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Weathercocks. Zeremidmen
Weathercocks. Zeremidmen
Weathercocks. Zeremidmen


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Weathercocks. Zeremidmen

Have to define this population as petty-bourgeois, who do not have values, in simple terms, collective farmers with requests. They flooded the city and came to the city center in expensive suits (option for an expensive car rolled). They didn’t become someone. They just realized themselves. Removed the space complexes they won’t build any more cities. The more villages, the more villages. To those architectures came the end. Only the centers will be equipped for other fun. They have to not only take off mental complexes but also forget it, right? They associate the center with joy and ostentation. Different types of activities and industries will probably fall into disrepair. Wishes are realized – here they are already in the offices! The motto remains: “live and enjoy, don’t worry! “We will make our relatives, acquaintances and friends professors and writers, singers and poets, point a bunch of cameras at them, draw a big advertisement, invite – not for free – some group of Western stars, they will sing to us for a lot of money. Who should be embarrassed?

Why can’t this trouble-free, fabulously easy mood (with the realization of desires) go to the crowd? And the mood changes. And it is transmitted to the crowd below. That’s why it’s a traditional society. Someone sneezed from above, and there was an epidemic from below. All after all – “suburban” Philistines are infected with all the diseases of the elite. The lower the status, the stronger the passion to get infected-this is the law. Conscience, morals, laws, they killed with their desires. “We will buy all departments, studios, mantles, courts, operating rooms and editorial offices” – the first second, second third, third fourth echo: we will buy! We are not interested in the standard. We are interested in the external outfit, being, and form, which is cool. In politics-we are like the elite. Rudeness is our standard. We are a big easy crowd. (And if it is also ethnic? Related to an ethnic group?)


We got a little distracted from the so-called oppositionist. Who in his youth “dreamed” of getting out in people. Unfortunately, some categories of citizens have mundane dreams. In some ways romantic, but the closer to the goal, to life, all vulgar. Here it “got out in people”, got through into politics.

Now he can tell the news from the collective farms or the station, even from the sidings. The problem: the higher he climbed, the more influential and “wider” his “childhood” became. Travel -the homeland will always come to him in a dream. In children, some successes, let’s call them children’s exploits, cause asking, in another way, lifting their noses in front of others. For a while, they live on this glory or its remnants. If a traditional person, even a literate Zeref gets a position, he lives it, lives well, lives with authority and fame; his family does not suffer. He often remembers his poverty. And he is naturally vain; his adventures are natural. No one knows that a natural person needs more fame than food. The more authority he has, the better off him and his family live. Even now, he has to be visible all the time, on the surface all the time. Otherwise, he will dream about traveling again at night. Absolutely, or he’ll lose it all. Therefore, the so-called opposition in natural society is full of such people who have made mistakes. They get to the siding directly from the train. They fall from the clip, from the system, from the prestigious and expensive cars.

Furthermore, they were all or should have been in power. But the government will not take them back. No one from these former provincials wanted to return to the old road trip. They won’t understand it. Without power, they will have no authority. As one substance, they do not sink, and everyone knows that is the “opposition” here or so-called. They jump into another “opposition” car. And then they take a chair there, sit on the boss’s chair in opposition. They are picking up new servants who are ass-kissers and incompetents to make them dumber. So the opposition turns into an Asian opposition without hints of a democratic culture. They are now engaged in feudal degradation in opposition.

