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Bound By Duty
“I know. It’s just that sometimes I tend to relate to animals better than I do humans. And see her cute tan eyebrows? She’s not scowling at me the way you are.”
“Maybe that’s because you didn’t lie to her.”
“I didn’t lie to you either.” Zoe knew there was pathos in her tone, but she didn’t try to hide or excuse it. “There has to be a clue here. A drop of blood or something. Please. Bring in somebody who can test the area for it. At least give me the benefit of the doubt.”
“So you can waste our time and resources?”
Her voice became strident. “Me? You’re the ones who are wasting time by focusing on my life when you should be trying to track down my stupid half brother before he does something else too horrible for words. I haven’t seen him since before he escaped, and I only went because I felt sorry for him. I don’t want to see him on the outside of prison walls. I have my little boy to protect. Do you think I want Boyd anywhere near Freddy?”
“Why not? You sure visited him plenty.”
“That’s different. Boyd’s all the family I have left since Dad died. I suppose I should have stayed away, but I kept hoping he was worth redeeming.”
“By you?” She heard him huff.
“No. By God and Jesus,” Zoe said, and this time there was new gentleness in her speech.
“Some people aren’t worth it,” Colson countered drily.
“I disagree. Everybody should have the chance to reform, no matter what they’ve done.” Her heart clenched. Too bad it was too late to help Freddy’s daddy.
That all-encompassing statement apparently convinced the cop to turn away and once again use his radio. “Give me Captain Blackwood,” he said. After a short pause he followed with, “Linc Colson here, sir. I’m at warehouse W-16 behind the BX. Sullivan insists she saw a crime committed and is requesting a tech team. Do you want me to stay here until you give me further orders or shall I relinquish the scene?”
Zoe couldn’t hear the reply because the sergeant was wearing an earpiece, but judging by his grim look, he wasn’t happy with the captain’s decision. She waited expectantly for him to end the call and explain.
“They’re coming,” he grumbled. “You win. This time.”
“I’m not trying to win anything,” she insisted. “I just don’t want a criminal to get away with murder.”
Zoe could have brought up the sacrifice of personal happiness she’d made when she’d turned in her former husband, John, for possible espionage, a transgression, which may have been responsible for his untimely death, but since those records were sealed, she figured it would be best to keep that part of her past to herself. Her rotten brother was plenty for now. Between relatives she couldn’t help knowing and choosing the wrong man to marry, her record of discernment was pitiful.
She decided to try changing the subject. “So, Linc is what the L on your name tag stands for? Is that short for Lincoln?”
“Not anymore. It’s just Linc now.”
“Because I got tired of being called Abe. Nicknames are bad enough in the air force. They were lots worse when I was a kid.”
She had to smile at him. “Gotcha. Boyd liked to call me Baby Sister, and the kids in the neighborhood and at school picked it up. Thankfully, it didn’t follow me into the air force, even if my brother did.”
“You got off easy when he washed out.” He gestured to some cardboard cartons piled near the open bay doors. “We might as well sit down.”
“Your dog is tired, right?”
One corner of his mouth twitched for a moment as if a smile was trying to get out before he regained control and answered, “Right. My partner is.”
“Sorry.” Zoe led the way to the stack and tested it to make sure the carton was strong enough to support her before sitting. “I had forgotten you guys considered your K-9s partners.”
Linc took a seat with Star between them. “We’re classified as teammates. She’s an MWD, Military Working Dog, and I’m her handler.”
Zoe gazed down. “She’s beautiful.”
“And intelligent and trained to be lethal if necessary,” Linc cautioned.
“I don’t doubt that for a second.” Meeting Star’s upturned face with a tender look of her own, Zoe dangled the tips of her fingers over the edge of the box. The dog noticed but didn’t seem upset, so she took a chance and wiggled them.
Star had apparently realized she wasn’t a danger, because she sniffed Zoe’s fingers, then gave them a quick lick.
Zoe giggled. Linc did not. “It’s a good thing for you that Star has been socialized more than some of our other dogs or she’d never put up with that. What are you trying to do, recruit her over to the dark side?”
