Полная версия:
Bound By Duty
To Zoe’s surprise, the cop seemed to mellow as he relaxed and petted the rottweiler. His voice was low, his expression appealing. When he spoke softly to Star, the K-9 gazed into his eyes with total adoration. The pair had gone from imposing threats to friendly neighbors in the blink of an eye. Why couldn’t Sergeant Colson act this way when he was shadowing her? She would have liked him a lot better if he had.
That thought stopped her heart. Liked him? Her? No way. He was just another problem to face, another hapless bird sucked into her jet intake, ready to cause a crash. So why was she having such a hard time continuing to dislike him?
Because he was being so kind to Freddy, she answered easily. A big scary cop and a trusting little boy were relating to each other as if they were meant to be best buds.
Linc held out his large hand and Freddy grasped it without hesitation. The sight of the man safely guiding her son’s little chubby fingers toward a dog powerful enough to harm them touched her heart. Her son had never known his father, never had a male role model. And until that moment, Zoe had not realized the enormity of what he’d been missing.
Linc wasn’t surprised by the way Star treated the trusting little boy after a proper introduction, but his own reactions to the situation gave him pause. A feeling of tenderness he had not anticipated flowed over and through him, leaving a sense of peace and rightness behind. What was that all about? He didn’t even like kids. At least he didn’t think he did. Truthfully, his experiences with small children were limited, and he’d always viewed them as sort of alien creatures. Cute but unknowable. So how had he apparently managed to connect with this one?
He cast a sidelong glance at Zoe and was awed by her expression, as well. The way she was gazing at her son left no doubt of her love and devotion. From what Linc could recall, nobody had ever looked at him that way, not even his own mother, and as far as his dad was concerned, he might as well have been invisible—unless he’d misbehaved. Then his father had taken plenty of notice and dished out serious punishment.
Such thoughts pulled Linc from his earlier calm and left him wondering what Freddy’s father had been like. There wasn’t much background information in Sergeant Sullivan’s personnel file, but since she’d chosen to revert to her maiden name, he figured there must have been notable conflict.
“You’re doing fine,” Linc told the child. “Just pet her gently. She likes her ears scratched like this.” He demonstrated, then laughed when Freddy tried it. “Not so hard, okay? Star wants to keep her ears attached to her head. She needs them to hear with.”
Freddy giggled. “Silly.”
Linc’s grin was genuine and widening. He really got a kick out of this kid. “Here. Let me tell her to lie down and you can scratch her tummy. She loves that, too.”
Instead of bending over Star as she dropped to the floor and rolled onto her back on command, Freddy threw himself down beside her and reached across her body to wiggle his fingers in her short soft hair. “Tickle, tickle.”
She turned her head without rising and gave his cheek a lick. Childish laughter filled the room, and the boy put his hands over his face. “Eww. She kissed me.”
“Because she likes you,” Linc replied. He looked at Zoe. “I hope you don’t mind.”
“It does my heart good to see Freddy so happy. If it takes a little dog slobber to make that happen, how can I mind? Besides, the newest info on keeping kids healthy is to raise them with animals and let them build up resistance to germs.”
“Good to know.” Linc startled slightly when his radio went off, and he cupped a hand over his earbud, listening to the dispatch coming over his radio.
Zoe gently touched his forearm. “Is everything okay? It’s not Boyd, is it?”
“No.” Linc put on his blue beret and gave Star’s leash a tug. “We have to go downstairs for a few minutes. A couple of our dogs that were still missing after they were all released last month have been sighted coming this way. I’m supposed to keep an eye out and try to capture them.”
It was all he could do to avoid looking at the place where her hand still lay. The sensation was electric. When she withdrew her slim fingers, he almost wished she hadn’t.
“We won’t go far,” he said, rising. “Hand me your cell phone and I’ll enter my number. We’ll be right downstairs if you need anything.”
“I can manage my brother if he does show up,” Zoe countered, complying anyway. “He doesn’t scare me.”
“Well, he should.” Linc gave her back her phone and paused just long enough to put his dog’s working vest back on her. That also gave him time to be certain Zoe was taking his warning seriously. When she sobered, he was satisfied.
