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Hierarchical man. Zerot
Hierarchical man. Zerot
Hierarchical man. Zerot


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Hierarchical man. Zerot

What’s the big deal?

As already mentioned, for tradition, the signal to change places is only a tragedy, the force of circumstances, the death of the top. Then there is a rotation. Then the new ruler begins to communicate with the crowd, raise his hands up or look for touch with onlookers, passing through the line of admirers.

For modern citizens, the force of circumstances is a disadvantage. For example, there is not enough money for purchases food, clothing, family maintenance. In accordance with market manners, they are immediately irritated. This irritation is not a moment of bad luck; this irritation has accumulated; it is not a tribute to the situation.

From this moment on, the philistine, who is also a citizen, accuses the president and searches for like-minded people to shout together-resign! It should be after emotions and actions, he will come home and tighten the belt for himself and others as his ancestors did before him, regardless of social structure and speed. And, as it should be, he will not eat as always – varied and abundant. Moreover, he will not even want to reproduce, start a family. If there is a family, he will divorce. It’s easier to live alone. Modern people always plan as if they were responsible for the whole nation. This is the civil level of responsibility. Leaving the family cannot be planned, but everyone can use condoms.

But what if, instead of tightening their belts and increasing their responsibility, these people and these people begin, on the contrary, to produce a new life? Instead of reducing costs and the number of eaters, the costs are also distributed to newborns. The daily norm for all will be less than usual. Yes, the traditional people, if they do not live in the natural environment of their ancestors, where nature itself would tell them about the crisis, this crisis does not concern them at all. They also know that people have a leader. And if there is a leader, then nothing around will change. Even the hungry children who come to him in the evening with a tired wife do not serve as a hint that the tradition has changed. That everything is not as it was 100 years ago. You know, he (the Zeref) also doesn’t want a rotation of habits, you know? Nor do his rulers want any democracy or elections—such childlike spontaneity in adult-looking (traditional) people—a kind of eternal immaturity.

Universal harmony between top and bottom.

As a rule, modern citizens who seek out ways of survival (responsibility) and Zerefs-traditional people behave differently. And the upper classes rule as they see the reaction from below. If the bottom is silent, then the top is sure that they are simply moving. What a picture! Everyone wanders and does not notice anything around. And this is although the entire population, even that is silent, is flooded with gadgets and high-speed cars are rushing through the streets.

They seem to be sleeping an age-old dream. But this is always a deceptive picture. Inside the traditional people, a wild volcano of passions is bubbling. You can’t make them look at themselves from the outside. Therefore, the conservative elite never gave people knowledge. Ignorant people are always asleep. Well, let them sleep!



Because they are always on guard, not borders in the first place, the territory, rituals, the rites, and cults allow us to expand the old borders, add free territories to the old ancestral territories, or even the territory of neighbors – the same pagans. If we are talking about unoccupied, completely virgin lands, there is not enough population at all. You can walk and hunt, and no one will go to a skirmish. In a completely primitive way, you can loosen the ground or just hunt and collect berries. The time of savagery does not interest us at all. Although, it is about the savages of the Neolithic that we are now talking about. You do not need to speak to dig up an edible root or kill a deer with a stone, inspiring yourself with cherished words. Cherished words and rituals will be invented later when there will be little land for hunting.

And then they will come out on top.

Not warriors and hunters, but priests of the Zerots and will conjure to the spirits of nature or the spirits of the dead to help the living. As long as there was relative abundance, there was also relative primitive freedom. The separation of the Zerot into a separate caste contributed to the problems of survival or rather primitive technology during the already growing number of hunters. And if the genus has problems, then the territory is small at all. Why is the territory suddenly so small? Yes, because the generation of the primitive baby boom was born. If the weather allows, then many children are born to traditional peoples. Many successful hunting means many stocks, and many stocks mean children are born.

But if the crisis of nature, the crisis of the weather.

