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cernodiovb to buffet, to clout
Cernywnm Cornwall
cerpyn (carpiau) nm clout, rag
cerryntnmf course, road; current
cert (-i) nf cart
certiwr (-wyr) nm carter
certhadj right; awful
cerub, ceriwb (-iaid) nm cherub
cerwyn (-i) nf tub; vat; winepress
cerydd (-on) nm correction, chastisement; rebuke, reproof, censure
ceryddoladj chastising, chastening
cerydduvb to correct, to chastise; to rebuke
ceryddwr (-wyr) nm chastiser; rebuker
cesail (-eiliau) nf arm-pit; bosom
cesairnpl, coll n hailstones, hail
cest (-au) nf belly, paunch
cestogadj corpulent
cetyn (catiau) nm piece, bit; pipe
cethinadj dark, fierce, ugly
ceubren (-nau) nm hollow tree
ceubwll (-byllau) nm pit
ceudodnm cavity; abdomen; thought, heart
ceudwllnm cavern
ceufadnm canoe
ceuffordd (-ffyrdd) nf tunnel
ceuffos (-ydd) nf drain, ditch
ceugrwmadj concave
ceulan (-nau, -lennydd) nf bank, brink
ceulovb to curdle, to coagulate
ceunant (-nentydd) nm ravine, gorge
cewyn (-nau, cawiau) nm napkin
ci (cŵn) nm dog, hound
ciaiddadj dog-like; brutal
cib (-au) nm pod, husk
cibddalladj purblind
cibovb to frown, to scowl
cibogadj scowling
cibws, cibwstnf kibes, chilblains
cibwts (-au) nm kibbutz
cibyn (-nau) nm shell; husk; half a bushel
cic (-iau) nfm kick; cic gychwyn kick-off
ciciovb to kick
ciciwr (-wyr) nm kicker
cidwm (-ymiaid, -ymod) nm wolf; rascal
cieidd-dranm brutality
cig (-oedd) nm flesh, meat
cigfran (-frain) nf raven
cignoethadj touching to the quick, caustic
cigogadj fleshy
cigwain (-weiniau) nf flesh-hook
cigydd (-ion) nm butcher
cigyddiaethnf butchery
cigysoladj carnivorous
cigysydd (-ion) nm carnivore
cil (-iau, -ion) nm back; retreat; corner
cilagorvb to open partly
cilagoredadj ajar
cilbost (cilbyst) nm gate-post
cilchwyrnnpl (nf-en) glands
cildrem (-iau) nf leer
cildremiovb to leer
cildroivb to reverse
cildwrnnm tip, bribe
cildynadj obstinate, stubborn
cildynnuvb to be obstinate
cildynnusadj obstinate, stubborn
cildynrwyddnm obstinacy
cilddant (-ddannedd) nm molar
cilfach (-au) nf nook; creek, bay
cilfilyn (-filod) nm ruminant
cilgantnm crescent
cilgnoivb to chew the cud, to ruminate
cilgwthiovb to push, to shove, to jostle
cilgynnyrch (-gynhyrchion) nm by-product
ciliovb to retreat, to recede, to swerve
cilonm kilo
cilocalori (-ïau) nm kilocalorie
cilogram (-au) nm kilogram
cilomedr (-au) nm kilometre
cilowatnm kilowatt
cilwen (-au) nf half smile
cilwenuvb to simper, to smile, to leer
cilwg (-ygon) nm frown, scowl
cilydd (-ion) nm fellow, companion
cilyddoladj reciprocal
cimwch (-ychiaid) nm lobster
ciniawavb to dine
cinio (ciniawau) nm dinner; cinio gwadd dinner party
cip (-ion) nm pluck, snatch; glimpse
cipdrem (-iau) nfm glance, glimpse
cipedrychvb to glance, to glimpse
cipiovb to snatch
cipiwr (-wyr) nm snatcher
cipolwgnmf glance, glimpse
ciprysnm scramble
cis (-iau) nmf buffet; slap, touch
cist (-iau) nf chest, coffer, box; bin
ciw (-iau) nm cue, queue
ciwbnm cube
ciwedcoll n rabble, mob, crew