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broliovb to boast, to brag, to vaunt

broliwr (-wyr) nm boaster, braggart

bron1 (-nau, -nydd) nf breast; hillside

bron2adv almost, nearly, practically; o’r bron completely, in succession

bronfraith (-freithod) nf thrush

brongoch (-iaid) nmf robin redbreast

bronwennf weasel

brunm womb

brud (-iau) nm chronicle; divination

brudiovb to prognosticate, to divine

brudiwr (-wyr) nm wizard, soothsayer

brwdadj hot, fervent ▶ nm boil, heat

brwdfrydeddnm ardour, enthusiasm

brwdfrydigadj ardent, enthusiastic

brwmstannm brimstone, sulphur

brwmstanaiddadj sulphury

brwnt (fbront) adj foul, nasty, dirty; harsh

brwyd1 (-au) nm embroidering frame; skewer

brwyd2adj variegated; bloodstained; shattered

brwydovb to embroider; to tear, to consume

brwydr (-au) nf battle, combat

brwydrovb to battle, to combat

brwydrwr (-wyr) nm fighter, combatant

brwydwaithnm embroidery

brwyliovb to broil

brwynnm grief, sadness

brwynen (brwyn) nf rush

brwynogadj rushy

brwysgadj drunk; vigorous

brycan, brecan (-au) nfm blanket, rug

brych (fbrech) adj mottled, brindled, freckled ▶ nm the afterbirth of a cow

brychaunpl (nm-euyn) spots, freckles

brycheulydadj spotted, brindled

brycheuynnm spot

brychninm spots, freckles

brychuvb to spot, to freckle

brydnm mind, heart, will

brydiovb to burn, to inflame, to boil, to throb

brygawthanvb to jabber, to prate, to rant

bryn (-iau) nm hill

bryncyn (-nau) nm hillock

bryniogadj hilly

brynti, bryntninm filthiness, filth

brysnm haste, hurry

brysiovb to hasten, to hurry

brysiogadj hurried, hasty

bryslythyr (-au) nm dispatch

brysneges (-au) nf telegram

brytheiriovb to belch; to utter oaths, threats etc

Brython (-iaid) nm Briton, Welshman

Brythonegnf British language, Welsh

brythwchnm storm, tumult; groan

brywedduvb to brew

brywesnm brewis

bual (buail) nm buffalo, drinking horn

buanadj fast, quick, swift, fleet; soon

buander, buandranm swiftness, speed

buandroedadj swift-footed

buarth (-au) nm yard

buchdraeth (-au) nf biography, memoir

buchedd (-au) nf life, conduct

bucheddoladj right-living, virtuous

buchedduvb to live, to flourish

buches (-au) nf herd of cows

buchfrechuvb to vaccinate

budradj dirty, filthy, foul, vile

budreddinm filthiness, filth

budrovb to dirty, to soil, to foul

budd (-ion) nm benefit, profit, gain

buddai (-eiau) nf churn

buddel (-wydd) nmf cow-house post, pillar

buddiant (-iannau) nm interest

buddiovb to profit, to avail

buddioladj profitable, beneficial, useful

buddioldebnm profitableness, expediency

buddrannf dividend

buddsodd (-ion), buddsoddiad (-au) nm investment

buddsoddivb to invest

buddugoladj winning, victorious

buddugoliaeth (-au) nf victory

buddugoliaethusadj victorious, triumphant

buddugwr (-wyr) nm winner, victor

bugail (-eiliaid) nm shepherd; pastor

bugeiles (-au) nf shepherdess

bugeiliaeth (-au) nf pastorate

bugeilio, bugeiliavb to watch, to shepherd

bugeilioladj pastoral

bugunadnm bellowing, roar

bunnf maid, maiden

burgyn (-nod, iaid) nm carcass, carrion

burman, burumnm barm, yeast

busnes (-ion) nmf business

busnesavb to interfere, to meddle

busnesgar, busneslydadj meddlesome

bustach (-tych) nm bullock, steer

bustachuvb to buffet about, to bungle

bustlnm gall, bile

bustlaiddadj like gall; bitter as gall

buwch (buchod) nf cow; buwch goch gota ladybird

bwa (bwâu) nm bow; arch