Star accompanied him to the door, tight at heel position. Linc glanced back. “Lock this after me.”
“I will.”
“Now,” he added, when she didn’t immediately act.
“Yes, sir,” she said, giving him a smile and a mock salute.
More chatter was coming in over his radio. Linc keyed his mic. “On my way. I’ll meet you in the street.”
With a last look at the woman and child, he turned on his heel and left. Normally, he would have waited until he was certain she had locked her door, but the last messages indicated that several of the missing dogs were nearby. His plan was to position himself on the lawn of the apartment building and wait, hoping that Star’s presence would draw the others in. Many of the highly skilled K-9s had been found and returned to the CAFB training facility, but there were still thirty-two dogs missing, including four special animals. He wanted to find all the dogs, of course, but locating Glory, Patriot, Scout and Liberty would be a real coup.
A Security Forces SUV was approaching slowly, driver and passenger scanning the area. Linc waved them down.
“I haven’t spotted any loose ones yet, but I just got down here,” Linc called.
Novice trainer Bobby Stevens, the driver, nodded and glanced up at the apartment windows. “We have an audience. Did they see anything?”
Linc followed the same line of sight and felt his heart skip like a flat stone thrown onto the surface of a placid lake. Zoe and Freddy were peering out their open window, watching the drama in the street unfold.
“No. I was working up there with Star when I got the call. We were all sitting in the living room.”
The SUV passenger, Master Sergeant Caleb Streeter, chuckled wryly. “Must be nice getting to sit around all day, Colson, while the rest of us bust a gut chasing reports of dogs.”
Under different circumstances, Linc might have returned the taunt. Instead, he chose to tamp down his pride and stay silent. The most important task was catching the Red Rose Killer, and as long as Zoe Sullivan was on base, she was still their best, most important lead.
In the shadowed corners of his mind lurked the realization that he also wanted to keep her safe. Her and her little boy, a child whose openness and charm had touched his heart in a way he couldn’t begin to explain. Maybe it was Freddy’s lack of a father that made him identify with the boy, Linc mused, remembering the shame his own dad had brought upon him and his mother by going AWOL, becoming a thief and finally being arrested and jailed.
That was one thing he unfortunately had in common with Zoe. Neither of their families was anything to be proud of. And neither of them could do a thing about changing the past. Linc had spent his adult life trying to rise above the stigma of his untrustworthy, unreliable father.
The comparison between his situation and Zoe’s struck him like the blast from a jet engine. He was not a bit like his father, so why did everybody seem to think Zoe Sullivan would side with her brother, given the opportunity?
Because she’d kept in such close touch with Boyd, he reasoned, clenching his jaw. That was the difference, and it was a big one.
His eyes were drawn to the apartment window again. As a single mother who had the responsibility of caring for Freddy, would she jeopardize his well-being for the sake of a killer? Approaching the question logically, Linc didn’t think so. The trouble was Boyd had always been good at hiding his true nature, at least at first. The women who had refused to date him and men who had somehow crossed him had paid the price for thwarting the emotionally twisted man. Could his seemingly innocent sister be the same kind of person?
A loose German shepherd, tail flagging and ears erect, drew Linc’s thoughts back to the current task. The dog was trotting toward Star, panting as if smiling and acting ready to play.
Linc crouched down. “Come here, boy. That’s a good boy.”
Although the dog slowed and lowered its head as if deciding whether or not to flee, it continued in their direction, then stopped nose to nose with Star. Linc’s hand moved slowly, surely, until he was able to slip a looped leash around its neck. The shepherd wore no collar or ID band but since each member of the training project had been microchipped, he knew the dog would easily be identified.
Streeter had left the vehicle, and Linc handed him the dog he’d caught. “Looks like this poor guy missed a few meals. Do you want me to hang around down here a little longer, just in case others show up?”
Streeter shook his head. “No. I’ll load this one and cruise the rest of the neighborhood.”
“Copy,” Linc replied. He didn’t particularly like taking orders from a sergeant who was technically not his boss, but it was a reasonable request. Besides, he wasn’t eager to return to the Sullivan apartment until he’d figured out why being there had rattled him so.