What happens to a former provincial when he gets into government or parochial government? At first, he just demolishes his natural nature. This is called a value shock or a blow to the pillars of the vanity. He is like an artist now, and he will always miss the height if he falls from the top of power. Outwardly, this is not reflected and is not immediately visible. And that shock is not enough. Did everyone see the expression on the Asian official’s face? He’s all arrogant, and it’s just rushing from him from all sides. You can’t force him to return to earth (to travel) by any force now, except for falling (due to the activity of our wedding General of opposition, for example). But this past elevation cannot forget. The height already lives with him for the rest of his life. It will fart, jump out and stand like a shadow in unexpected places, in most cases inappropriate and, after retirement, expulsion from the queue for power. Let’s assume that such an” oppositionist,” but he’s pushing hard and arrogant… It’s pointless now. He is only an oppositionist – just like everyone else, he is an outcast. Everyone knows that, but not him. He’s still there. He makes himself an unexpected throne, the boss’s chair from boxes and other devices (as in childhood), takes a new pose, climbs higher in the room among other oppositionists, that he is higher and here. The origin of a rural man takes its toll. He is back on the throne of opposition planks. So, he believes in all seriousness. And it always wants to “stand by” the Genevese now. Because he often goes to Geneva to visit the European Democrats. He is a Genevese, almost in reality, and you are collective farmers. These are just old natural show-offs. Can this right be taken away from him? No. Because it is impossible to take it away – childhood is not given away. He wants to go to Geneva all the time, similar to when he was a kid, and he wants to go to the city on a passing train. This is another of his childhood fantasies. To then spread the tail in front of the other children.

But no. He immediately builds himself a throne out of any pose and material.

Well, let’s say he considers himself superior to others. Why, they weren’t as high up as he was – in the middle of the city! The General Secretary there or the co-Chairman, or the press Secretary of the disgraced Prime Minister. They, his fellow party members – again “provincials” even next to his self-made throne. Now it can go to another “city center”, for example, the real center of the European city of Geneva. He takes a trip to the summit of the European Parliament and hangs out among the pure and fragrant parliamentarians. And you all stayed in the suburbs.., that is, in his small homeland – in Terra incognita, somewhere among the snotty boys of the village.

Conclusion: the emancipation of social “children” harms the opposition cause. This means they will always be with their complexes in the “city center”. Even in politics, they will assert themselves and rest on their laurels.

Chapter II

In search of the elder

The contradiction between the modern shell and the archaic stuffing, when internal combustion engines are around, and at the same time public offices and post are being sold. It is solved. There is linear parallel coexistence of the external and internal world. However, he seems to be there as two of the ski from the skier. One ski is modern, the other is ancient, but it is also a ski because it slides. After all, the skier or the traditional society still goes.

Then there is hiring for public positions, hiring out government positions in the spirit of the Middle Ages, where sellers and buyers do not feel anxious. On the contrary, all landlords and tenants feel good. Both sides are people of the same culture, all as if on their ideological plate, and therefore, everyone who surrenders to the new feudal lord is the traditional person? Is this normal? Together, people who have fallen into submission also do not feel uncomfortable? Such surrogate serfs, who work for the feudal mandarin? It seems strange, but it’s still a culture.

Those who are not ready for such a reversal simply do not understand anything.

This is simply a traditional, and therefore necessarily, profoundly hierarchical society. It just can’t do without the main person in the system. It does not work without the most important, respected master, boss, authority – the eldest in the family, brother, etc. Furthermore, this art, the culture of domination for all other blood brothers, has been cultivated for centuries and formed for thousands of years. If there is no dominance, superiority, and therefore arrogance, pressure, I am your father, older brother (variations I am the boss and your master and benefactor). If you are my younger brother (subordinate or even slave), both sides will feel bad. Traditional society is constantly searching for its elite.

Another thing is that external circumstances also correlate with the elite. Strong neighbors, for example, greatly influence the behavior of the local elite. This has always been the case in history. Who is more robust in tradition, who is more influential, and who is older in the world of tradition, the older brother. Even a modern market ski means it is a guide for the ancient ski, and the main thing is that the skier (people) still, I drove, crossed, moved from place to place quietly and calmly. Although the second-old ski, the traditional ski, always comes in, “runs ahead”. Because the number of new board members is growing, they are recruited on the principle of silence. Traditional going to be first. And a traditionalist and silent skier who falls into the elite should immediately find his row because his ski, with which he came or went to the ski track, is always more than the norm. He’s a traditionalist, don’t forget. And such obedient taciturn people with their reflexes begin to interfere with the sliding of a fashionable ski. That’s why the head of this ski track is always obliged to shake both the ski track and the skiers together. If they don’t shake, then the old skis will block the reform of the ski track and everything around from progress. Then conservatism will win here, and no hypocrisy and a fake game of reforms will help.