That opinion deserved a hearty laugh. “Not at all. Actually, I’m very impressed with Star. She’s a lot smarter than you Security Forces people are. She’s already decided I’m one of the good guys around here.”
“Then it’s a good thing she’s not the one in charge.”
* * *
Linc was not pleased by Zoe’s conclusion, but he had to give her credit for having a kind enough heart to make an emotional connection with the dog, despite the fact that such interactions were usually unsuccessful. Nevertheless, that didn’t prove her innocence. She’d already admitted having a soft spot where Boyd was concerned. She could have helped him sneak on and off the base at the very least, although Linc couldn’t imagine why she would, particularly since she seemed worried about the safety of her little boy.
Truth to tell, Zoe may not have had anything to do with an actual crime or with Boyd’s latest victims, other than the fact that they were all connected to Canyon. Two dog trainers, a basic training instructor and a base cook had all died during the previous month and warning notes had been delivered to other potential targets. The trainers and one other, Chief Master Sergeant Clinton Lockwood, were found with red roses the way past victims had been. Boyd could have done all that himself and probably had, particularly if he was actually inside the base’s perimeter fence as they suspected.
Which brought Linc’s musings back to Zoe Sullivan. She might have helped her half brother gain access if she thought she was doing the right thing and could handle him. There was certainly a stronger possibility for her to have given assistance than there was for any of Boyd’s former cronies who were still serving at CAFB to do so. They might have supported his illegal activities when he was still enlisted, but those who had stayed on after his discharge and had advanced in rank now had promising careers to consider.
Linc’s pondering was interrupted by the arrival of Captain Justin Blackwood, accompanied by a lone evidence technician and base photographer, Staff Sergeant Felicity James. Linc snapped to attention, as did Zoe. Blackwood returned the salute. “As you were.”
“I didn’t mean for you to bother about this personally, Captain,” Linc told the captain.
“I wanted to see the scene for myself.” Blackwood was eyeing Zoe as if he expected her to say or do something odd. “Show me what you found.”
“It’s more what we didn’t find.” Linc stepped forward with Star, angling so he could also keep an eye on Zoe. “Sergeant Sullivan said the shooting happened here. She insists there must be evidence.”
When he pointed at the base of the door, she spoke up. “I was in the back of the building, sir. I couldn’t tell exactly how close to the opening the two people were standing, but I could judge left and right. I put the shooting victim a foot left of center with the shooter to the right of that. Any blood spray patterns should be near the bottom edge of the door.”
The Captain looked to the tech, who was opening a forensics test kit. “Okay. Colson will run the door up a few feet so you can check the cement apron, too, and Sergeant James can snap a few pictures for the record.”
Complying, Linc wished he had thought of that. Normally, he would have, but he had been so sure the Sullivan woman had fabricated her story he’d been lax. That wasn’t good, nor was it fair if she was telling the truth.
Which she isn’t, he assured himself. He wasn’t sure exactly what her motives were. He didn’t have to know. All he was supposed to do was follow her in case her murderous brother tried to make contact.
That was a task he relished. Capturing an escaped serial killer was worth working overtime and putting up with a clever woman’s tricks. In a way, it was too bad that Sergeant Sullivan was using her superior intelligence and quick mind to thwart the law. Given different circumstances, he would have admired her.
* * *
Watching Captain Blackwood oversee the testing of the base of the roll-up door, Zoe felt her confidence waning. Clearly, they weren’t finding the clues she had expected.
When the tech straightened, picked up his gear and shook his head, she knew she’d been bested. But by whom? By what? She was positive she’d witnessed a shooting. The chances of such a violent act leaving no trace were slim to none. There had to be something there. There simply had to be.
Unfortunately, she wasn’t trained to find it. She was trained to teach basic flying. Period. Frustration brought unshed tears to her eyes, and she fought to remain stoic. “I saw two people. One shot the other. A body fell.”
Linc’s left brow arched. “You’re sticking to that fairy tale?”
“No, I’m sticking to the truth as I know it. There’s a big difference.”
Although rancor in Colson’s expression was evident, he didn’t counter. Instead, he turned to his superior and apologized as if the callout was his own error.
“Sorry, Captain. This false alarm was my fault. The subject was out of my sight for a few minutes, so I can’t verify anything that took place during that time.”
