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Книги автора Автор не определен

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Gutenberg's Europe
Major transformations in society are always accompanied by parallel transformations in systems of social communication – what we call the me…
Major transformations in society are always accompanied by parallel transformations in systems of social communication – what we call the me…
Emergency Triage
The Manchester Triage System (MTS) is the most widely used triage system in the UK, Europe and Australia, with tens of millions of patients …
The Manchester Triage System (MTS) is the most widely used triage system in the UK, Europe and Australia, with tens of millions of patients …
Become a YouTuber
GET EYES ON YOUR VIDS If you're the type who goes to YouTube for everything from entertainment to information to a way to communicate with y…
GET EYES ON YOUR VIDS If you're the type who goes to YouTube for everything from entertainment to information to a way to communicate with y…
законы и постановления
Science reassures, art disturbs (Proverb) This intriguing exploration of underlying forces in decision making takes as its starting point a …
Science reassures, art disturbs (Proverb) This intriguing exploration of underlying forces in decision making takes as its starting point a …
Clinical Pancreatology
Most patients suffering from pancreatic diseases are managed by general internists, gastroenterologists and/or surgeons in non-specialized c…
Most patients suffering from pancreatic diseases are managed by general internists, gastroenterologists and/or surgeons in non-specialized c…
This study examines the linguistic tools which enable speakers and writers to propose adjustments and re-adjustments of the sentences they’v…
This study examines the linguistic tools which enable speakers and writers to propose adjustments and re-adjustments of the sentences they’v…
An Introduction to Language Policy: Theories and Method is a collection of newly-written chapters that cover the major theories and methods …
An Introduction to Language Policy: Theories and Method is a collection of newly-written chapters that cover the major theories and methods …
Assessing Weight-of-Evidence for DNA Profiles is an excellent introductory text to the use of statistical analysis for assessing DNA evidenc…
Assessing Weight-of-Evidence for DNA Profiles is an excellent introductory text to the use of statistical analysis for assessing DNA evidenc…
Daniel R. Schwarz has studied and taught the modern British novel for decades and now brings his impressive erudition and critical acuity to…
Daniel R. Schwarz has studied and taught the modern British novel for decades and now brings his impressive erudition and critical acuity to…
Полный вариант заголовка: «The intellectual repository for the New Church : Vol. 3 : for the years 1916 and 1817».
Полный вариант заголовка: «The intellectual repository for the New Church : Vol. 3 : for the years 1916 and 1817».
Wittgenstein’s Beetle and Other Classic Thought Experiments invites readers to participate actively in discovering the surprisingly powerful…
Wittgenstein’s Beetle and Other Classic Thought Experiments invites readers to participate actively in discovering the surprisingly powerful…
Obstetric Ultrasound
This evidence-based book shows how to use ultrasound to identify potential problems and how best to manage them. Working backwards from the …
This evidence-based book shows how to use ultrasound to identify potential problems and how best to manage them. Working backwards from the …
Heart Failure
This book provides a complete, easy-to-use handbook for nurses who see patients with heart failure. In recent years heart failure has become…
This book provides a complete, easy-to-use handbook for nurses who see patients with heart failure. In recent years heart failure has become…
рукоделие и ремесла
This unique book is written by Barbara Bain, a leading haematologist with a reputation for her educational prowess in the field. It provides…
This unique book is written by Barbara Bain, a leading haematologist with a reputation for her educational prowess in the field. It provides…
Nosocomial Pneumonia
This multi-contributed text, co-ordinated by one of the leading authorities in the field, is a unique resource to cover in depth the managem…
This multi-contributed text, co-ordinated by one of the leading authorities in the field, is a unique resource to cover in depth the managem…
With increasing rates of pollution to both land and aquatic environments, regulations for the quality of our waters are necessarily becoming…
With increasing rates of pollution to both land and aquatic environments, regulations for the quality of our waters are necessarily becoming…
попаданцы, боевое фэнтези
This second edition of Questions and Answers for Dental Nurses reflects the major changes that have taken place in dental nursing over recen…
This second edition of Questions and Answers for Dental Nurses reflects the major changes that have taken place in dental nursing over recen…
Leukaemia Diagnosis
UP-TO-DATE PRACTICAL GUIDE TO LEUKAEMIA DIAGNOSIS Written by a renowned expert this practical guide had been fully revised and updated. The …
UP-TO-DATE PRACTICAL GUIDE TO LEUKAEMIA DIAGNOSIS Written by a renowned expert this practical guide had been fully revised and updated. The …
Blood Cells
Blood Cells has been written with both the practising haematologist and the trainee in mind. It aims to provide a guide for use in the diagn…
Blood Cells has been written with both the practising haematologist and the trainee in mind. It aims to provide a guide for use in the diagn…
управление экономикой, история экономики, финансы, инвестиции, экономика
Praise for Accounts Receivable Management Best Practices «An excellent reference tool on how to manage the accounts receivable process for a…
Praise for Accounts Receivable Management Best Practices «An excellent reference tool on how to manage the accounts receivable process for a…