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attentively ADVERB

attic attics

NOUN a room at the top of a house immediately below the roof

attitude attitudes

NOUN the way you think about someone or something and behave towards them • I’m not going in that shop again. I don’t like their attitude.

attract attracts, attracting, attracted

VERB 1 If something attracts people, it interests them and makes them want to go to it.

2 If someone attracts you, you like them and are interested in them.

3 When magnetic materials are attracted to a magnet, they are pulled towards it.

attraction attractions

NOUN 1 If you feel an attraction for someone, you like them very much.

2 somewhere people like to visit for interest or pleasure, such as a fun fair or a stately home

3 A force of attraction pulls magnetic materials towards a magnet.


ADJECTIVE 1 Someone who is attractive is good-looking or has an exciting personality.

2 If something is attractive, it is interesting.

aubergine aubergines

NOUN a dark purple, pear-shaped vegetable. It is also called an eggplant.


ADJECTIVE a red-brown hair colour

auction auctions, auctioning, auctioned

NOUN 1 a public sale in which goods are sold to the person who offers the highest price

VERB 2 to sell something in an auction


ADJECTIVE If something is audible, you can hear it.

audience audiences

NOUN 1 the group of people who are watching or listening to a performance

2 a private or formal meeting with an important person • The winners of the bravery awards had an audience with the Queen.

audition auditions

NOUN a short performance by an actor or musician, so that a director can decide whether they are suitable for a part in a play or a film, or for a place in an orchestra

auditorium auditoriums or auditoria

NOUN the part of a theatre or concert hall where the audience sits


NOUN the eighth month of the year. August has 31 days.

aunt aunts

NOUN Your aunt is the sister of your mother or father, or the wife of your uncle.

author authors

NOUN The author of a book is the person who wrote it.

authority authorities

NOUN 1 the power to tell other people what to do • The teacher had the authority to give me detention.

2 an organization that controls public interests • the local health authority

3 Someone who is an authority on something, knows a lot about it.

authorize authorizes, authorizing, authorized

VERB If someone authorizes something, they give official permission for it.

authorization NOUN


PREFIX 1 self or same • autobiography

2 self-propelling • automatic car

autobiography autobiographies

NOUN an account of someone’s life that they have written themselves

autobiographical ADJECTIVE

autograph autographs

NOUN the signature of a famous person

[from Greek auto meaning self and graphos meaning written]

automatic automatics

ADJECTIVE 1 An automatic machine is programmed to perform tasks without needing a person to operate it.

NOUN 2 a car in which the gears change automatically as the car’s speed changes

autumn autumns

NOUN the season between summer and winter, when the leaves fall off the trees • I love the golden colours of the trees in autumn.


ADJECTIVE 1 If something is available, it is easy to get or to buy.

2 A person who is available is ready for work or free to talk to.

avalanche avalanches

NOUN a huge mass of snow and ice that falls down a mountainside

avenue avenues

NOUN a street, especially one with trees along it

average averages

NOUN 1 a result obtained by adding several amounts together and then dividing the total by the number of different amounts • If I shared 36 sweets between four children, the average would be nine sweets per child.

ADJECTIVE 2 standard or usual • The average teenager is interested in pop music.

SYNONYMS: normal, ordinary, typical

PHRASE 3 You say on average when mentioning what usually happens in a situation. • Men are, on average, taller than women.

aviary aviaries

NOUN a large cage or group of cages in which birds are kept


NOUN the science of flying aircraft

avocado avocados

NOUN a pear-shaped fruit with dark green skin, soft greenish-yellow flesh, and a large stone

avoid avoids, avoiding, avoided

VERB 1 If you avoid someone or something, you keep away from them. • To avoid him, she went home the other way.

2 If you avoid doing something, you make an effort not to do it.

SYNONYMS: dodge, shirk


ADJECTIVE Someone who is awake is not sleeping.

award awards, awarding, awarded

NOUN 1 a prize or certificate for doing something well

VERB 2 If someone awards you something, they give it to you formally or officially. • He was awarded the prize for fastest runner.


ADJECTIVE 1 If you are aware of something, you know about it.

2 If you are aware of something, you can see, hear, smell or feel it.


ADVERB 1 moving from a place • I saw them walk away from the house.

2 at a distance from a place • The nearest supermarket is 12 kilometres away.

3 in its proper place • He put his CDs away.

4 not at home, school or work • My friend’s been away from school for a week.


NOUN FORMAL a feeling of great respect mixed with amazement, and sometimes slight fear • Looking up at the mountains, we felt a sense of awe.


ADJECTIVE very unpleasant or very bad • Isn’t the weather awful?

SYNONYMS: dreadful, terrible