He’d realized he’d carelessly let down his guard. That was a mistake. A huge mistake. One he would not repeat.
* * *
“Look, Mama. Another puppy!” Freddy was peering through the screen as Zoe steadied him.
“I see them. Looks like your friend Star has somebody to play with.”
“I wanna go play, too.”
“Not now, honey. The policeman is working and so is his dog. We have to stay up here and just watch.”
“No whining.” Zoe tried to distract him. “How about a game on the iPad? You can make some doggies wag their tails.”
“Naw. I wanna watch real puppies. They’re soft. I love them.”
“Not all dogs are as nice as Star,” Zoe warned, “and she might not be fun if Sergeant Colson didn’t tell her it was okay. You need to be very careful with all dogs. Ask permission before you try to pet them. Promise?”
Freddy nodded vigorously, but Zoe had doubts he’d take her advice until he was older and wiser. That was the trouble with small children. Until they’d had experience, they were willing to try just about anything. After today, she would have to be doubly vigilant about his interactions with strange animals.
A noise behind her caught Zoe’s attention. Frowning, she froze. What was that? It sounded like the squeak in the hallway floor. Listening intently, she didn’t hear it repeated. Nevertheless, she started to glance over her shoulder.
Nothing there. She began to feel foolish. Boy, am I jumpy. She was turning back to the window when she sensed more than saw movement in her peripheral vision. Instinct made her tighten her hold on her son. Was there actually somebody there?
An instant later, she whirled and put substance to her jitters. A figure in a dark hoodie was tiptoeing across the far end of the small living room!
Zoe thrust Freddy behind her and held him there, hoping and praying she didn’t look as scared as she was. With the hoodie masking the side of his face, there was no way to identify the intruder. One thing was certain—he was too slightly built to be Boyd.
“Get out of here,” Zoe ordered, relieved that the quaking of her insides wasn’t reflected in her voice.
The figure stopped dead. Nobody moved. Zoe could feel the pounding of her pulse in her temples.
A weapon. She needed a weapon. Anything with which to defend her innocent child. But what? The only people on base who were armed were members of the Security Forces and posted guards. Casting about, she saw nothing usable. That left bravado as her only option, and lots of it.
“I said get out of here.” It was a commanding order, almost a shout, and Zoe felt her son grasping her legs from behind, the way he did when he was frightened.
A hand with slim but masculine fingers rose to pull the sides of the hood closer. The man dipped his head, averted his gaze momentarily, then pulled something from his pocket.
A knife!
Zoe gasped. Her resolve deepened, hardened, became the wall she needed to protect her little boy. She dropped into a combative stance, feet apart, arms extended and ready to fend off the coming attack. No lowlife with a blade was going to get past her. Not if she had anything to say about it.
Freddy had backed off and begun to cry as she’d prepared to do battle. The attacker turned to the boy for an instant, then focused back on Zoe.
She grabbed her jacket off the couch and wrapped it around one forearm, never letting her concentration stray. The man seemed hesitant, as if having trouble choosing his next move. That was to her advantage. She didn’t want to face him hand to hand but intended for him to believe she would.
Her mouth was so dry she couldn’t swallow, let alone muster a convincing threat. So there they stood as the seconds ticked off, Zoe braced and ready and her adversary hesitating until the hand with the weapon began to visibly shake.
She had him worried. Good. Now all she needed to do was force him to bolt. Would a charge do it? Maybe. And maybe it would trigger his predatory instincts and drive him toward her.
Before she could decide, Freddy touched the back of her leg and whimpered. “Mama?”
Habit caused her to react. She eased her stance momentarily and lowered one outstretched hand toward the boy. That was all the opening her enemy needed. He leaped at her, falling short because she dodged just in time.
With a guttural roar, she charged, coming in low and catching him at the waist the way a football player would take out an opponent.
The man stumbled backward and fell.
Zoe went for the knife and managed to grab his wrist before he threw her off and started to scramble away with his weapon.
