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Collins Spurrell Welsh Dictionary Pocket Edition: trusted support for learning

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camdystiolaeth (-au) nf false witness

camdystiolaethuvb to bear false witness

camddeallvb to misunderstand

camddealltwriaethnm misunderstanding

camddefnyddnm misuse

camddefnyddiovb to misuse

cameddnm bend, curvature; camedd y droed instep; camedd y gar knee-joint

cameg (-au, cemyg) nf felloe

camel (-od) nm camel

camenw (-au) nm misnomer

camenwivb to misname

camera (camerâu) nm camera; camera digidol digital camera; camera fideo video camera

camfa (-feydd) nf stile

camfarnuvb to misjudge

camgred (-oau, -au) nf misbelief, heresy

camgreduvb to misbelieve

camgredwr (-wyr) nm heretic

camgwlnm penalty, fine; blame

camgyfrifvb to miscalculate

camgyhuddiad (-au) nm false accusation

camgyhuddovb to accuse falsely

camgymeriad (-au) nm mistake

camgymrydvb to mistake, to err

camlas (-lesi, -lesydd) nfm canal

camliwiovb to misrepresent

camochrivb to be offside

camog (-au) nf felloe

camp (-au) nf feat, exploit; game; prize

campfa (-feydd) nf gymnasium

campusadj excellent, splendid, grand

campwaith (-weithiau) nm masterpiece, feat

campwr (-wyr) nm champion

camrenm walk, footstep(s)

camsyniad (-au) nm mistake

camsyniedvb to mistake

camsynioladj mistaken

camu1vb to bow, to bend, to stoop

camu2vb to step, to stride

camwedd (-au) nm iniquity, transgression

camwedduvb to transgress

camwrinm injury, wrong

camymddwynvb to misbehave

camymddygiad (-au) nm misconduct

canadj white ▶ nm flour

cân (caniadau, caneuon) nf song

canabisnm cannabis

Canadanf Canada

cancrnm canker; cancer

cancrovb to canker, to corrode

candrylladj shattered, wrecked

canfasiovb to canvass

canfedadj hundredth

canfodvb to see, to perceive, to behold

canfyddadwyadj perceptible

canfyddiadnm perception

canhwyllbren (canwyllbrenni, -au) nmf candlestick

canhwyllwr (canhwyllwyr) nm chandler

caniad1nm singing; ringing; crowing

caniad2 (-au) nf song, poem

caniadaethnf singing, psalmody

caniatâdnm leave, permission, consent

caniataoladj permissive; granted

caniatáuvb to permit, to allow

caniedydd (-ion) nm singer, songster; song-book

canlynvb to follow, to pursue

canlyniad (-au) nm consequence, result

canlynoladj following, consequent

canlynwr (-wyr) nm follower

canllaw (-iau) nfm hand-rail, parapet, aid

canmlwyddiantnm centenary

canmolvb to praise, to commend

canmoladwyadj praiseworthy

canmoliaeth (-au) nf praise, commendation

canmoliaethusadj eulogistic, complimentary

cannaidadj white, bright, luminous

cannuvb to whiten, to bleach

cannwr (canwyr) nm bleacher

cannwyll (canhwyllau) nf candle

canoladj, nm (-au) middle, centre, midst; canol y ddinas city centre

canolbarth (-au) nm middle part, midland

canolbwynt (-iau) nm centre, focus

canolbwyntiovb to centre, to concentrate

canoldir (-oedd) nm inland region

canolddyddnm mid-day, noon

canolfan (-nau) nmf centre; canolfan chwaraeon sports centre; canolfan galwadau call centre; canolfan iechyd health centre; canolfan ymwelwyr visitor centre

canolivb to centre; to arbitrate; to centralize

canoligadj middling

canoloesoladj mediaeval

canologadj central

canolradd (-ol) adj intermediate

canolwr (-wyr) nm mediator, referee; centre half, centre; canolwr blaen centre forward

canon1 (-au) nfm canon (music)

canon2 (-iaid) nm canon (priest)

canonaiddadj canonical

canoneiddiovb to canonize

canoniaeth (-au) nf canonry

canonwr (-wyr) nm canon, canonist

canradd (-au) adj, nf centigrade, percentile

canran (-nau) nm percentage

canrif (-oedd) nf century