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Weathercocks. Zeremidmen
Weathercocks. Zeremidmen
Weathercocks. Zeremidmen


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Weathercocks. Zeremidmen

But of course, the liberals, a few intellectuals, were not happy at all.

Every year, there were fewer and fewer such irreconcilable and more and more reasonable ones. The aboriginal people in the liberals, the mind comes much faster. They are ready to accept the rules, having previously occupied a suitable branch on the tree. This is the most reasonable behavior, at least traditional, native. Not only the corrupt officials, and sometimes they steal a lot (but not above the standard, of course), but also the so-called oppositionists ask for forgiveness from the leader (another moment of enlightenment and inclusion of prudence, rationality). Everyone asks, looking for self profit. And of course, the dictator is merciful and condescending to them, even to tricksters, scammers, and crooks (if you include non-tariff rules and definitions, they are crooks, and if you do not include them, you just mixed up the branch). If you include the tradition, then everything falls into place. All these corrupt officials and oppositionists who are asking for forgiveness (we still need to understand why they are suddenly oppositionists, it may turn out that they are just competitors) are subjects. They are Zerefs.

Chapter V

The Zeremids

Not yet citizens, but with a great passion for being at the center of the world.

The Zeremids, like the Zerefs (people of tradition), need living space. Zeremids are ideological, militant, and declarative now due to financial interest. To seduce the Zerefs and Zeremids, they have to promise a reward. The traditional elite usually led the traditional people into war against their immediate neighbors. There they received food, robes, and women. Sometimes these neighbors were of the same root as the attackers. But their kin and family were alien or the distant blood for these Zerefs. It all seemed to be in the past. Hence, the eternal intertribal strife of the Zerefs even in modern and modern times, that is, even when the banner of civilization is developing around.

As for Zeremids, they are susceptible to any epithets’ superiority. But these epithets suggest superiority not only over the neighboring tribe of savages but on the scale of countries and peoples. Groups of Remids of the second urban generation provoke the crowd and instill a new idea. They give rise to the imperial idea of seizures, which their fathers allegedly carried out. The rise of nationalism and Nazism in Germany in the 30s of the 20th century is explained by the economic crisis, which brought the aggressive Zeremids from the cultural stupor to the podium. They have given themselves the right of past heroic generations. Remids 2 put plans into the mercantile and weak heads of the Zeremids, fueled by the crowd’s aggression and anger. Without a certain number of urban intellectuals, all the energy of the Zeremids goes to domestic strife and domestic nationalism, or rather ethnic segregation.

In this sense, Russia has used Marxism to acclimatize new agrarian migrants who fled to the cities from landlessness, food taxes, collectivization for a new life, “factories for workers, land for peasants.” Here the role of the neighboring tribe was played by bourgeois and enemies of the people. The ratio Zerefs – Zeremids, Russia was closer to Zerefs reflection. It did not have aggressive citizens of imperial scale and appetites. Here the kulaks and enemies of the people played the role of neighbors of the Indians with some adjustments to the era, development, culture, and geography.


The Zeref – a person with initial reflection, reflection is close to zero, a traditional person who loves only his relatives and older brothers, blindly obeying tradition and the eldest in the family (reflection zero-zeref);

The Remid a person of average reflection, father, teacher, mentor of Zeref, the Remids are traditional elite or just elite; officials, people just with higher education;

The Zeremid – the man of the first generation of townspeople, tradesman. Philistine, employee

Chapter VI

Cruel and quick zere. (the Zeremid)

From now on, to the market people of Zefa the market did not promise that all people would get into the ranks of officials. The fate of officials is the fate of the chosen. The Zefa is absolutely not principled people. They count pennies and rejoice like children. Officials are, first of all, principled people. In any case, they should be principled people. They must defend the interests of the state. Because the Zefa will try to do all the “children” are corrupt. And the sooner the authorized marauder squad got rid of the witnesses and responsible people, the better for them, not the state.

However, now there are few honest, principled people in power. You can say they are not at all. What should we do? How did this happen? Did the guys do the Zere loyal faces, as they should, just to get into the squad of the chosen ones? Yes, of course. All Zere diligent, do everything fanatically or create an appearance because they know they are waiting for a reward. A quiet calf sucks off two cows in a large family, and all the seniors beat the obstinate fool. All Zeremids know about it. Therefore, they do everything so that they are not beaten.

What are the prospects and, most importantly, what kind of life will they not part with?

This is called in the people from dirt to princes. Therefore, all those who interfere with fulfilling dreams to be rich were enemies, and Zere disliked them. Paraphrasing the third extra, we get the principal extra is Remid. All Remids are ideally obliged to stop the actions of any upstarts. Therefore, so that the Remids did not interfere till now, they were forced to speak the language of their brothers. What other principles do you need?

When and what do Zere (Zeref) do best?

