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Biochemical analysis is a rapidly expanding field and is a key component of modern drug discovery and research. Methods of Biochemical Analy…
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A user-friendly introduction to the powerful mental mapping tool of repertory grid technique. Repertory grid technique is a system for ident…
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Plant anatomy and physiology and a broad understanding of basic plant processes are of primary importance to a basic understanding of plant …
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The ability to introduce non-canonical amino acids in vivo has greatly expanded the repertoire of accessible proteins for basic research and…
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Part of the new Treating Addictions series, Treating Drug Problems is full of practical information on assessing, diagnosing, and treating d…
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Combining empirical evidence with indices to measure mattering, Family Matters: The Importance of Mattering to Family in Adolescence explore…
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газеты, политология, книги по экономикеBiophysical Chemistry is an outstanding book that delivers both fundamental and complex biophysical principles, along with an excellent over…
Biophysical Chemistry is an outstanding book that delivers both fundamental and complex biophysical principles, along with an excellent over…
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A unique, comprehensive reference that integrates the molecular, cellular, physiological, pathological, and engineering aspects of regenerat…
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SciFinder® is rapidly becoming a preferred means to access scientific information in industry and universities worldwide. It accesses databa…
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классика менеджментаThis monograph on organic light emitting diodes, edited by a pioneer, and written by front-line researchers from academia and industry, prov…
This monograph on organic light emitting diodes, edited by a pioneer, and written by front-line researchers from academia and industry, prov…
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Written by one of the pioneers of 2D X-Ray Diffraction, this useful guide covers the fundamentals, experimental methods and applications of …
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газеты, политология, общая историяA comprehesive yet concise guide to Modern HPLC Written for practitioners by a practitioner, Modern HPLC for Practicing Scientists is a conc…
A comprehesive yet concise guide to Modern HPLC Written for practitioners by a practitioner, Modern HPLC for Practicing Scientists is a conc…
John Wiley & Sons Limited (pro John Wiley & Sons Limited (pro
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The Chemistry of Heterocyclic Compounds, since its inception, has been recognized as a cornerstone of heterocyclic chemistry. Each volume at…
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The only book series to summarize the latest progress on organic reaction mechanisms, Organic Reaction Mechanisms, 2003 surveys the developm…
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Edited by the leading expert on the topic, this is the first book to present the latest developments in this exciting field. Alongside the t…
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In this handbook, Peer Kirsch clearly shows that this exciting field is no longer an exotic area of research. Aimed primarily at synthetic c…
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Symmetry and group theory provide us with a formal method for the description of the geometry of objects by describing the patterns in their…
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The Advances in Chemical Physics series provides the chemical physics and physical chemistry fields with a forum for critical, authoritative…
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экономика, гуманитарные и общественные науки, книги по экономикеScattering-based numerical methods are increasingly applied to the numerical simulation of distributed time-dependent physical systems. Thes…
Scattering-based numerical methods are increasingly applied to the numerical simulation of distributed time-dependent physical systems. Thes…
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учебная и научная литература, учебники и пособия для вузов, знания и навыкиProviding Support at Home for Children and Young People who have Complex Health Needs discusses elements of providing support in the home, w…
Providing Support at Home for Children and Young People who have Complex Health Needs discusses elements of providing support in the home, w…