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armada armadas

NOUN a large fleet of warships • The Spanish Armada was the fleet sent to destroy the English in 1588.

armchair armchairs

NOUN a large chair with a support on each side for your arms

armistice armistices

NOUN In war, an armistice is an agreement to stop fighting.


NOUN 1 In the past, armour was metal clothing worn for protection in battle.

2 In modern warfare, tanks are often referred to as armour.

army armies

NOUN a large group of soldiers who are trained to fight on land

aroma aromas

NOUN a strong, pleasant smell

[a Greek word meaning spice]

aromatic ADJECTIVE


PREPOSITION 1 situated at various points in a place or area • There are several post boxes around the town.

2 from place to place inside an area • We walked around the stalls at the summer fair.

3 surrounding or encircling a place or object • We were sitting around the table.

4 at approximately the time or place mentioned • The jumble sale began around noon.

arrange arranges, arranging, arranged

VERB 1 If you arrange to do something, or arrange something for someone, you make plans for it or make it possible. • I arranged to meet him later. • Dad arranged a trip to the circus for us.

2 If you arrange objects, you set them out in a particular way. • We arranged the books in alphabetical order.

array arrays

NOUN 1 a large number of different things displayed together

2 a mathematical way of grouping. For example, 3 × 2 is shown as ::: and 2 × 3 is shown as ⋮⋮.

arrest arrests, arresting, arrested

VERB 1 If the police arrest someone, they take them to a police station because they believe they may have committed a crime.

NOUN 2 An arrest is the act of arresting someone.

arrive arrives, arriving, arrived

VERB 1 When you arrive at a place, you reach it at the end of your journey.

2 When you arrive at a decision you make up your mind.

arrival NOUN


ADJECTIVE Arrogant people behave as if they are better than other people.

arrow arrows

NOUN a long, thin weapon with a sharp point at one end, shot from a bow

arsenal arsenals

NOUN a place where weapons and ammunition are stored or produced


NOUN a strong, dangerous poison that can kill


NOUN the crime of deliberately setting fire to something, especially a building

art arts

NOUN 1 the creation of objects, such as paintings and sculptures, that are thought to be beautiful or that express a particular idea • He wanted to take art classes to learn how to draw and paint well.

2 Art is also used to refer to the objects themselves. • We saw lots of interesting paintings and sculptures at the art exhibition.

3 something that needs special skills or ability • I would like to master the art of sewing.

artery arteries

NOUN the tubes that carry blood from your heart to the rest of your body

See vein (#litres_trial_promo)

arterial ADJECTIVE


NOUN a condition in which the joints in someone’s body become painful, and sometimes swollen

arthritic ADJECTIVE

article articles

NOUN 1 a piece of writing in a newspaper or magazine

2 a particular item • an article of clothing


ADJECTIVE Something artificial is created by people rather than occurring naturally.

ANTONYM: natural


NOUN 1 Artillery consists of large, powerful guns and rockets.

2 The artillery is the branch of an army that uses these weapons.

artist artists

NOUN a person who draws or paints or produces other works of art


CONJUNCTION 1 at the same time that • We watched television as we ate our sandwiches.

2 because • As I like school I get there early.

PHRASE 3 You use as if or as though when you are giving an explanation for something. • Shane walked past as if he didn’t know me.

ascend ascends, ascending, ascended

VERB FORMAL If someone or something ascends, they move or lead upwards. • We ascended the stairs to the second floor.

ANTONYM: descend

ash ashes

NOUN the grey or black powdery remains of anything that has been burnt • We put the ashes from the bonfire on the compost heap.


ADJECTIVE 1 If you are ashamed, you feel embarrassed or guilty.

2 If you are ashamed of someone, you feel embarrassed to be connected with them.


ADVERB If someone or something comes ashore, they come on to the land from the sea or a river.


ADVERB If you move something aside, you move it to one side. • She closed the book and laid it aside.

ask asks, asking, asked

VERB 1 If you ask someone something, you put a question to them.

2 If you ask someone to do something, you tell them you want them to do it. • We asked him to do his card trick.

3 If you ask for something, you say you would like to have it. • She asked for a drink of water.

4 If you ask someone to come or go somewhere, you invite them there.


ADJECTIVE If you are asleep, your eyes are closed and your whole body is resting.

aspect aspects

NOUN one of many ways of seeing or thinking about something

aspirin aspirins

NOUN 1 a white drug used to relieve pain, fever and colds

2 a small white tablet of this drug

ass asses

NOUN another word for donkey

assassinate assassinates, assassinating, assassinated

VERB If someone assassinates an important person, they murder them.

assassination NOUN

assault assaults

NOUN a violent attack on someone