For the revolution, they are devoted fighters of the revolution, fanatical revolutionaries, the best fighters against the enemy. After the victory over the enemies of the deposed exploiters, all the doors were opened for the revolutionaries. So, after the civil war, they were fighters against counter-revolution and sabotage, a threat to all the remnants of the whites, nobles, enemies of the people. First, the organizers, collectivization, and furious screamers too, they. Screamers are always “for”. They are always for those who win. This is just one of the examples of Zere behavior. This example from the Soviet past is given to clarify specific behavior.

Glory to Stalin!

When the enemies of the people are nullified and destroyed, when the unconscious and even sober are simply not around, there are no competitors. Ze-re awareness begins when the children of Zere (or Zere 2- A. B.) continue the initial line or tradition as the heirs of the revolutionary experience. Even further, their grandchildren are the successors of the tradition. Each time ze-re realizes themselves not as the heirs of starving men with a revolver, fanatics for getting a revolutionary ration, but as the heirs of heroes, there comes a full awareness of ze-re superiority. But not according to Marx. According to Marx, such awareness through blood, genes-culture is called a reaction. Marx has no explanation for this at all.

Why do the grandchildren of past activists now have an exorbitant level of market selfishness? No one can explain, but we can now.

Why do they now want not equality and brotherhood, but status, their allocation to the chosen caste? Instead of the past altruism, instead of the spirit of comradeship, instead of responsibility is isolation, individualism, the desire for private property-why?

Zeref has few semitones.

This is served in the same bourgeois spirit of freedom and independence. Where independence is understood first as a person, and then everything else.

In 1937, all Ze-re shot all the Remids. The country immediately lost its future (progress skiing). Who are the revolutionary Remids? This is actually the intelligentsia. These are the children of provincial intellectuals. Perhaps among them were the children of pharmacists. So what? The most important thing is that they were literate people, children of private owners and teachers who broke with their petty-bourgeois environment. In this category, reflection was higher than in Zere; consequently, there are more contradictions, halftones, and half-shades. That is, they are not fanatics in the flesh. The Zere has no semitones. In any case, any call, the Remids as persons did not respond with cheers, we won! Revolutionary fanaticism, if this quality of faith in ideals can be called fanaticism, was quite different from them.

They didn’t have fanaticism; they had faith.

Therefore, the Remids do not need self-awareness; they know themselves. Their children also do not need to get rid of complexes, especially grandchildren. But for Zere, awareness is a torment, Zere does not want to look at himself in the mirror; he knows what will be reflected there because Zere’s rejection of people better than themselves, more cultured, more educated is Zere’s hatred for self complexes. This should be highlighted. The Zere doesn’t like himself. But he beats others for it. Self-awareness in Ze-re is the beating of Ze-re repeatedly from generation to generation for the complex.

If there had been no Russian Revolution, this evolution from a serf slave to a rough, wild master might have been called a bourgeois miracle since the same thing happened, as in the whole world, but with a temporary delay. The new masters of Russia came through the way through fanaticism of their fathers because Ze-re is always fanatics, diligent performers. Whatever task the head, any, even the headman, or even the head of the party, they perform fanatically. Or they can pretend to. It seems that they are sincere, but in fact, they are not. They look simple, but they’re tricky. All do with intent to take profit.

And here is the most obvious intent with external loyalty and diligence manifested in the market.

Thus, they are both revolutionaries and counter-revolutionaries. The direction of impact does not matter here. They always perform a task, conditional leader, secretary, president, director, but set by the leader. If the leader is Zere, he will lean on the help of other Zere, the whole path of all these Zere will be a group release from complexes.

Two generations of Ze-re got rid of the slave complex.

When Stalin got the country. He destroyed all the Remids thanks to Ze-re fanatics. The product of the revolution or the country of the Soviets was doomed to a maximum of three generations of the new builders of communism (in fact, the next two generations-the Zere ate off, got rid of complexes, and prepared to turn into masters of Russia). The apparatus, consisting of the vast majority of the heirs of the Zere, was isolated, as it should be when wiping off the dirt and turned into princes or prepared to become a new ruling stratum. In the end, the moment came when they threw off the proletarian cocoon. The beautiful new butterflies have declared independence from the old species, which expresses all desires to change.

Ze-res accumulated privileges and values all the time. Constantly and non-stop, they take a step when the critical mass builds up. That’s how “everything else” manifested itself in a parade of independents states. It turns out that even with the market ahead of Ze-res are succeeding.

So, there are no moral people among the Zere because the principles prevent them from making a high jump. Zere complexes aggravate all such jumps. It’s better to live without a reminder. Therefore, they jump, try to jump higher, and then pick up some government position.


Zere = Zeremid

Chapter VII

The vanity

It isn’t easy to conclude when everything suddenly appears (super, hyper, mega market). For some, it’s a miracle. Who has seen little in life? Under the control of the nomenclature, which saw because it was the elite.

