Книги автора Автор не определен
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организация офиса, менеджмент и кадры, производственный менеджмент, организационный менеджментLearning to Solve Problems is a much-needed book that describes models for designing interactive learning environments to support how to lea…
Learning to Solve Problems is a much-needed book that describes models for designing interactive learning environments to support how to lea…
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военное дело / спецслужбы, военное делоIn today's competitive banking industry, institutional banking is attracting greater interest. Under the globalization umbrella, inter-bank …
In today's competitive banking industry, institutional banking is attracting greater interest. Under the globalization umbrella, inter-bank …
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When it was first published more than sixteen years ago, John Bryson's Strategic Planning for Public and Nonprofit Organizations introduced …
When it was first published more than sixteen years ago, John Bryson's Strategic Planning for Public and Nonprofit Organizations introduced …
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Written by one of the world’s leading literary theorists, this book provides a wide-ranging, accessible and humorous introduction to the Eng…
Written by one of the world’s leading literary theorists, this book provides a wide-ranging, accessible and humorous introduction to the Eng…
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The Wiley-Interscience Paperback Series consists of selected books that have been made more accessible to consumers in an effort to increase…
The Wiley-Interscience Paperback Series consists of selected books that have been made more accessible to consumers in an effort to increase…
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попаданцы, юмористическое фэнтези, магические академииA resource for probability AND random processes, with hundreds of worked examples and probability and Fourier transform tables This survival…
A resource for probability AND random processes, with hundreds of worked examples and probability and Fourier transform tables This survival…
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A superb text on the fundamentals of Lebesgue measure and integration. This book is designed to give the reader a solid understanding of Leb…
A superb text on the fundamentals of Lebesgue measure and integration. This book is designed to give the reader a solid understanding of Leb…
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Relevant, concrete, and thorough–the essential data-based text on statistical inference The ability to formulate abstract concepts and draw …
Relevant, concrete, and thorough–the essential data-based text on statistical inference The ability to formulate abstract concepts and draw …
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исторические приключения, зарубежные приключения, литература 19 векаCovering major aspects of health care nursing, this handbook is written from a holistic viewpoint and involves the roles of the multidiscipl…
Covering major aspects of health care nursing, this handbook is written from a holistic viewpoint and involves the roles of the multidiscipl…
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A practical and accessible introduction to the bootstrap method–newly revised and updated Over the past decade, the application of bootstrap…
A practical and accessible introduction to the bootstrap method–newly revised and updated Over the past decade, the application of bootstrap…
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The Wiley Classics Library consists of selected books that have been made more accessible to consumers in an effort to increase global appea…
The Wiley Classics Library consists of selected books that have been made more accessible to consumers in an effort to increase global appea…
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An engaging, entertaining, and informative introduction to probability and prediction in our everyday lives Although Probably Not deals with…
An engaging, entertaining, and informative introduction to probability and prediction in our everyday lives Although Probably Not deals with…
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The 21st Century brings all new rules. Entrepreneurs are challenging conventional wisdom and thinking outside the box. One of the first chal…
The 21st Century brings all new rules. Entrepreneurs are challenging conventional wisdom and thinking outside the box. One of the first chal…
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An applied treatment of the key methods and state-of-the-art tools for visualizing and understanding statistical data Smoothing of Multivari…
An applied treatment of the key methods and state-of-the-art tools for visualizing and understanding statistical data Smoothing of Multivari…
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Amstat News asked three review editors to rate their top five favorite books in the September 2003 issue. Methods of Multivariate Analysis w…
Amstat News asked three review editors to rate their top five favorite books in the September 2003 issue. Methods of Multivariate Analysis w…
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Middle English is a student guide to the most influential critical writing on Middle English literature. A student guide to the most influen…
Middle English is a student guide to the most influential critical writing on Middle English literature. A student guide to the most influen…
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This volume offers a description of early modern habits of writing and reading, of publication and stage performance, and of political and r…
This volume offers a description of early modern habits of writing and reading, of publication and stage performance, and of political and r…
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поиск работы / карьера, личная эффективность, самоучителиAn easy-to-grasp introduction to nonparametric regression This book's straightforward, step-by-step approach provides an excellent introduct…
An easy-to-grasp introduction to nonparametric regression This book's straightforward, step-by-step approach provides an excellent introduct…
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A self-contained, contemporary treatment of the analysis of long-range dependent data Long-Memory Time Series: Theory and Methods provides a…
A self-contained, contemporary treatment of the analysis of long-range dependent data Long-Memory Time Series: Theory and Methods provides a…
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An accessible introduction to real analysis and its connection to elementary calculus Bridging the gap between the development and history o…
An accessible introduction to real analysis and its connection to elementary calculus Bridging the gap between the development and history o…