“Well, see that she isn’t again, Colson.”
“Yes, sir.”
The look that the K-9 cop shot her gave Zoe the shivers. She didn’t know how her surveillance could get any worse but figured she was about to find out.
She desperately wanted to counter with a statement of her own but managed to hold her tongue. It was doubtful that either man would believe she’d merely been blowing off steam and overreacting in righteous anger regarding the unfair surveillance situation.
Someday, perhaps she’d have a chance to speak her mind, but this was certainly not it. She was already in enough trouble due to her relationship with her nefarious brother, however strained. Considering all the pressure she’d been under lately, there was also a one-in-a-million chance she might have been imagining things. There had been times recently when confusion over minor things had worried her.
If there was a chance that her mind was playing tricks again, her wisest choice would be to let everyone continue to believe she had made up the shooting story as a distraction. Otherwise, someone might deem her unfit—both as an aviation instructor and as Freddy’s mother. No way was she going to allow that to happen. Her job was important, yes. She loved her country and was eager to serve. But her little boy was everything.
“I can call a cab and escort you home,” Linc told Zoe after the captain and tech left.
“That won’t be necessary.”
“You’re right. It isn’t. But if you’re really as upset as you’ve been acting, it’s sensible.” He could almost see the wheels turning in her brain before she nodded.
“I’ll walk. But I would like the company, just in case. I have to stop at the side door and pick up my groceries.”
The change in Sullivan’s demeanor bothered him, not because she had stopped arguing but because she seemed so downtrodden. Still, she’d fooled him before, much to his embarrassment, and could easily be acting again. Making comparisons to her criminal brother was natural. Boyd had been charming when it suited him, then he’d changed into a self-serving killer.
Not that Linc believed Zoe was that bad, he assured himself. But it would behoove him to remember she was kin to a serial killer. She and her brother had had the same father, so there was a chance she had inherited whatever genes that made Boyd so dangerous. That judgment wasn’t a lot different from their process of choosing likely candidates for K-9 service. The tendencies for action had to be there before training began or efforts for tight control over those instincts might be time wasted.
Ahead of him, Sergeant Sullivan paused to reclaim her grocery totes and started out the door. Linc tensed, wondering if she’d try more evasive tactics and was mildly surprised when she waited for him to clear the exit with Star and fall in beside her.
“You were right,” Zoe said with a sigh. “I should have driven. I’m suddenly exhausted.” She paused for a heartbeat. “And, no, I’m not asking for that taxi or hinting that I want you to help carry anything while you’re on duty.”
Linc harrumphed. “It takes a lot out of you to evade the police, huh?”
“Dodging you wasn’t the smartest thing I’ve ever done.”
“They why did you do it?”
“Frustration, I guess. I got tired of being treated like a criminal and decided to rebel a little.”
“Not a good idea.”
She sighed again, this time more loudly. “Yeah. It seemed kind of okay at the time. At least until the shooting.”
Pacing her by shortening his strides, Linc remained silent and waited to see if she’d confess more. Instead, she gave him a cynical glance and said, “I really goofed. I liked it better when you and your cohorts were hiding and just shadowing me.”
“You may have seen us once or twice, but most of the time we were out of sight.”
She laughed.
Linc was not amused. “Are you insinuating you knew we were keeping you under constant surveillance?”
“Absolutely. For one thing, the fact that I was being watched made me edgy, made my senses tingle the way a hare reacts to a hungry coyote.” Pausing, she blushed. “Why do you think I started keeping my blinds closed?”
“Because you were hiding something.”
“Yeah, my private life.”
“We watched the doors for signs of your brother. We weren’t peeking in your windows.”
“Says who?”
“Says me. You don’t have a very high opinion of our Security Forces, do you?”
They had reached Zoe’s four-story apartment building. She stopped at the foot of the concrete walkway to answer. “I think the police, both civilian and military, do an amazing job keeping order and tracking down criminals. What I don’t like is being considered one of the bad guys.”
Linc had to admit she had a point. Assuming she was innocent, of course. He nodded in tacit agreement. “I get that. I do. But suppose you were positive a student pilot was unstable. Would you allow him or her to fly or would you wash them out?”
