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cod (-au) nf bag, pouch
codaid (-eidiau) nf bagful
codivb to rise, to get up; to raise, to lift; to erect
codiad (-au) nm rise, rising; erection
codogadj baggy ▶ nmf (-ion) rich man; miser
codwm (codymau) nm fall, tumble
codwr (-wyr) nm riser; raiser, lifter; codwr canu precentor
codymuvb to wrestle
codymwr (-wyr) nm wrestler
coddednm anger; grief
coddivb to anger, to offend
coed (-ydd) coll n wood, timber, trees
coeden (coed) nf tree
coediovb to timber
coediogadj wooded, woody
coedwig (-oedd) nf wood, forest
coedwigaethnf forestry
coedwigovb to forest
coedwigwr (-wyr) nm woodman, forester
coeddadj public
coegadj empty, vain; one-eyed, blind
coegddyn (-ion) nm fop, coxcomb, fool
coegeddnm emptiness, silliness
coegen (-nod) nf minx, coquette
coegennaiddadj coquettish
coegfalchadj vain, foppish
coegivb to jeer at, to mock
coeglydadj vain, sarcastic
coegninm vanity; spite; sarcasm
coegwr (-wyr) nm fool
coegwychadj gaudy, garish, tawdry
coegyn (-nod) nm coxcomb
coel (-ion) nf belief, trust, credit
coelbren (-nau, -ni) nm lot
coelcerth (-i) nf bonfire, blaze
coelgrefydd (-au) nf superstition
coelgrefyddoladj superstitious
coeliovb to believe, to credit, to trust
coes (-au) nf leg, shank ▶ nfm handle; stem, stalk
coetgaenm hedge; enclosure
coetmon (-myn) nm lumberjack
coetrefnf woodland, homestead
coetsnm pushchair
coethadj fine, refined; elegant
coethdernm refinement, elegance
coethivb to refine; to chastise; to babble
coethwr (-wyr) nm refiner
cof (-ion) nm memory; remembrance
cofadail (-eiladau) nf monument
cofbin (-nau) nm memory stick, pen drive
cofeb (-ion) nf memorandum; memorial
cof-gerdyn (cof-gardiau) nm memory card
cofgolofn (-au) nf monument
cofiadur (-on, -iaid) nm recorder
cofiadwyadj memorable
cofiannydd (-anyddion) nm biographer
cofiant (-iannau) nm memoir, biography
cofiovb to remember, to recollect
cofl (-au) nf embrace; bosom
coflaid (-eidiau) nf armful; bundle
coflech (-au) nf memorial tablet
cofleidiovb to embrace, to hug
coflyfr (-au) nm record, chronicle
cofnod (-ion) nm memorandum, minute
cofnodivb to record, to register
cofrestr (-au) nf register, roll
cofrestrfanf registry
cofrestruvb to register
cofrestrydd (-ion) nm registrar
cofroddnf souvenir
cofusadj mindful
cofweinivb to prompt
cofweinydd (-ion) nm prompter
coffavb to remember ▶ nm remembrance
coffâdnm remembrance
coffadwriaethnf remembrance, memory
coffadwriaetholadj memorial
coffáuvb to remember; to remind; to commemorate
coffinm coffee
coffr (-au) nm coffer, trunk, chest
cog1 (-au) nf cuckoo
cog2 (-au) nm cook
coginiaethnf cookery
coginiovb to cook
cogiovb to cog; to sham, to feign, to pretend
cogiwr (-wyr) nm pretender, swindler
cogorvb to chatter, to caw, to croak ▶ nm chattering
cogwrn (-yrnau, cegyrn) nm knob, cone; cock (of corn); shell
cogydd (-ion) nm cook
cogyddes (-au) nf cook
cogyddiaethnf cookery
congl (-au) nf corner
col (-ion) nm awn, beard
côlnf bosom, embrace
coladuvb to collate
coledd, coledduvb to cherish, to foster
coleddwr (-wyr) nm cherisher, fosterer, patron, supporter
coleg (-au) nm college; coleg chweched dosbarth sixth-form college; coleg technoleg dinasol city technology college
colegoladj collegiate
colegwr (-wyr) nm collegian