She raised the hoodie-wrapped forearm in case he chose to turn and slash at her. Time seemed to slow to a snail’s pace. He flipped onto his hands and knees, combat boots slipping on the slick flooring, and crabwalked until he could regain his footing.
Zoe screamed, afraid he was going to detour toward her son.
Freddy was already at the window, waving his hands and yelling, “Help,” in his screechy little voice.
The attacker threw the bolt and jerked open the door. Momentum carried him into the hallway.
Breathless, Zoe followed, inhaled as deeply as she could and let loose with a blood-curdling shriek. “Colson! Stop him!”
Linc was moving toward the apartment building before he knew what was happening. Star ran ahead of him, barking.
He took the stairs two at a time, reaching the second floor and immediately spotting Zoe braced in her open doorway.
“What’s wrong?”
She gestured with her arm. “A man. That way. Down the back stairs. Camo pants and a dark hoodie.”
Star was straining at her leash. Linc drew her in and hesitated only long enough to ask Zoe, “Are you okay?”
“Yes! Go! Don’t let him get away.”
He would have given Star a tracking command if he’d felt it was necessary. In this case, she was clearly on the fresh trail and needed no more encouragement. Had Zoe forgotten to lock her door after him? Worse, could he have overlooked someone hiding in the apartment? He’d checked it thoroughly.
Except for the room where Portia had been, Linc added, berating himself. Careless. Unprofessional at best. He had allowed himself to assume that the teenage girl was alone when she may have had company. She wouldn’t be the first babysitter to entertain friends when she should have been minding a child. The instant messaging beeps from her iPad and the absorbed look on her face had thrown him enough that he’d never thought of checking the room further.
But he’d surprised Portia. How would a friend have had time to hide? More important, where was the guy now? Star was still straining at her leash, but there was nobody in sight.
They reached the rear parking area just as a motorbike roared off. Star might have been able to keep up for a short distance if Linc chose to release her, but there was no use endangering the K-9’s welfare when he wouldn’t be there for the takedown and arrest.
Linc shaded his eyes, trying to make out details of the bike and its rider. But the sun was too bright.
“Star. Out,” he commanded forcefully.
Although she remained excited, acting eager to continue her pursuit, she obeyed. Linc knew that his primary task was watching and monitoring the actions of Sergeant Sullivan. Given the state she’d been in as he’d passed her door, he figured it was best to return for an explanation. Assuming she’d offer one.
It bothered him that he still doubted her, yet what choice did he have? She was who she was, the sister of a convicted murderer. Anything beyond that fact was only relevant to where it led them in locating Boyd Sullivan and halting his latest killing spree. Part of him felt sorry for Zoe and her little boy, while another part kept warning him to keep his distance, particularly emotionally. There was no room for sentiment in his job. No place for opinions not based on hard evidence.
And right now, the evidence kept indicating that Sergeant Sullivan was trouble with a capital T.
* * *
Zoe had kept watch at her door, just in case. Plus, she wanted to be ready to identify whomever the cop and his dog captured. When she saw them returning alone, her heart fell.
“He got away? How? You had to be right behind him.”
“Motorbike,” Linc replied. “Star could have kept up on foot for a short distance, but I couldn’t have.”
“You let him go? Just like that?” Wheeling in a huff, she reentered her apartment and scooped up Freddy, holding him close and murmuring words of comfort.
“What happened anyway? Where did the guy come from?” Linc asked.
“I don’t know. I’d locked the door like you told me to, so I guess he was inside all along.” Her eyes narrowed on Linc, and she grimaced. “I can’t believe you missed him when you checked.”
“Neither can I. Stay here a sec while I take a second look.”
“Better than the first time, I hope.” She knew she was being hypercritical, but someone had just threatened her child and her mother-tiger instincts were still strong.
As soon as Linc and Star returned to the living room, Zoe apologized. “Look. I’m sorry I snapped at you, but that guy was scary. He had a knife.”
“What? You didn’t tell me that.”
“You didn’t give me a chance. Besides, I wanted you to hurry up and catch him.”
“All right,” Linc said, sobering and pulling a small notebook and pen from a deep pocket on his ABU. “Start at the beginning and tell me everything.”
