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Collins Spurrell Welsh Dictionary Pocket Edition: trusted support for learning

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debyd (-au) nm debit

debyduvb to debit

dec (-iau, -s) nm deck

decilitr (-au) nm decilitre

decimetr (-au) nm decimetre

decstrosnm dextrose

dectantnm ten-stringed instrument, psaltery

dechrauvb to begin ▶ nm beginning

dechreuad (-au) nm beginning

dechreunosnf nightfall, dusk

dechreuoladj initial

dechreuwr (-wyr) nm beginner

dedfryd (-au) nf verdict; sentence

dedfryduvb to sentence

dedlein (-s) nf deadline

dedwyddadj happy, blessed

dedwyddwch, dedwyddydnm happiness, bliss

deddf (-au) nf law, statute, act

deddfegnf jurisprudence

deddfegwr (-wyr) nm jurist

deddfoladj legal, lawful

deddfuvb to legislate, to enact

deddfwr (-wyr) nm legislator

deddfwriaethnf legislation, legislature

deddfwriaetholadj legislative

deddlyfr (-au) nm statute book

de-ddwyrainnm southeast

defnivb to drip, to trickle

defnydd (-iau) nm material, stuff; use

defnyddiovb to use, to utilize, to employ; defnyddio’r cwbl o, defnyddio’r cyfan o use up

defnyddioladj useful

defnyddioldebnm usefulness, utility

defnyddiwr (-wyr) nm user, consumer

defnyn (-nau) nm drop

defnynnuvb to drop, to drip, to dribble, to distil

defod (-au) nf custom; rite, ceremony

defodaethnf ritualism

defodoladj ritualistic

defosiwn (-ynau) nm devotion

defosiynoladj devotional, devout

deffro, deffroivb to rouse; to wake

deffroad (-au) nm awakening

degadj ten ▶ nm (-au) ten

degaiddadj denary

degawd (-au) nm decade

degiad (-au) nm decimal

degol (-ion) nm, adj decimal

degolivb to decimalise

degoliadnm decimalisation

degolyn (degolion) nm decimal

degwm (-ymau) nm tenth, tithe

degymuvb to tithe

dehau, deheuseedeau

deheubarth, deheudirnm southern region, south

deheuigadj dexterous, skilful

deheulawnf right hand

deheuoladj southern

deheurwyddnm dexterity, skill

deheuwr (-wyr) nm southerner

deheuwyntnm south wind

dehonglivb to interpret

dehongliad (-au) nm interpretation

dehonglwr (-wyr), dehonglydd (-ion) nm interpreter

dehydrad (-au) nm dehydration

dehydruvb to dehydrate

deial (-au) nm dial

deialog (-au) nmf dialogue

deialuvb to dial

deifiovb to singe, to scorch; to blast; to dive

deifioladj scorching, scathing

deifiwr (-wyr) nm diver

deigryn (dagrau) nm tear

deilbriddnm humus

deildy (-dai) nm bower, arbour

deilen (dail) nf leaf

deilgolladj deciduous

deiliad (-on, deiliaid) nm tenant; subject

deiliant (-nnau) nm foliage

deiliovb to leaf

deiliogadj leafy

deilliovb to proceed, to emanate, to issue

deinamegnf dynamics

deinamigadj dynamic

deinamo (-s, -au) nm dynamo

deincodnm teeth on edge

deincrydnm chattering or gnashing of teeth

deintiovb to nibble

deintrod (-au) nf cog

deintydd (-ion) nm dentist

deintyddiaethnf dentistry

deintyddoladj dental

deiseb (-au) nf petition

deisebuvb to petition

deisebwr (-wyr), deisebydd (-ion) nm petitioner

deisyf, deisyfuvb to desire, to wish; to beseech, to entreat

deisyfiad (-au) nm request, petition

deladj pretty, neat

delfryd (-au) nm ideal

delfrydiaethnf idealism

delfrydoladj ideal