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NOUN a suggestion from someone about what you should do

The noun advice ends in ce.


ADJECTIVE If it is advisable to do something, it is a sensible thing to do and will probably give the results that you want. • It is advisable to wear a helmet when cycling.

advise advises, advising, advised

VERB If you advise someone to do something, you tell them you think they should do it.

The verb advise ends in se.

aerial aerials

NOUN 1 a piece of wire for receiving television or radio signals

ADJECTIVE 2 happening in the air • We watched the aerial displays at the RAF airshow.


PREFIX to do with the air, for example aeroplane

[from Greek aer meaning air]


NOUN a type of fast physical exercise that increases the oxygen in your blood and strengthens your heart and lungs


aeroplane aeroplanes

NOUN a vehicle with wings and engines that enable it to fly

aerosol aerosols

NOUN a small, metal container in which liquid is kept under pressure so that it can be forced out as a spray

affair affairs

NOUN 1 an event or series of events • The wedding was a happy affair.

2 If something is your own affair, then it is your concern only.

affect affects, affecting, affected

VERB When something affects someone or something, it causes them to change. • Computers affect our lives in many ways.


NOUN a feeling of love and fondness for someone

affectionate ADJECTIVE


ADJECTIVE People who are affluent have a lot of money and possessions.

afford affords, affording, afforded

VERB 1 If you can afford something, you have enough money to pay for it.

2 If you can afford to relax, you feel you have done enough work for the moment, and have time to take things easy.


ADVERB If something or someone is afloat, they are floating.


ADJECTIVE 1 If you are afraid, you are frightened.

SYNONYM: scared

2 If you are afraid something might happen, you worry that it might happen.


PREPOSITION OR ADVERB 1 later than a particular time, date or event • She left just after breakfast. • Soon after, he went to work.

PREPOSITION 2 If you come after someone or something, you are behind them and following them. • They ran after her.

afternoon afternoons

NOUN the part of the day between twelve noon and about six o’clock


ADVERB after an event or time • We went swimming, and afterwards we had an ice cream.


ADVERB happening one more time • The film was so good that we went to see it again.

SYNONYM: once more


PREPOSITION 1 touching and resting on • He leaned the ladder against the wall.

2 in opposition to • France played against England.

age ages, ageing or aging, aged

NOUN 1 The age of something or someone is the number of years they have lived or existed.

2 a particular period in history • the Iron Age

PLURAL NOUN 3 INFORMAL Ages means a very long time. • He’s been talking for ages.

VERB 4 To age is to grow old or to appear older.

Ageing and aging are both correct spellings.

agency agencies

NOUN an organization or business that provides special services • detective agency • advertising agency

agenda agendas

NOUN a list of items to be discussed at a meeting

agent agents

NOUN 1 someone who does business or arranges things for other people • a travel agent

2 someone who works for their country’s secret service

aggravate aggravates, aggravating, aggravated

VERB 1 If you aggravate something, you make it worse.

2 INFORMAL If you aggravate someone, you annoy them.

aggravating ADJECTIVE aggravation NOUN


ADJECTIVE full of hostility and violence • Some breeds of dog are more aggressive than others.

SYNONYMS: belligerent, hostile


ADJECTIVE able to move quickly and easily • He is as agile as a cat.

agilely ADVERB agility NOUN


ADJECTIVE worried and anxious

agitation NOUN


ADVERB in the past • She bought her flat three years ago.


NOUN very great physical or mental pain

SYNONYMS: suffering, torment

agree agrees, agreeing, agreed

VERB 1 If you agree with someone, you have the same opinion as they do.

2 If you agree to do something, you say you will do it.


ADJECTIVE 1 pleasant or enjoyable

2 If you are agreeable to something, you are willing to allow it or to do it.

agreeably ADVERB

agreement agreements

NOUN If you reach an agreement with one or more people, you make a decision with them or come to an arrangement with them.


NOUN farming


ADVERB 1 in front • He looked ahead as he cycled down the road.

2 more advanced than someone or something else • Some countries are ahead of others in space travel.

3 in the future • I can’t think that far ahead.

aid aids