After any baby boom comes to the inevitable administration of the population, including food stamps, which, of course, gives out-who? The administration is kind, and the old way is the priesthood, (and Revcon named the feudal as Zerots); if we are talking about feudalism, it Zerots and no one else, except them. The Zerots always keep under control, not the population but morals. And the stricter this morality is, even to the point of sanctimonious, which, however, is not typical for paganism (paganism has one control unit-this taboo), the more people live, which means more than is already necessary. And to keep everything under control, you need to either squeeze the vice of morality and thereby annoy the hunters with your lectures or let the population go free on all four sides. And this is certain death. After all, the same nomads live around. And they also have an overabundance of people.

And then the tribal war begins.

By the way, the ideology of the superiority of any nation over others is what happens from this, that new rituals and postulates are added to it, and then the seizure of new territories. The attack on the neighbors takes place for ideological reasons in the literal sense. We are hungry, so you must give up your land to us. So, for example, the ideology of fascism and Nazism arose from the overpopulation of the rural population of Italy and Germany; as an option, the rural population of same Italy, Spain, Russia chose the postulates of unlimited freedom (anarchism). In Spain, and especially in Russia, the traditional population did not choose superiority at all but outrage at the superiority of others. Internal property distinction. This is more suitable for beating up your people so that others are afraid. The class struggle and Marx’s postulate that no one can grant the proletariat freedom except the proletariat itself is a struggle or struggle for supremacy turned inside out. And the wrong side of the fact is that the territory of Russia is huge, and the territory of Germany is limited. Therefore, the extra people of Russia in the form of the proletariat or (disguised as proletarians?) chose the Russian version of Marxism. The German workers went to the neighbors with the slogans uber ales – and there and there, it was the result of overpopulation.

The crisis of the early twentieth century in the flesh to the middle was a crisis of traditional values and the traditional family. In one case, the land was nationalized, but this was not of much use until half the population fled to the cities; in the German version, the land was seized according to pagan “Aryan” laws. And according to Aryan pagan laws, the local population was refused to live. Absolutely nothing has changed from the wild time. There was the only ideology and dressed in costumes propagandists. Previously, propagandists were wrapped in leather. These clothes are also simple.



And the death is not. The Zerots are an elite that never wants or can change. And not only because the Zerots are very frequent, but all are also elderly-elders and dictators.

The Zerots are not afraid of death and afraid of shame.

So, why is the traditional elite, the tribal elite, or the feudal elite – the Zerots – unwilling to change?

Actually, why should they change if you want them to?

The Zerots are not just unwilling to change, they are simply not the clowns of democracy that everyone is used to. Modern people do not think strategically, do not plan, do not anticipate fate for years ahead, they would live today’s day to the end, but spend time noisy and fun. And there’s no one Zerot around. The Zerot don’t care about modern dance. They live like characters in the Bible. They don’t just live for a few centuries. It doesn’t happen that way. But so” slowly” think all the feudal lords of the nobility. The rule of Zerot is you only change places and only when the time is right. When they grow up, the replacement will mature. These seeds are their children. If not their sons, then the most worthy relatives change the ruler. Everything else is the whim of idiots who are used to living with the main characters for their entire lives and even centuries in one film session.

And the desire to change the rulers is also affected by the crisis.

Again, it is only the selfishness of consumers that gives rise to the desire for the manager to leave. But he doesn’t leave. Not because he is waiting for the next election. If he is Zerot, he is preparing a replacement. The traditional elite has never consulted the rabble. Only in very wild times, when anyone could reach the leader, only then did the leader yield. Well, then not everyone would dare to take responsibility for the life of the people. The elite is the elite. Where some simply live, perform the function of life from birth to old age, others are already waiting for death. And remember it. The mob is afraid of death, and the Zerot is preparing for it. The Zerot cares what they say about him. The Zerot inherit their name. A family name is a great honor more precious than gold. They behave as if they were born a long time ago.

