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coler (-i) nfm collar
colfen (-nau, -ni) nf bough, branch; tree
colofn (-au) nf column, pillar
colofnyddnm columnist
colomen (-nod) nf dove, pigeon
colomendy (-dai) nm dove-cot
colomennaiddadj dove-like
coluddionnpl (nm-yn) bowels
coluddynnm gut
colur (-au) nm make-up, colour
colurovb to make-up, to paint; to conceal
colwyn (-od) nm puppy
colyn (-nau) nm pivot; sting; tail
colynnogadj stinging; hinged
colynnuvb to sting
coll (-iadau) nm loss; failing, defect
colladwyadj perishable
collddailadj deciduous
colled (-ion) nfm loss
colledigadj lost, damned
colledigaethnf perdition
colleduvb to occasion loss
colledusadj fraught with loss
colledwr (-wyr) nm loser
collen (cyll) nf hazel
collfarn (-au) nf doom, condemnation
collfarnuvb to condemn
collivb to lose; to be lost, to perish; to spill, to shed
collnod (-au) nm apostrophe
collwr (-wyr) nm loser
coma (-s) nm comma
côma (comâu) nm coma
comed (-au) nf comet
comedi (-ïau) nfm comedy
comigadj comic, comical ▶ nm comic (paper)
cominnm common
comisiwn (-iynau) nm commission
comisiynuvb to commission
comiwnydd (-ion) nm communist
comiwnyddiaethnf communism
comiwnyddoladj communist
conachvb to grumble
conclafnm conclave
concrovb to conquer
concwerwr (-wyr) nm conqueror
concwest (-au) nf conquest, victory
condemniadnm condemnation
condemniovb to condemn
confensiwn (-iynau) nm convention
conffederasiwn (-asiynau) nm confederation
conffirmasiwnnm confirmation
conffirmiovb to confirm
conifferaiddadj coniferous
cononm rascal; wag; old fogey
consesiwn (-iynau) nm concession
consol (-au) nm:consol gêmau games console
consuriaethnf conjuring
consuriovb to conjure
consuriwr (-wyr) nm conjurer
conwyddnpl (nf-en) coniferous trees
cop, copyn (-nod, -nau) nm spider
copa (-âu) nf top, crest; head
copi (-ïau) nm copy; copy-book
copïovb to copy, to transcribe
copïwr (-wyr) nm copyist, transcriber
coprnm copper
cor (-rod) nm dwarf (offensive); spider
côr (corau) nm choir; stall, pew; côr-feistr choirmaster
corachaiddadj dwarfish, stunted
Corânnm Koran
corawladj choral
corbwll (-byllau) nm whirlpool; puddle
corcyn (cyrc) nm cork
cord (-iau) nm cord; chord
cordedduvb to twist, to twine
corddivb to churn; to turn; to agitate
corddiad (-au) nm churning
corddwr (-wyr) nm churner
Coreanf Korea
cored (-au) nf weir, dam
coreograffiaethnf choreography
corfan (-nau) nm metrical foot
corff (cyrff) nm body
corfflu (-oedd) nm corps
corffoladj corpulent; physical
corffolaethnf bodily form; stature
corfforaeth (-au) nf corporation
corfforivb to embody, to incorporate
corfforiad (-au) nm embodiment
corfforoladj bodily, corporeal, corporal
corgan (-au), côr-gân (côr-ganau) nf chant
corganuvb to chant
corgi (-gwn) nm cur, corgi
corgimwch (-ychiaid) nm prawn
corhwyad (-aid) nf teal; moorhen
corlan (-nau) nf fold
corlannuvb to fold
corn (cyrn) nm horn; pipe, tube; roll; corn; stethoscope; corn gwddw(f), corn gwynt windpipe; corn siarad loudspeaker
cornant (-nentydd) nm brook, rill
cornboernm phlegm