Meanwhile, after each shake, the Zeref has to prove the rank again, fill the branch with himself. If he managed to “drive” higher, he means he is higher and considers those who sit lower below, younger to himself, the lower rank. Isn’t that why this passion gets into the clip? Get into the midst of the courtiers, approach the court of the chosen, enter the khan’s tent and slip quietly higher, higher, higher? The question is, for what services?

How do you get into the main tent?

First, this is obedience and recognition of the system.

What is a system? This is a recognition of traditional rules. Do you need to learn such etiquette from traditional people, who know who is among relatives from the cradle? Agelessness or colorlessness, of course, facilitates or brings them closer to the cherished place where they can take for gracelessness and spinelessness. And above all for zeal and even fanaticism to please the owner-benefactor. But after all, any fanatic sees around his kind. The owner chooses from a pile of the same silent competitors. Of course, who had many brothers or vice versa, complete orphans will be out of the competition.

However, if you look at society as a whole, such a society will not respond to other signals such as freedom, democracy, or even socialism, and so on. It will obey only the force. It will not react to anything until someone is specifically affected by the new feudal hierarchy. The local leader, in turn, will appear to be the master of the situation. And then the paternal system will definitely notice. And this means that the machine of the feudal inquisition overtakes someone or just someone caught up in the harvest of mandarin from his department. In this system, you often have to be cautious not to be eaten by competitors. Still, ordinary people have always been silent in the past, a being obliged to remain silent, at least when collecting taxes from the taxable population. And the more people there are of such a culture, the more this society will build up the old ski harming the modern one, becoming totalitarian, step by step, term by term.

It’s at the top. And what’s below.

After all, people outside the pyramid are not people; they are not elite well, in the traditional understanding of a person and his meaning in such a culture. A person from the lowering ranks is not a person at all.

Chapter III

The homemakeman

Build a house, plant a tree…

The homemakemen are good guys. They build houses, cultivate fields (or raise cattle), and raise sons. They always fuss for their offspring. The next generation does the same: cultivates the field, drives the cattle. Each head of the family repeats the path of the fathers, without thinking and almost without blinking. Is there anything new here? I mean, what does each father bring to the same habit (growing crops, driving cattle)?

Of course, it is not the gag to get something to eat. That’s why he’s a father, not a portrait. Each generation inherits one part of the habits from the father and the other part from the traditional society, that is, also house builder. It turns out that the housebuilders do not care what is happening in the world, outside their field, far from their native steppe? I’m not saying they don’t see what’s happening in their absence. For example, on the street near the house or even in the state of housebuilders? The main thing for them is to deliver the goods to their shop and sell them more expensive, then buy all sorts of food for their offspring, and a fur coat for their wife? All this is good and beautiful from the outside. But in the opinion of the same Zeref and we are talking about traditional people. They are universal house builders, up to a certain point, all traditional homemakermen societies self-destructed, served as a fodder base for the development of any civilization because of… impoverishment of natural and artificial if you want, but resources. Because the homemaker’s men doubles, triples, paternal the farming and nothing more. Zeref educates himself, such Zeremid, who lives by the same building laws. While there, the Zeremid new ski is still longer and more beautiful. (This is the ski of progress, do not forget – A. B.) What is nationalism the homemakemen do not understand because they aren’t concerned in eve outside the house? That’s why they come up with so-called nationalists, a few pieces that portray nationalism at a time when the homemakeman and homemakemen do not care what is happening in the world. The housebuilder man is internally short-sighted, although he is very tenacious and far-sighted in ways to survive. But not all traditional societies perished from the number, the banal physical number of housebuilders. In ancient times, the number of heroes still decided the fate of the battle. What about now? Who is needed, what kind of person in the management, the building, and even the house?


