Книги автора James Axler
James Axler
учебная и научная литература, монографии, юридическая литература, история права, юриспруденция, книги для юристов, теория права, государственное право, знания и навыкиEarth's darkest days have given way to a new age of war. Launched by an ancient and powerful alien race, the battle has morphed through an a…
Earth's darkest days have given way to a new age of war. Launched by an ancient and powerful alien race, the battle has morphed through an a…
James Axler
публицистическая литература, биографии и мемуары, публицистикаHumanity's past lies buried beneath the ruins of near annihilation, concealed by a secret entity and its ancient blueprint to enslave mankin…
Humanity's past lies buried beneath the ruins of near annihilation, concealed by a secret entity and its ancient blueprint to enslave mankin…
James Axler
биографии и мемуары, литературоведение, знаменитые драматурги и режиссеры, анализ художественных произведений, литературные герои, лекторий Прямая речь, лекцииTIME WARPEDRyan Cawdor and his six companions struggle to survive postnuclear America, a grim new world where hope for the future is lost am…
TIME WARPEDRyan Cawdor and his six companions struggle to survive postnuclear America, a grim new world where hope for the future is lost am…
James Axler
историческая фантастика, книги о путешествиях, современная русская литература, партизаны, путешествия в прошлое, революция в России, будущее РоссииDESPERATE MEASURESSince the nukecaust, the American dream has been reduced to a daily fight for survival. In the hellish landscape of Deathl…
DESPERATE MEASURESSince the nukecaust, the American dream has been reduced to a daily fight for survival. In the hellish landscape of Deathl…
James Axler
любовные романы, приключения, современные любовные романы, книги о приключениях, первая любовь, современная драматургия, семейные тайны, мужская дружбаWEARY WANDERERSIn the war-torn wasteland known as Deathlands, desperation and destruction have replaced dreams and peace. Each day arrives w…
WEARY WANDERERSIn the war-torn wasteland known as Deathlands, desperation and destruction have replaced dreams and peace. Each day arrives w…
James Axler
периодические издания, газеты, общественно-политическая жизньA deadly truth… When Victor Holland comes flying out of the night, he runs straight into the path of Catherine Weaver’s car. Having uncovere…
A deadly truth… When Victor Holland comes flying out of the night, he runs straight into the path of Catherine Weaver’s car. Having uncovere…
James Axler
стихи и поэзия, серьезное чтение, cтихи, поэзия, духовная поэзияIn the nuke-conceived birth of Deathlands, a rare breed of warrior-survivor emerged–born into suffering, hardened by circumstance, forged by…
In the nuke-conceived birth of Deathlands, a rare breed of warrior-survivor emerged–born into suffering, hardened by circumstance, forged by…
James Axler
детская психология, воспитание детей, родителям, здоровье детей, медицина и здоровьеHumanity's past lies buried beneath the ruins of near annihilation, concealed by a secret entity and its ancient blueprint to enslave mankin…
Humanity's past lies buried beneath the ruins of near annihilation, concealed by a secret entity and its ancient blueprint to enslave mankin…
James Axler
биографии и мемуарыPostnuclear America has changed little since the primal leveling of the twenty-first century. Warrior survivalists Ryan Cawdor and his band …
Postnuclear America has changed little since the primal leveling of the twenty-first century. Warrior survivalists Ryan Cawdor and his band …
James Axler
биографии и мемуарыShockwaves of atomic destruction turned 22nd-century America into a hell zone, but in the ruins the human spirit remains unconquerable. Dail…
Shockwaves of atomic destruction turned 22nd-century America into a hell zone, but in the ruins the human spirit remains unconquerable. Dail…
James Axler
боевики, остросюжетная литература, фэнтези, попаданцы, боевики, русское фэнтези, альтернативная реальность, волшебство, изобретения, иные мирыThe cataclysm of nuclear winter transmuted the world into a place both torturous and unforgiving. But there are those with the courage and p…
The cataclysm of nuclear winter transmuted the world into a place both torturous and unforgiving. But there are those with the courage and p…
James Axler
сказки, зарубежные детские книги, семейное чтение, детская классика, поучительные истории, ЛитРес: чтецThe human will to survive has sharpened to a knife edge after a century of postnuclear madness. In a lawless land where firepower and savage…
The human will to survive has sharpened to a knife edge after a century of postnuclear madness. In a lawless land where firepower and savage…
James Axler
книги по психологии, зарубежная психология, саморазвитие / личностный рост, о психологии популярно, состояния и явления психики, психологическая помощь, депрессия, повышение самооценки, преодоление проблем, когнитивная психологияAfter the Mega cull, the weak died off, so that a century later, the living have descended from only the toughest stock. Still, it takes mor…
After the Mega cull, the weak died off, so that a century later, the living have descended from only the toughest stock. Still, it takes mor…
James Axler
автомобили и ПДД, автотранспортMORTAL RIFTSWhen Doc is taken captive by a band of marauders in what was once Nebraska, Ryan and the companions rally to get him back. But t…
MORTAL RIFTSWhen Doc is taken captive by a band of marauders in what was once Nebraska, Ryan and the companions rally to get him back. But t…
James Axler
книги по психологии, о бизнесе популярно, общая психология, просто о бизнесеExistence after Skydark is a gamble against grim odds–winners and losers decided by guns, jack and raw nerve. Still, one intrepid group push…
Existence after Skydark is a gamble against grim odds–winners and losers decided by guns, jack and raw nerve. Still, one intrepid group push…
James Axler
публицистическая литература, учебная и научная литература, документальная литература, военное дело / спецслужбы, военное дело, биографии военных деятелей, Красная Армия, НКВД, пограничные войска, серьезное чтение, знания и навыки, об истории серьезноThe brutality of post-nuclear America has spawned a dark frontier where the harsh and unforgiving new rules of existence cannot obliterate t…
The brutality of post-nuclear America has spawned a dark frontier where the harsh and unforgiving new rules of existence cannot obliterate t…
James Axler
современная русская литератураMYTHIC PROPORTIONSInsidious alien forces conspiring to enslave humanity grow increasingly dangerous and defiant. Willing to do whatever it t…
MYTHIC PROPORTIONSInsidious alien forces conspiring to enslave humanity grow increasingly dangerous and defiant. Willing to do whatever it t…
James Axler
ужасы / мистика, мистика, исторические детективы, расследование преступлений, ретродетективы, мистические тайны, загадочные события, сверхспособностиThe blighted aftermath of a global nuclear showdown, Deathlands exacts a blood price. The living pay it; the dead don't care. For one legend…
The blighted aftermath of a global nuclear showdown, Deathlands exacts a blood price. The living pay it; the dead don't care. For one legend…
James Axler
книги для подростков, детские приключения, детская психология, подростковый возраст, подростковая психология, детские проблемы, спортивное воспитание, родителямOut of the ashes of the conflagration that savaged mankind two centuries ago, Deathlands was born–a tortured testament to a world long gone.…
Out of the ashes of the conflagration that savaged mankind two centuries ago, Deathlands was born–a tortured testament to a world long gone.…
James Axler
ужасы / мистика, фэнтези, мистика, русское фэнтези, мистические тайны, загадочные события, раздвоение личности, магия и колдовство, ЛитРес: чтецMORTAL RIFTSWhen Doc is taken captive by a band of marauders in what was once Nebraska, Ryan and the companions rally to get him back. But t…
MORTAL RIFTSWhen Doc is taken captive by a band of marauders in what was once Nebraska, Ryan and the companions rally to get him back. But t…