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Collins Spurrell Welsh Dictionary Pocket Edition: trusted support for learning

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delfryduvb to idealize

delfrydwr (-wyr) nm idealist

delffnm churl, oaf, dolt, rascal

deliovb to deal

delw (-au) nf image; form, mode, manner

delwedd (-au) nf image

delweddaethnf imagery

delwedduvb to portray

delwivb to pale, to be paralysed with fright

dellninm blindness

delltnpl (nf-en) laths, lattice, splinters

democratiaeth (-au) nf democracy

democratigadj democratic

demograffegnf demography

demograffigadj demographic

dengadj ten (before certain words)

dengaradj attractive

dengarwchnm attractiveness

deniadaunpl attractions, allurements

deniadoladj attractive

denimsnpl denims

Denmarcnf Denmark

denuvb to attract, to allure, to entice

deon (-iaid) nm dean

deondy (-dai) nm deanery

deoniaeth (-au) nf deanery

deorvb to brood, to hatch, to incubate

deorfa (-fâu, -feydd) nf hatchery

de-orllewinnm southwest

deorydd (-ion) nf incubator

derbynvb to receive; to accept; to admit

derbyniad (-au) nm receipt; reception

derbyniadwyadj admissible

derbynioladj acceptable

derbyniwr (derbynwyr) nm = derbynnydd

derbynneb (-ynebau, -ynebion) nf receipt, voucher

derbynnydd (-ynyddion) nm receiver

derinpl (nfdâr) oak-trees, oak

dernyn (-nau) nm piece, scrap

derwen (derw, deri) nf oak-tree, oak

derwydd (-on) nm druid

derwyddiaethnf druidism

derwyddoladj druidic(al)

desg (-iau) nf desk; desg dalu checkout

desgant (-au) nm descant

desibel (-au) nm decibel

destlusadj neat

destlusrwyddnm neatness

detector (-au) nm detector

detholvb to select, to pick, to choose ▶ adj select

detholeddnm selectivity

detholiad (-au, detholion) nm selection, anthology


deuawd (-au) nfm duet

deublygadj double, twofold

deuddegadj, nm twelve

deufinadj two-edged

deuffocaladj bifocal

deugainadj, nm forty

deugraffnm digraph

deunawadj, nm eighteen

deunydd (-iau) nm stuff, material; deunydd lapio packaging

deuocsidnm dioxide

deuod (-au) nm diode, binary

deuoladj dual

deuoliaethnf dualism, duality

deuparthnd two-thirds

deurisadj two-tier

deuruddnd the cheeks

deurywadj bisexual

deurywioladj bisexual

deusainnd diphthong

deutund:o ddeutu about

dewin (-iaid) nm diviner, magician, wizard

dewines (-au) nf witch, sorceress

dewiniaethnf divination, witchcraft

dewiniovb to divine

dewiniol, dewinoladj prophetic, divinatory

dewisvb to choose, to select ▶ nm choice

dewisiadnm choice, option

dewisoladj choice, desirable; optional

dewradj brave ▶ nm (-ion) brave man, hero

dewrdernm bravery, valour

di-neg prefix without, not, un-, non-, -less

diabetigadj, nm diabetic

diacon (-iaid) nm deacon

diacones (-au) nf deaconess

diaconiaethnf diaconate

diadell (-au, -oedd) nf flock

diaddurnadj unadorned, plain, rude

diaelodivb to dismember; to expel a member

diafaeladj slippery, careless

diafol (diefyl, dieifl) nm devil

diaffram (-au) nm diaphragm

diagnosisnm diagnosis

diangenadj unnecessary, free from want

dianghenraidadj unnecessary, needless

di-ailadj unequalled, unrivalled

dialvb to avenge, to revenge ▶ nm vengeance, revenge

dialedd (-au) nm vengeance, nemesis