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SYNONYMS: friend, partner

almond almonds

NOUN an oval edible nut, cream in colour


ADVERB very nearly • I have almost as many points as you.

SYNONYMS: just about, practically


ADJECTIVE not with other people or things


PREPOSITION 1 moving forward • We strolled along the road.

2 from one end of something to the other • The cupboards stretched along the wall.


PREPOSITION OR ADVERB next to something • We tied our boat alongside the jetty.


ADVERB When you read aloud, you read so that people can hear you.

alphabet alphabets

NOUN all the letters used to write words in a language. The letters of an alphabet are written in a special order.


ADJECTIVE If something is in alphabetical order, it is arranged according to the letters of the alphabet.

alphabetically ADVERB


ADVERB If you have done something already, you did it earlier. • Josh has already gone to bed.


ADVERB in addition to something that has just been mentioned • I bought an ice cream, and I also bought a drink.

altar altars

NOUN a holy table in a church or temple

alter alters, altering, altered

VERB If something alters, or if you alter it, it changes.

alternate alternates, alternating, alternated

Said “ol-ter-nut” ADJECTIVE 1 If something happens on alternate days, it happens on one in every two days.

Said “ol-ter-nayt” VERB 2 If two things alternate, they regularly happen one after the other.

alternative alternatives

NOUN something you can do or have instead of something else • Is there an alternative to meat on the menu?


CONJUNCTION in spite of the fact that • He wasn’t well-known in America, although he had made a film there.

altitude altitudes

NOUN height above sea level • The mountain range reaches an altitude of 1330 metres.


ADVERB 1 completely or entirely • The car got slower, then stopped altogether.

2 in total – used of amounts • I have two cats and two dogs. That’s four pets altogether.


NOUN a silvery-white, lightweight metal


ADVERB 1 all the time • He’s always late.

2 forever • I’ll always remember this day.


a.m. is used to show times in the morning

[an abbreviation of the Latin ante meridiem meaning before noon]


VERB a present tense of be

amateur amateurs

NOUN someone who does something without being paid for it • He began playing football as an amateur, but now he is a professional.

amaze amazes, amazing, amazed

VERB If something amazes you, it surprises you very much.

SYNONYMS: astonish, astound

amazement NOUN


ADJECTIVE If something is amazing, it is very surprising.

amazingly ADVERB

ambassador ambassadors

NOUN a person sent to a foreign country as the representative of their own government


NOUN 1 a hard, yellowish-brown substance from trees, used in making jewellery

NOUN OR ADJECTIVE 2 an orange-brown colour


ADJECTIVE If something is ambiguous, it can have more than one meaning.

ambiguously ADVERB ambiguity NOUN

ambition ambitions

NOUN If you have an ambition to do something, you want very much to do it.

amble ambles, ambling, ambled

VERB If you amble, you walk along in a slow, relaxed way.

ambulance ambulances

NOUN a vehicle for taking sick and injured people to hospital

ambush ambushes, ambushing, ambushed

NOUN 1 a surprise attack

VERB 2 If one group of people ambushes another, they hide and lie in wait, and then make a surprise attack.


NOUN a strong-smelling, colourless liquid or gas, often used in cleaning substances


NOUN anything that can be fired from a gun or other weapon, for example bullets and shells

amoeba amoebas or amoebae

NOUN a tiny living organism that has only one cell. An amoeba reproduces by dividing into two.

among or amongst

PREPOSITION 1 surrounded by

2 in the company of • He was among friends.

3 between more than two • The money will be divided among seven charities.

amount amounts

NOUN how much there is of something • You need a large amount of flour for this recipe.

amphibian amphibians

NOUN a creature that lives partly on land and partly in water, for example a frog or a newt

amphibious ADJECTIVE

amplify amplifies, amplifying, amplified

VERB If you amplify a sound, you make it louder.

amplifier NOUN

amputate amputates, amputating, amputated

VERB If a surgeon amputates part of the body, such as an arm or a leg, they cut it off.

amputation NOUN

amuse amuses, amusing, amused

VERB 1 If something amuses you, you think it is funny.

2 If you amuse yourself, you find things to do that stop you from being bored.