Who did not see anything?

Shopping is an exciting, generally accepted business and pastime for all others. Was it certainly an event for them as always hungry or consistently poor? We draw sharp conclusions.

Suppose we want to avoid offing the subject altogether. It is pleasant to buy an inaccessible thing, although anything new is pleasant in itself. It is even more satisfying to make expensive purchases. If you believe you need to have money, well, what big ones, which did not exist before, and now there is, you want to show it to everyone, demonstrate, surprise (selfie purchases are still full together with its of happy owners).

They have a thrill from their takeoff every time from dirt to princes.

Of course, the business of buying goods by the population at the market cannot be simple, ordinary. The population buys unprecedented food and clothing. We need to show it to everyone. This joy should be officially celebrated. Imagine, from all the cracks, and it will inevitably be that we are so free, so independent. We were eager to be free, dreaming (of goods?). Does the purchasing business also acquire an ideology in a compartment with pride? Yes, indeed! Every buyer of an unheard-of, colorfully wrapped product wants to shout out to the light with all their skin: “Yes! I want to buy it!”

At the Zeref level, everyone wants to confirm: “I agree! I bought something that I would never have bought at all, never.” However, the Zerefs are silent (and we will demonstrate this). If you catch every customer in the super, hyper, mega-market and ask such a topic, he will not be silent. And share your happiness in the air.

The Zerefs, the traditional population, are silent in their own right. While every used car owner, the happy owner of an old Toyota, will be busy with good luck on wheels without even realizing what is happening around. His mood will not be against that dream.

What did you fight for in particular?

You don’t have to ask him that question. He will be busy with his happiness-Toyota, and this silent Zere will not understand you. Once fought, then fought. However, wrestling is done by all buyers in the super, hyper mega-market). But the owners of used Japanese cars, that is, there were many such “fighters”. Yes, the conscientious people мheroes (Remids, Zelots) are engaged in fighting Zerefs only rise, rebel, and then when only hunger. Only when the need is spurred to internal protest.

What about Columbus?

If you imagine the situation with the arrival of the Columbus expedition to New land, then the local Indians there were also surprised by the clothes and appearance of the newcomers (they did not see this). But the local leader would not have thought to gather blood brothers… so that they would not escape to the ships of Columbus because of the beads. They can exchange gold for glass beads with them, but they can’t buy them. The Indians did not understand market relations. They were surprised by the unexpected.

The modern people, of course, will also consider any guests. This is, to say, a simple curiosity. Well, the new gods come down to them from heaven. Modern Zerefs are still literate (then were the passive Indians). But they continue to consider all, only to determine whether their guest is higher or lower by status – the same barometer.

All for itself. This is a new Zerefs law.

You can still close your eyes and speak without mistakes: not scold Zeref with Zeremid; they’re doing it yourself. These are the consequences of universal education, universal literacy. The letter seems to be there, but the callousness is old. That’s why modern Zerefs look for-they is higher or lower. Higher or more down, and that’s it. And what to do to get taller and not look shorter (it’s a nightmare, it’s a shame). Even a banal photo from an expensive resort is essential here. Even they’re shouting; we need democracy, we need freedom, we need to live like people in the West-this is also a show-off and nothing more.

Zeref and Zeremid all the time are thinking about how to cause envy.

This is the next stage of world awareness. The Remids are aware of the world. In Revcon, Remids are the elite (by reflexivity) of society. But after all, Remids can also be happy with a used car, especially if they have not seen it before. However, they are an example of status. (TheRremids of the entire USSR, primarily the so-called intelligentsia, were the elite for the USSR, but not for the market. They’re now just as corrupt and even worse. If Zeref does not understand or guess anything, then Remid does everything after thinking about it with full awareness of his actions). If the lower classes take prestigious things, then what are Remids? – Do the Remids think about themselves at the moment of a general crisis? Yes, of course. However, Remid is obliged to think about the high, not the material: the state and morality. But we know that Remids usually were the second generation of citizens in the USSR. There was no way they could let the Zeref upstarts jump over their heads. Higher or lower, lower or higher, well, nobody can’t afford to jump above caste status. Whoever came second should be second in line.

And here they are together (and the first and second) began to be sold for wrappers and low-quality products from the western meal, all the local “gold” to change. This shows that the USSR elite was workers and peasants-of common origin because they couldn’t resist the cheap temptations.

Both democracy and nationalism…

So, if you take the Zeref level, the Zerefs are always busy with their daily bread. They build houses, as it should be homemaker men, create a family, stamp themselves by heirs. The official ideology concerns them as long as it does not interfere but helps to build this house, raise this son. They can only support official nationalism by either total silence or total assent. (Well, even when they make unusual purchases, they can shout in unison: Hooray aa! We bought a Toyota!)