And if the crisis happened, what does it mean for Zerot? Let’s get a little out of our problems.

What is a crisis for tradition in general, and how does a traditional crisis differ from a market one?

Here is just the mechanism or reasons for a replacement that will show all the differences between traditional thinking and consumer uniform.

For traditional peoples, a crisis or, more precisely, the force of circumstances is when circumstances threaten life. And what threatens the fate or the prospect of living as always? This is if some disaster has struck. The people do not get what they need to complete the annual cycle. And what made it possible to complete the annual cycle? This is of course food supplies. Primitive technology and dependence on nature made both the tribe and the stomachs narrow. And first to reproduce. If the farmers could afford to sit still, the nomads ran away from the lack of food. All the weak and sick die.

But was the chief responsible for these losses?

Only a modern fool would have thought of such a thing. No natural cataclysm would have damaged his authority. The first thought is a common punishment. A supernatural force has punished everyone for their sins. But here the leader is not responsible for communicating with an unknown force. The time of such a crisis is the coming on of its priests. According to the modern example of the Prime Minister. His servants have not given something to the spirits or to God. The chief or leader is responsible for defense or attack. If he is a farmer and a leader of farmers, then for defense, if he is a nomad, then for the attack. That’s what the traditional force of circumstances is! Only the failure of a military campaign (foreign policy in modern terms means) or even death causes rotation among the chiefs. One new man, a young replacement, changes the old one or the loser or the dead one. He’s a coward if he loses; if he wins, he’s a hero. And glory to him!

Every crisis, in modern economic terms, is the beginning of the movement of the elite in any direction. If the elite is nomadic in the past, it attacks; if it is agricultural, it holds the defense. In the modern case of universalism, the crisis is overcome systematically and defense (from sanctions) and attack (active foreign policy). And even despite the general system and the surrounding universalism, Zerots are not chosen from the crowd, so-called democratic elections. It causes only a lot of noise and confusion from their environment. Even modern oligarchs, for whom it would seem that the gods are money, behave as if they were born under ancient feudalism. And this behavior is understandable. Because they became oligarchs suddenly, they were given money through corruption schemes. And genetically, they are still the same nomads as their ancestors were.



The tribes did not know nationalism, and they only knew their superiority. They knew dominance, domination over other tribes. No wonder because Zerot led the tribes. The Zerot know only their superiority and authority. You tell me, and civilized (such as market) peoples do not know about superiority? The Refags traders – economists, don’t want dominance? They want and know. But Refags in the mass or the childless tends to get rid of kids, from family, from any addiction. For the traditional peoples of the same family is everything. And traditional tribal fathers ideally see their subordinates as a family. And so, nationalism is more of a disease of urbanization than of backwardness, where new immigrants want dominance, dominance as they understand it, or at least respect as they understand it. But as a result, when faced with urban mores and urban life, they have only complexes. Traditional people again take the situation by their number, which they create through time, following the tradition already in the city, at least half because traditional people follow the precepts everywhere, at least for the first time (the first generation of the city follows the tradition necessarily; otherwise it is not accustomed to thinking). Until their children become different and begin to neglect customs and deviate from tradition, it’s Zerefs solidarity; in any case, this is a bet on teamwork and revenue. However, most can create because of only one sign, even formal kinship. One of these features and the main one may be spoken language. Also, the main sign of the dominance of traditional discourse will be corruption as a manifestation of kinship.

So, the Zerot have therefore disappeared because they cannot be second. They could only be the first fathers. They are carriers of experience. Therefore, age is the first indicator of salvation. The older the chief is, or wiser, or just older, the greater the chance of survival. If the leader is younger, this rejuvenation is sudden, and the new leader shows wisdom and insight beyond his age. The Zerot cannot be rebuilt due to age, this is clear to everyone, but most importantly, he will never want to be the second. The nobler a person is, the dies faster. And vice versa, if the origin is not out, he does not care where and how to live. The Zerot can only be ahead and on the rock like a wolf leader.