Zeref- a traditional person with rigidly set social actions, low reflection almost zero, hence the word Zeref’s reflection is zero (zeref).). Has no semitones, serves the idols of the genus, communicates in the circle of native blood. Zeref has no semitones of perception, is categorical, irreconcilable, hostile to others and another opinion in the development of rejection of “not your own”

Zeref’s loop – the baby boom, overheating of the population.

Zerot (zeroot = zeref+root) – the traditional feudal elite

Zero’s loop – the creating a solid cast, impenetrable social barriers. The lack of social mobility pre-revolutionary situation. None of the lower castes can enter the feudal elite.

Remid – a new traditional elite, rulers, officials, authorities, teachers; Remid put actions for Zerefs, determine morality, laws, politics, reflection average-middle (remiddle).

Remind’s loop – the elite’s struggle with the brightest personality, the cooperation of second and third parties against the hero and the prophet.

Refag is a person of a trading civilization in several generations; reflection is high, selfish, utilitarian-refag (re + high).

Zeremid is a first-generation city person, has a half-rigid social reflex of custom and new skills of city life, half-urban, half-rural.

Zeremid’s loop – the Zeremids are approximate imitators. They imitate the elite, any idea, any direction to be good for their families. By imitation, hypocrisy, and even fanaticism, they harm any cause, state, or idea.

Zefa is a man from the city’s first generation with a tendency towards the market and speculation and to trade at least something; circumstances forced him.

Revcon – revolution conservatism

Chapter IV

Our branches

Along with democracy, super, hyper, and mega – markets appeared. And former traditional people, as well as former provincials, began to shop in them.

It’s hard to tell which one is which from that point on. The first secretaries of the party and the ruling functionaries appeared to be on a par with ordinary citizens. Of course, from now on, everyone became a citizen. I can’t tell the difference. They did not even know what it meant. To use a cliché about the bourgeoisie, all former citizens of the USSR simultaneously became bourgeois.

But we know that in the USSR, there were still traditional people. Just instead of the traditional elite, there were first secretaries and other functionaries of the apparatus, instead of community members – ordinary citizens. However, tradition is tradition, and the idea is the idea. If the idea was jacked from the item to suit their needs, “the mind, honor, and conscience of the epoch,” i.e., party bosses are the top of all others below. But now all the same buyers.

So, new citizens began to differ not in purchases but the purchase price or price tag on the purchase. Still, although former, the nomenclature could afford expensive and prestigious things. Ordinary citizens (Zerefs) bought almost everything, but cheap and second-hand. Such cheap relative to the purchases of the elite and second-hand was a success for the bourgeois and provincial. They had never seen anything in the soviet past like it and could not hope to see it; it was a miracle. This explained the mass apolitical nature of the so-called people when the building of the USSR was dismantled into independent bricks. No one was willing to take risks and did not defend their country. After all, buyers in super, hyper, mega markets did not care. That was important to them; they understood their house and new business. Once again, we are dealing with a traditional population, even if it was called soviet. They have lost not only the remnants of a soviet but traditional elementary morality. They ask, for what?

The hero goes to feats, and the elite equips the army in campaigns?