She made a face. “I’ve washed out more than one.”
“Because that’s your job as a flight instructor.”
“Then bear with me here,” Linc said. “Watching you for clues to finding your brother, Boyd, is my job. Even if you haven’t been helping him since he escaped from prison, you can’t be certain he won’t show up looking for you. We know he or someone mimicking him has been on base or we wouldn’t have had threats and killings identified by red roses and predictable notes.”
He sensed he was getting through to Zoe. “Do you plan to spend the rest of the afternoon at home, Sergeant Sullivan?”
“Yes. As soon as I send the babysitter home, Freddy and I are going to play a few games.”
“All right. I’ll go up with you and check the place over.”
“Seriously? You want to search my apartment?”
“Unless you refuse permission. If you do, that points to culpability. My CO can always ask for a search warrant.”
“I know. Actually, given the morning I’ve had, I’d almost welcome it. Just don’t scare my little boy. Or the babysitter.”
“I’ll try not to. I was kind of surprised to see who you got to watch him.”
“Portia Blackwood, you mean?”
“Yes.” Linc had been shocked to see Justin’s daughter show up. “Does her father know she’s here?”
“I assume so. Captain Blackwood posted a notice asking parents to consider Portia for babysitting to give her something constructive to do now that she’s living with him. I called and left a recorded message and she got back to me.”
“I can’t believe Blackwood gave her permission to sit for you in the first place, considering the possibility of your brother showing up.”
“Oh, dear. I didn’t think to ask when she called. Maybe she went behind his back.” Zoe lowered her voice. “I’m not sure she’ll work out anyway. She didn’t seem very enthusiastic when she arrived.” She shrugged. “Doesn’t matter. My Freddy normally spends a lot of his time at the day care and preschool on base and he’s perfectly happy there.”
“I can’t understand why you called Portia in the first place.” Following closely, always on alert, Linc climbed the stairs to the second-story apartment with Zoe and Star. “I hear the captain has his hands full with her.”
“Well, that’s to be expected,” Zoe countered. “He wasn’t on scene often until Portia’s mother passed away.” Linc saw her cheeks redden. “Sorry. That sounded too harsh. I shouldn’t be gossiping. I don’t know the facts firsthand.”
“I’m sure my captain did the best he could in a difficult situation.”
“I’m sure he did.”
Linc noted she had not locked her apartment door and remarked on it. “I’d really be more careful if I were you.”
“I usually am. I guess I figured Portia would lock it when I left.” She stepped inside and called, “I’m home!”
Linc saw a barefoot child hurrying toward her, arms open wide as if he hadn’t seen her in months. The little boy’s grin was a mile wide, and his hazel eyes that matched Zoe’s twinkled. His hair was curlier and more blond than light brown, but otherwise he was the spitting image of the staff sergeant.
When she dropped her groceries to scoop the toddler up in her arms, Linc was oddly touched. This was a personal side of her he had not noted. The mutual love was so evident, so strong, it seemed to fill the tiny living room.
Zoe kissed Freddy’s cheek as he wrapped his pudgy arms around her neck and shouted, “Mama!” Seconds later, he noticed the dog and started to squirm. “A puppy!”
“Whoa. Hold on, honey. That’s not a puppy you can play with. That’s a member of the air force, just like Mama is. The dog is working right now.”
“That’s right,” Linc said. “Star and I are going to go check your house while you and your mother wait right here. We’ll be back in a few minutes and then I’ll introduce you. Okay?”
The eager child was nodding. “Uh-huh.”
“Good.” Linc looked around. “Where’s your babysitter, Sergeant Sullivan?”
“Beats me.” She turned to her son. “Where’s Portia, Freddy?”
“She has time-out.”
Zoe was obviously confused. That made two of them. Concerned and on high alert, Linc gave her a hand signal to wait, then took Star and began to work his way through the apartment, room by room. Only one door was closed.
He placed the heel of his hand on the grip of his holstered pistol, prepared to make entry and threw open the door.
Portia’s ensuing scream was loud enough to be heard over the roar of a jet engine.
