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Collins Spurrell Welsh Dictionary Pocket Edition: trusted support for learning

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cywirwr (-wyr) nm corrector

cywladuvb to naturalize

cywrainadj skilful; curious

cywreinbeth (-au, cywreinion) nm curiosity

cywreindebnm skill, ingenuity

cywreinrwyddnm skill; curiosity

cywydd (-au) nm alliterative Welsh poem

cywyddwr (-wyr) nm composer of cywyddau

ch (#)

Chechnyanf Chechnya

Chilenf Chile

Chinanf China

chwa (-on) nf puff, gust, breeze

chwaer (chwiorydd) nf sister

chwaeroliaethnf sisterhood

chwaeth (-au, -oedd) nf taste

chwaethuvb to taste

chwaethusadj tasteful; decent

chwaithadv nor either, neither

chwâladj scattered, loose

chwalfa (-feydd) nf upset, rout

chwaluvb to scatter, to spread

chwalwr (-wyr) nm scatterer, demolisher

chwanegadj, nm more

chwanegiad (-au) nm addition

chwanegoladj additional

chwaneguvb to add, to augment, to increase

chwannen (chwain) nf flea

chwannogadj desirous; addicted; prone

chwant (-au) nm desire, craving, lust

chwantuvb to desire, to lust

chwapnm sudden blow; moment ▶ adv instantly

chwarae, chwarevb to play ▶ nm play; chwaraeon y gaeaf winter sports

chwaraedy (-dai) nm playhouse, theatre

chwaraefa (-feydd) nf pitch, playground

chwaraegaradj playful, sportive

chwaraewr (-wyr) nm player, actor, performer; chwaraewr cryno-ddisgiau CD player; chwaraewr DVD DVD player

chwaraeydd (-ion) nm actor

chwarddiad (-au) nm laugh

chwarel (-au, -i, -ydd) nf quarry

chwarelwr (-wyr) nm quarryman

chwareusadj playful

chwarren (-arennau) nf gland; kernel

chwart (-iau) nm quart

chwarter (-i, -au) nm quarter

chwarteroladj quarterly

chwarterolyn (-olion) nm quarterly (magazine)

chwarteruvb to quarter

chweadj six (before a noun)

chweban (-nau) nm sestet, sextain

chwech (-au) adj, nm six

chwechawd (-au) nm sextet

chwechedadj sixth; chweched dosbarth sixth form

chwedl (-au) nf story, tale

chwedleuavb to talk, to gossip

chwedleuwr (-wyr) nm story-teller

chwedloniaethnf mythology

chwedlonoladj mythical, mythological

chwedlonydd (-wyr) nm mythologist

chwedynadv:na chynt na chwedyn neither before nor after

Chwefror, Chwefrolnm February

chwennych, chwenychuvb to covet, to desire

chwenychiad (-au) nm desire

chweongl (-au) nm hexagon

chwephlygadj sixfold

chwerthinvb to laugh ▶ nm laughter

chwerthiniad (-au) nm laugh

chwerthinllydadj laughable, ridiculous

chwerthinogadj laughing, merry

chwerwadj bitter

chwerwder, chwerwdodnm bitterness

chwerweddnm bitterness

chwerwivb to grow bitter, to embitter

chwipron you

chwib (-iau) nm whistle

chwibanvb to whistle ▶ nm whistle

chwibaniadnm whistling, whistle

chwibanogl (-au) nf whistle, flute

chwibanuvb to whistle

chwibon (-iaid) nm curlew, stork

chwifiovb to wave, to flourish, to brandish

chwiff (-iau) nf whiff, puff

chwiffiadnm whiff, jiffy

chwil1 (-od) nmf beetle, chafer

chwil2adj whirling, reeling

chwilboethadj scorching, piping hot

chwildroivb to whirl, to spin

chwilen (chwilod) nf beetle

chwilennavb to rummage; to pry; to pilfer

chwiler (-od) nm chrysalis, pupa

chwilfriwadj smashed to atoms

chwilfriwiovb to smash, to shatter

chwilfrydeddnm curiosity

chwilfrydigadj curious, inquisitive

chwilgaradj curious, inquisitive

chwilgarwchnm inquisitiveness

chwiliad (-au) nm search, scrutiny

chwiliadur (-on) nm search engine

chwilibawa, chwilibawanvb to dawdle, to trifle

chwiliovb to search; to examine