For traditional people, their importance in their native society, some name in their community, is important. The name and meaning could now be had without performing any feats, without performing together with the feudal lords in any campaigns, for trophies from now they can go hiking in the super, hyper, mega market together with their wives. And the more expensive the wife chooses a dress, the higher her husband’s head rises. That’s how the former soviet, traditional people, began to go bullying each other for the next purchase (show-off began to mean). Who had never seen a used Japanese Toyota, moreover, could not dream in a residential area or a village even about Zhiguli, was incredibly excited, finding that you can buy it from resellers this very Toyota of fifteen years of freshness. Who has never lived in a house with amenities and may have occupied half a home in an urban-type settlement, where there was no hot water or natural gas, and the bathroom was shared, as in a hostel, for example. He was happy to buy housing with amenities, and maybe even a big cottage like the first secretary’s former soviet party, not to mention the small pleasures in the form of gift sweets, condensed milk, or just packs of Indian tea. Everything that the Soviet elite had become available to the mere person! Well, how can they not be happy for freedom and democracy! Although people from below accustomed to the hierarchy feel like first secretaries for a few days, yes, a few days, the rest of your life, is expensive. The Zerefs are ready to exchange their future for the prestigious dresses of a feudal nobleman of thirty years ago. That is why it is important to know that the so-called new bourgeoisie in market conditions will also strive to sit higher than its neighbor on a twig, at least one day, but higher. This was due to the endless, insatiable greed of the elite and now the simple persons.

Why do you think traditional people need this corruption?

This word is like the misting is a temporary and curable process. In fact, the practice of corruption (or stealing) is a recognized cause. After all, we do not forget that the existing internal policy is not built by decrees, orders, appeals. The general pile and concentration of appeals and orders seem to be empty talk or sound piles of garbage. Everyone who addresses, and everyone to whom they address, for a long time and always missed it by ear. Some advanced politicians and hypocrites understood that the fight against corruption was necessary for form. So, the struggle for the high and low branches of the traditional hierarchy and weight in society does not turn into anarchy and slaughter. All Zeremids and even Remids are quite educated people; they all received knowledge and understanding about good and bad. This is one of the positive aspects of the enlightenment that the people of the former world and the community know what is good and bad within civilization’s limits. In short, corruption, although it seems to be a bad thing, will never end here. Until at least everyone is sitting on their branches. Until then, everything will be outwardly peaceful and decent. Perhaps they will catch you like corruption, man, but it’s a small thing. This is not the most important thing To frighten the rest of the pile of applicants. You can always buy off the police and the court. Every service costs money, that’s all.

As for the intelligentsia, which seemed to know more than anyone else and was the first to claim the secretaries, but they were weak.

Let us drive too.

Then they moved on to another stage – the stage of law. If all the previous stages were a struggle for status, it is quite a traditional occupation, which is higher and lower; now, according to the bourgeois (the Refag) canons, the time of law is coming.

I’m a trembling creature, or I have the right!

The liberal intelligentsia turns to the Zerefs in the supermarket: Are you trembling creatures or what? Down with autocracy! Those in response looked at them, not even with the eyes of surprise. Don’t they understand who these shepherds are? If you once addressed traditional people, and they look at you with children’s eyes in response, then be lenient to these people.

All domestic policy is actually based on the understanding of the majority.

How this majority understands changes. Let them look at you even like sheep. At the Zeref level, even owning second-hand things of their own and someone else’s elite (supported cars and fashionable jeans are not even things of the western elite) is an outstanding achievement and success. Tradition sets before the community simple things that have been repeated for centuries:

The creation

The provision of a family

Observance of the stability of existing rights

Of course, the importance of the elite here is great. The Zerefs carry out all the orders of their priests (Remids). They repeat all the prescribed elements as if all the Zerefs are older men from young to old and, most importantly, they respect (idolize) their leader. Well, of course, the “mind, honor, and conscience” of former party members for its internal order during capital accumulation could not imagine the best assistants. Hence, the outer shell of such a tandem must necessarily be represented by nationalism and self-determination (elites). Although, of course, the Zerefs do not understand what nationalism is (they are not a nation). For clarification, the leader’s apparatus recruits interpreters. It is the second positive point of enlightenment. But, as already mentioned, the best interpreters and translators were super, hyper, mega markets, where all Zerefs men instantly forgot, surrounded by boxes of goods. They felt an increase in their status from before. They felt it and were happy.
