaze, got up and came up to me:

– Glory to Ukraine! – he said automatically and continued, – Do you have a cigarette to smoke?

– A young man in our subway cars do not smoke! Eva intervened. | didn't have time to say a

word when this man shouted:

– What are you saying in the language of the occupiers?! And what is required to answer when

they say Glory to Ukraine?!

– You have to answer! – Eva said raising her voice, – Went to the place, and behave in a strange

city not like in your own Carpathians, do you understand?!

– What did you say, whore?! – Shouted the insolent man and, waving, brought the palm of his

right hand over her right cheek. | intercepted the inevitable blow, parried it with my left hand

and kicked it in the groin into place. He landed on his ass with a loud slam against the chair. In

an instant, he jumped up and rushed menacingly in my direction. Eve was on her feet with

lightning speed and with a precise blow to the attacker's temple, she dropped him to the floor.

Four began to rise to help him, but they immediately received Eve's blows with his right leg and

arm almost simultaneously. Their bodies settled into their places, and the lying man, who came

to his senses, began to speak threateningly, rummaging in his jacket pocket:

– The boys from Azov will be waiting for you at the next stop, now, now | will call! – growling

menacingly, and staggering to his feet, holding a smartphone in his hand. | tore the mobile

phone out of his hands and, putting a slap in the face to the temple, threw the attacker to the


– So phones me?! – Approaching the awakened ones, he shouted to them. They reluctantly

reached into their pockets, taking their cell phones, we got off at the Obolon station. | decided

to drown the seized connection in the lake, which was nearby. We turned to the shore and all

five mobile phones were drowned in the lake … Eva gave me a fabulously unforgettable night,

and in the morning, from her words, | wrote down the valuable data that she managed to

collect from representatives of the CIA and MI-6 during the meetings held at the Khreshchatyk

restaurant, which tipsy clients shared willingly ignoring the intellect of a beautiful girl of easy

virtue, unaware that before them is an agent of the highest class. While extracting valuable

information without ever giving herself over to these bumpkins, she extracted secret

intelligence data. She checked how | would transmit, encrypting the information, and began to

help me, which turned out gracefully and quickly. Our text did not differ from a friendly letter to

our former classmate. Then Eva said her real name, that her name was Irina Andreevna

Sumskaya. That she was selected in an orphanage to study at an intelligence school from

childhood, that Larisa Andreevna Ivanova was a teacher in an orphanage in Sumy, hence her

patronymic, surname, and name. She left me exactly at 12 o'clock in the afternoon, forbidding

me to see me off and referring to conspiracy, and disappeared from erotic networks. Before she

left, she told me, look for me if you and | survive, when this bacchanalia is over, | will hope and

wait. Two weeks later, | asked the head waiter about a girl named Your-X-Eva, the employee

answered me that the girl disappeared without even taking her documents from the safe, and

left expensive computer equipment, a camera, and a smartphone with recordings of her show .

Returning late in the evening from the Khreshchatyk restaurant, where | decided to celebrate