Akela can’t live.

High-and middle-ranking officials do not live long after retirement. Even at the level of regional officials. They somehow fade, disappear, often move to another place, to another area where they were not known. But usually, they close up and somehow quietly go away. They get sick and die. Akela can’t live as an outcast.) in fact, it is supposed to be so in the animal world.

So, the Zerot the elder stands guard over the number of his kind. If the clan is discontented, then its overpopulation has come. Civilized nations will never be irritated by overpopulation. They just stop reproducing. They are exempt from tradition—women from custody, men from duty. Women do not have children; men avoid marriage or become like women themselves.

Only post-traditional peoples can.

They show nationalism. Nationalism is a way out of tradition, thanks to tradition. The nationalists also insist on superiority, just as the primitive and feudal Zerot had superiority. Only nationalists prepare a base for domination, an ideological justification for their primacy; feudal Zerots do not need a base. The Zerot base is paternalism, and physically the old wrinkled face of Zerot. Because nationalists are young, young bourgeoisie, the Zerots are the elderly who die because their originality is death (secondary of Zerot is a rejection of the experience of young Zeremid – A.B.) Old and new traditionalists justify aggression by the necessity of space. If in ancient times the seizure of neighboring plots occurred spontaneously, from the overpopulation of the genus, then in the post-traditional period or at the end of the XIX century and the beginning of the XX century, aggression is fully conscious. The bourgeoisie claims to be “uber ales”. The Zeremids all the world declare that they are superior to others. And to claim that they are higher, they do not need the moral approval of old people. They have young leaders and provocateurs.

There may be many old men but few Zerots among them. That is why the tribal elite is not so numerous. There is the concept of nobility, that is, Zerots, and there is the concept of old age. Not all old people have to know nobility. On this occasion, it is said that not all old people inherit wisdom, but only old age. Therefore, Zerot social instinct does not tolerate many. The nobles begin to fight among themselves for leadership. The nobility must not be numerous; otherwise, chaos will ensue. (What is normal for democracy is a problem for feudalism-A. B.) Not in the sense of taxes, although they also matter, but in the sense of the nobility. Due to overpopulation, which often occurs due to the ideology of reproduction in tradition, the number of people and the nobility is growing. And this leads to feudal battles. How much does not persuade them, the first post-traditional generation of the new nobility (the new bourgeoisie – Zeremids-A. B.) begins the struggle.



To sum up.

Traditional people are hostages of the tradition, which fulfills its main mission-the preservation and multiplication of tribesmen. The function of the Zerot, the tribal authorities, is to guard this number. The more people in the family, the better the chances of survival.

Before the state.

What is surprising is that the Zerots, also tribal authorities, are completely blind if strange people come-modernizers. These are the kind of cultural trappers who want to embarrass the people. They wanted to lead away in the direction of some technical progress. The Zerots can't do anything about the Kulturträgers because they don't look like the enemies of neighbors, don't look like the nomads. And their blindness resembles the blindness of blind puppies that mother nature gave birth to, and fate threw into the bucket of socialism, then the market. The market is certainly not a bucket of water. But the bad thing is that the Zerots can't think of anything to avoid being those puppies and can't tell the people anything. They don't know what to do at the crossroads of history and the fate of the nation. They don't get any hints from their ancestors, and they can't think of anything themselves. Experience doesn't help.

The only reaction of a tribe caught in the market is to accelerate all old habits because the best students of life here are young people. Here, the market and its money serve as catalysts for the passion of the young and tradition at the same time. The Zeref always imitates the Zeremid, which in turn, I want to take the place of the elite. No one will ask the primitive authorities and feudal lords; they do not exist for 100 years. There are no tribal authorities – Zerots for a long time. (In the Revkon, the Zerot are represented as the shadows of the elders, if the market element came to the people, as white Europeans came to the Indians of America. The Indians lost, almost disappeared from the earth’s face, only because of the Zerot reaction because to multiply the physical number of people to win in a face-to-face fight became meaningless).

