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caeedigadj closed, fenced

caelvb to have; to get; to find

caen (-au) nf surface; peel; coating

caenen (-nau) nf layer, film, flake

caentach (-au) nf wrangle, grumbling ▶ vb to wrangle, to grumble

caenuvb to coat, to finish

caer (-au, ceyrydd) nf wall; castle; city

Caerdyddnf Cardiff

Caeredinnf Edinburgh

caeriwrchnm roebuck

caerogadj walled, fortified; brocaded

Caersalemnf Jerusalem

caethadj bound, captive, confined ▶ nm (-ion) bondman, slave; caeth i gyffuriau addicted to drugs

caethdernm strictness; restraint; asthma

caethfab (-feibion) nm slave

caethfasnachnf slave-trade

caethferch (-ed) nf slave

caethforwyn (-forynion) nf slave

caethgludnf captivity

caethgludiad (-au) nm captivity

caethgludovb to lead captive

caethiwednm slavery, bondage, captivity, detention

caethiwovb to bind, to confine, to enslave

caethiwusadj confining; confined, tied

caethlong (-au) nf slave-ship

caethwas (-weision) nm slave

caethwasanaeth, caethwasiaethnm slavery

cafell (-au) nf cell; sanctuary, oracle

cafn (-au) nm trough, gutter

cafneddnm concavity

cafnio, cafnuvb to hollow out, to scoop, to gouge


caffaelvb to get, to obtain

caffaeleddnm availability; acquisitiveness

caffaeliad (-au) nm acquisition, asset; prey, spoil

caffe (-s), caffi (-s) nm café, restaurant; caffe rhyngrwyd internet café, cybercafé

caffiovb to snatch, to grapple

cafflovb to cheat; to entangle

caglnm clotted dirt

cagluvb to befoul, to bedraggle

cangell (-hellau) nf chancel

cangelloriaethnf chancellorship

cangen (-hennau) nf branch, bough

canghellor (cangellorion) nm chancellor

canghennogadj branching

canghennuvb to branch, to ramify

caib (ceibiau) nf pickaxe, mattock

cail (ceiliau) nf sheepfold, flock of sheep

caill (ceilliau) nf testicle

cainadj fair, fine, elegant

cainc (cangau, ceinciau) nf branch; strand; strain

cais (ceisiadau) nm application; attempt; try

cal, cala (-iau) nf penis

calan (-nau) nm first day of month; Dydd Calan New Year’s Day

calcwlws (calcwli) nm calculus

calchnm lime

calchaiddadj calcareous

calchbibonwynm stalactite

calchbost (-byst) nm stalagmite

calchennf limestone; lump of lime

calchfaen (-feini) nm limestone

calcho, calchuvb to lime

caledadj hard; severe; harsh; dry

caledfwrddnm hardboard

caledinm hardness; hardship

caleduvb to harden, to dry

caledwchnm hardness

calen (-nau, -ni) nf whetstone; bar

calendrnm calendar

calennignmf New Year’s gift

calon (-nau) nf heart

calondidnm encouragement

calon-dyneradj tender-hearted

calon-galedadj hard-hearted

calon-galedwchnm hard-heartedness

calonnogadj hearty; high-spirited

calonogivb to hearten, to encourage

calori (-ïau) nm calorie

calsiwmnm calcium

calladj wise, sensible, rational

callestr (cellystr) nf flint

callinebnm wisdom, sense

cam1 (-au) nm step

cam2adj crooked, wry; wrong ▶ nm (-au) injury, wrong

cam-prefix wrong, mis-

camarfervb to misuse, to abuse ▶ nmf (-ion) misuse, malpractice

camargraffnfm wrong impression

camarwainvb to mislead

camarweinioladj misleading

Cambodianf Cambodia

cambren (-ni) nm swingletree

camchwaraenm foul play

camdafliad (-au) nm foul throw

camdafluvb to foul throw

camder, camdranm crookedness

cam-drefnnf disorder

camdreuliadnm indigestion

camdreuliovb to mis-spend

cam-drinvb to ill-treat, to abuse

camdriniaeth (-au) nf ill-treatment