* * *
Zoe clasped Freddy tightly and took cover behind the kitchen island. It wasn’t until she heard the clicking of Star’s nails on the hardwood floor that she raised enough to peek over the top. There was her so-called babysitter, clasping an iPad to her chest and breathing hard. Linc and Star were herding her ahead of them and it was evident she was one unhappy teen.
Rising, still holding her son close, Zoe scowled. “Where did you find her?”
“Sitting on a bed with the door shut, so she could instant message her friends without being disturbed.” He gave the girl a light tap on the shoulder to urge her to fully face Zoe and the boy as he continued. “I’m glad you weren’t gone long, Sergeant. If you had been, who knows what might have happened.”
“I agree.” Swallowing her anger, Zoe spoke as sternly as possible while her insides quaked with fear for Freddy’s welfare. “I’m afraid I won’t be able to use your services again, Portia. I’m sorry.”
“Whatever.” The sullen teen flipped her long blond hair back defiantly.
“We’re both fortunate that the person who scared you just now is one of the good guys,” Zoe said. “It could have been anyone.”
Portia huffed. “Here? We might as well be in jail.”
“Normally, I’d agree with you,” Zoe said, eyeing Linc for clues to his opinion of how she handled the situation and feeling assured they were both on the same page.
She addressed the girl. “I put aside two hours’ wages for you before I went to the store to make sure I had the right change.” She sat Freddy on the counter and steadied him while she reached up to open the overhead spice cabinet. “It’s right—”
Stunned, Zoe stopped with her hand raised. “I know I put it here. I remember doing it.”
Linc spoke quietly. “Is it possible you only meant to leave the money and it slipped your mind because you were distracted?”
“I don’t think so.” Zoe was beginning to wonder herself, although there was no way she’d admit it, particularly not to him. “All right, Portia,” she said, reaching into her pocket and pulling out a handful of bills. “Here. If this isn’t enough, I can write you a check.”
The girl grabbed the money without counting it. “I don’t need your check. I only took this job in the first place to get out of the house.” Still clutching her iPad, she hurried to the door and let it slam behind her.
“Whew.” Zoe let out a breath. “I wouldn’t want to be that girl’s father. It’s hard enough being a single parent without stumbling into the job late the way the captain did. It’s too bad he wasn’t able to be a stronger presence in the girl’s life when she was younger.”
“Yeah. Deployment can mess up families.” Linc eyed the half-open kitchen cabinet and scowled. “You know, you have been under a lot of stress lately.”
He shrugged. “Maybe it’s finally getting to you. You’re all by yourself with a child to worry about. You’re under suspicion. Your convict brother could show up here at any minute and you still have to perform your normal teaching duties. That’s a lot to process.”
“Why don’t you just spit it out?” Zoe demanded. “You and your boss are sure I imagined the shooting and now you’re suggesting I’m losing it over little things, too.”
“Are you?”
“No.” It was almost a shout and frightened her son into reaching for her. Penitent, Zoe lifted him into her arms and stepped back. “I’m sorry if I scared you, honey.” Looking at Star, she asked Linc, “Did you mean it when you promised he could pet your partner?”
“I did.” To Zoe’s delight, the man even smiled slightly, although it didn’t quite reach his eyes.
“Let’s go into the living room where we can be comfortable,” Linc said, leading the way. “I normally don’t take Star’s vest off when we’re working, but I’ll make an exception today.” He sat on one end of the small sofa with his K-9 at his feet and proceeded to unbuckle her harness.
“Where should we sit?” Zoe asked, realizing that whatever Colson said, she’d end up close to him. There was no way she was going to get one inch away from her three-year-old son in the presence of a trained attack dog so, like it or not, she was going to have to grit her teeth and cozy up to the security man.
“Right here is fine,” he said, keeping his attention focused on Star while indicating the empty end of the settee.
Yup. Really close, she thought. Oh, well, I can do anything for Freddy’s sake. I certainly don’t want him to grow up scared of authority or become a criminal like his uncle, Boyd. Boyd’s latest crimes made her almost wish she hadn’t taken back her maiden name. Given the treasonous acts associated with her late husband and her plans to make the air force her career however, it had seemed the lesser of two evils. She supposed it still was.