So, the Zerots is the first function so that the people of their tribe grow in number. This must be remembered. The people need elders to maintain order when they can only physically reproduce. Or save yourself from danger. But if the Zerots have no experience against a new calamity because they don't know how to deal with it, they become useless. They are rejected. And they go over to the winning side. This is how colonies are created.

White's men technique was superior.

Then we take Remids or officials. Glory to the regime made officials out of tribal leaders, as the people quickly organized out of the tribe. And again, party secretaries are poor young people in the past. They became the elite certainly. But we already know that there is no equality for tradition. However, the state itself sets quite different tasks. And not just obedience. In socialism, the people also, as it should be, begin to grow in number, – multiply not only thanks to the new technology of mastering nature because all sorts of aliens, invaders, colonizers, and other Kulturträgers do not come empty-handed but also because of their goal. They leave the Aboriginal rulers in power. The power of power presented firsthand is a new signal of preserving tradition. Who did the Soviet government recruit into the apparatus? Isn’t it traditional people, their children? Despite the slogans, they knew and know what to do and how to do it without someone else’s advice. After all, for tradition, the main thing is power. Respect is immediately attached.

Therefore, the best system and the best regime for the traditional people are chiefdoms or, in another way, any different dictatorship. Under a dictator, an autocrat, traditional people multiply in number as if there is no change, not even modernization. No one came to them, sailed to them, rode, or captured them. Most importantly, the aborigines again see the leader; he, in turn, appears as usual authorized (by birth) person. What was bothering the Zerots? What is the first task? Reproduction? Increasing the number of relatives near and far, multiply again and again. Nothing has changed, although everything has changed a lot.

The state.

But now, instead of Zerot is the Remid. Remids are already here and there. They replace the old man at the top. This means that it is already a state. After all, there is only a Remid elite in the state. And the tradition, as they said, has not gone away. No one canceled the tradition. And all Zerefs want to become an elite again, not Zerots already, but Remids officials, especially since the state, its tasks-functions and needs allow it to do so. After the Russian Revolution, all traditional people began to receive (and in large numbers) knowledge, began to study, received a profession. And at the market, all the officials turned their position into money.

But why did they do it?

About communism, the future of humanity is clear. About official slogans and propaganda, too, everything is available. But still, for what?

The main profession for a traditional person is power. Therefore, there are many candidates for power from traditional communities. Wherever you looked near the arrival of the market in the former USSR, everywhere traditional people were searching for an opportunity to have it, they wanted to rule. This applies to the executive branch and other bodies, primarily law enforcement agencies (such as the traffic police). The most subtle specialties and narrow specializations are not for them. They do not need physical equipment and its laws, they did not want and still do not want to mess with wires and thin circuits. They love direct contact. You do to me, I do to you. Because one of Remid rules and after the Zeremids – all traditional is traditional. It did not interfere with them, including assigning the general property, because the market has announced a new set of young people. But already under the slogans of nationalism. In general, they meddle in other people’s affairs, as today it is not accepted to meddle in someone else’s business with the Zeremids. They quickly learned and quickly transferred to the market the traditional mutual responsibility. That’s why business is developing strangely, and it feels good here precisely because of total corruption. Someone patronizes someone and protects the business. Some lead or engage in corruption; others do not interfere with them and are preparing to replace them. They are all the same traditional blood! Some steal, others are silent. Everyone has families. And family is the most sacred thing. At the same time of general silence and informal agreement – I steal, and you walk quietly next to me. Traditional people also multiply – everything is as before. The old testaments oblige all nations to multiply. And why else work for the state, even where, even in power, even in the bazaar? Just to provide for the family, family is sacred because it seems that Zeref and Zeremid absolutely unscrupulous. Why do they need to complicate their lives? There is a dictator, an autocrat, and these are his concerns. He also has a family. It seems that the best system under tradition is autocracy.