By the time she was finished relaying the basics of her scare, Zoe felt exhausted. She yawned. “Sorry. I guess the rush of adrenaline is wearing off.”
“You’re not on duty today?”
“No. I had planned to shop, as you already know, then do some housecleaning and relax with Freddy.”
“What about tomorrow?”
“We usually go to church on Sunday mornings. If you’re still assigned to watch me then, I think you’re allowed to bring the dog inside.”
“I am. I just don’t usually go to church.”
“Why not?” Zoe smiled. “Afraid the roof will cave in if you show up?”
“Something like that. I wouldn’t want to shock your pastor.”
“I think Pastor Harmon will be okay with it. He’s a seasoned preacher.” Sobering, she added, “I’m starting to appreciate your diligence more than I did before. I really would feel safer if you—or another officer—were with me. With us.”
Watching Linc nod, she wondered if the concern she was sensing was real or imaginary. His expression was hard to read when he was at ease. The way he had looked as he and K-9 Star had dashed past her in the hallway, however, was quite memorable. It would be a long time before she forgot his intensity or the way his courageous actions had made her feel. Being married to John Flint had not imparted that kind of cosseted feeling, although belonging to the air force had given her security and a stable place to call home. At least until her brother had been dishonorably discharged, arrested and convicted as a serial killer. Those events had changed everything.
Oh, her job had continued afterward and she’d managed to retain rank, but there had been a subtle shift in the way she was perceived by her fellow airmen. Her troubles had actually begun even earlier when she’d discovered that her late husband had been disclosing details of base operations to unnamed parties. Zoe had taken the proof of it to her superiors immediately. It had been the right thing to do, yet she’d been so mortified she’d almost resigned. If not for the assurances of her officers and thanks from the Department of Homeland Security, she just might have crawled off to lick her wounds and given up the career she loved.
And now Boyd was back.
Yes, she had her son and the best job in the world, but what would keep her brother from spoiling the life she’d hammered out for herself?
Listening to Linc as he reported the incident and requested a tech team to dust for fingerprints, Zoe shivered. Just when she’d thought things couldn’t get any worse, they had done just that. As one thing led to another, she felt surrounded by so many unknowns—it was mind-boggling. Being so beset by problems also made her dredge up past failures. Normally, she wasn’t so hard on herself, but these current circumstances were enough to cause her to question her choices the way she used to. That not only wasn’t good, it wasn’t fair to herself or to those around her. Freddy needed a strong, capable parent, not a whimpering, worried mama. She would give him what he needed if it killed her.
In the hidden corners of her subconscious, there lingered the notion that she might be more right than she wanted to be. Her stalker might very well bring death. And then who would look after her son?
* * *
Linc left Star sitting with the Sullivans as he welcomed the tech team and their evidence gathering equipment. “There was definitely an uninvited guest in here,” he told them. “According to the sergeant, the guy was too slightly built to be Boyd Sullivan, but treat this scene as if it could have been him just the same. No sense taking chances.”
The lead tech was the same one who had inspected the warehouse for him. “You sure this time?”
“Sure enough,” Linc replied. “He was apparently hiding in the bedroom, and she saw him trying to sneak off. Star and I chased him out the back. He rode away before I got a look at him, but this was no figment of Sullivan’s imagination. Star was hot on a trail.”
“Gotcha. We’ll start in there.”
Zoe had been waiting in the background while Linc spoke. He caught her studying him when he turned. The expression on her pretty face didn’t suit him, so he approached. “Look, Sergeant, I understand how all this can seem a bit overwhelming but we’ll get to the bottom of it eventually.”
“Not if people keep insinuating it’s all in my head.” She sighed. “At least I know your dog believes me.”
“I have no doubt you saw somebody.”
“Saw? I had my hands on him.”
“You what?”
“You heard me. When he acted as if he was going to go for Freddy with that knife, I rushed him.” She pointed. “We crashed to the floor together right over there. I had hold of his wrist, but he threw me off and ran. I guess I should be thankful he didn’t decide to cut me on his way out.”