In general, all Zerefs men are needed by statisticians to represent the mass. Zerefs men are eternal extras and objects for manipulation. If there are many of them, then any ideology, any idea is easily implanted. You have to go out and announce it to everyone. So, that no one would say or pretend not to hear. The Zerefs and their family will be having dinner at this time, or maybe lunch. Whatever rules are announced on the square, they will adopt them. Then they’ll have dinner again, perhaps lunch.

Remids need all the changes to become elite again. During the construction of Zeref nests, Remids also didn’t waste any time. After all, the local Remids were not much different from the Zerefs. This is about the traditional society. When the Zerefs build houses, the Remids make their fortunes in government work. While the Remids are engaged in corruption, the Zerefs are silent. After all, nothing can be said against the elite. If this is abundance, and the state has reserved, there are sources for all Zerefs to build houses and keep silent, and the Remids make their fortunes with corruption. We can conclude that this is a conservative society (traditional) 100%.

Who is more numerous, the future is same theirs?

Even if it is an enlightened traditional society, there are literate people; there are totally many of them. It doesn’t mean anything. Do you think nationalism came to some to collect billion, others to buy old Toyotas? Look at all the conservative and even entire states of the world. For some reason, in all traditional communities, conservative states, there is an uncompromising struggle-either fundamental value nor democracy.

Conservatism and even fundamentalism are defensive reactions.

So, that the Zerefs men don’t disappear so that these people will not be lost, need to know,

democracy among the silent Zerefs leads to the disappearance of all Zerefs.

The disappearance of these people in a democracy is guaranteed. Because if there are more Zerefs than Remids, then society will be traditional. The Zerefs will build this world as their home with their multitude, their silence. They are an army of extras and support that becomes the foundation of a conservative state. Everyone here is busy with everyday life and housing construction. Of course, the real Remids are not homemake men but rather the opposite. They think about the state more than themselves.

So, closer to conservatism, we have a Zeref society, where everything is enough for everyone. Therefore, all are silent, tiptoe, go about their business-houses, sons (how to build and arrange). What is happening on the street in a conservative society does not pay attention. Even corruption is recognized as a good thing (fantastic!). Because a corrupt official steals for himself, works for his family. The family is always in the first place for conservatives, even if officials pretend to care about the people.


Suicide note of the former Minister of Internal Affairs of Uzbekistan Ergashev :

“I am a lonely man, the son of a poor man, slandered by Rashidov and his gang.

I am an honest member of the CPSU, and I am Marxist-Leninist.

Long live the CPSU, Marxism-Leninism!

Long live the Soviet people!

My children, it would help if you worked conscientiously on the construction of communism and never faced slander. I do not owe anyone. I say again that I am an honest man and have been slandered. Without anyone’s help, I advanced to position myself as a lone Soviet citizen”.

One gets the impression that before us is a communist defending his honor, another victim of the intrigues of the Rashid mafia, Proud and unbroken. Is it so?

No, it’s not. Ergashev drew into his corruption schemes, or rather into the lifestyle of the Uzbek housebuilder (the homemakeman), the Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs of the USSR Churbanov. The late minister’s capital was about 10 million rubles, and the primary custodians of this wealth were family members and close relatives.

Vanity. Part 2. Where to go, whom to give yourself to?

Who supports this order? Who likes it?

Of course, outside Refags can support such democracy and such nationalism.

Therefore encouraging the local elite to become independent in the external arena, the Refags showed better self-sufficiency and democracy in general than the socialism of the Zerefs. This is absolutely not the same Refags that landed North American fleets with Columb.

If, for traditional people, hierarchy in any form and conditions is essential, regardless of time and civilization, then for Refags it is critical to sell their goods, just irrespective of time and place. They like Zerots (the traditional elite) because they don’t have to mess with them.

Chapter VIII

Big brother steals and builds a house

Not provincials choose the career of an official. Previously, this prospect looked attractive and traditional. But after the collapse of the USSR and the restoration of capitalism, the star of Kommersant’s status shone attractively.

Not only the top item like the new imported stuff and cars. Everything could be bought in the market now. Much faster and of a different kind. The opportunities of the west elite became available to the Soviet bourgeoisie. What was available only to the top became available to everyone. This confused everyone. Who is the elite now? Therefore, the lower classes did not immediately understand all the market’s charms. But as they understood, they immediately became merchants, began to sell anything. Many, of course, were forced from a desperate situation, the family to feed as it is necessary. By necessity, they also appreciated the taste of an inaccessible deficit in the past. The first savings went as personal achievements, then family ones.

Not all people were on this path of rapid and easy enrichment simultaneously. The most purposeful, ambitious, and evil, cynical merchants turned out to be the poorest in the past. That was unexpected. Real fighters appeared, often from large, orphaned, and other low-income families, against the background of the depreciation of past morals.

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