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Hierarchical man. Zerot
But tell me, what part of society rushed to the market at breakneck speed, as if they were giving something bright, something vital? And I’ll tell you – not the intelligentsia. I don’t mean those dregs, the people of metropolitan and provincial Melpomene. All pop singing rag-tag comedians and clowns of different ages and origins. These people could fall in love with the market involuntarily and from moral hunger. They were forced because the masses have gone wild. From moral hunger because no one paid for the name. Morality, honor, and conscience strain everyone. The one who did not have it, they rushed to him. I’m not going to embarrass anyone here. It’s pointless. Society has fallen ill with other values. There are only provincials around. I determine with a dry and cold tongue Who is the hero of the present time and for what? Why are they the hungriest? Because they were insecure.
Revcon defines people by their existing reflection. And it also highlights the perspective. And since Revcon operates on its terms, Revcon does not care about anyone's formal and demonstrative merits because no one and nothing can be the ideal today. What will happen to such an elite?
Well. The smallest conscience in size is those who should not have it because of the scarcity of reason. The fastest and most passionate desires to incorporate new levels, ranks and regalia are Zerefs, the Zeremids, and just the other peasants. From past or present. But they are not literally hungry. And traditionally. And they are not traditionally active from hunger, although they converge from a low rank and a provincial. Traditional people were in the tail end for reasons of their castes. But they know that they should be ahead after the next explosion. And the arrival of the market, like the arrival of the revolution, is an explosion.
For tradition, the most important thing is a hierarchy.
That is, traditional people have this competition does not stop for a minute. The higher you are in the hierarchy today, the literally less hungry you are. Climb higher on the system’s cone, and no one will remember what you were before – simple unscrupulousness, characteristic of the mass. But the intelligentsia did not rush there! Only the new upper-class and nonentities rushed in. Let them be thousands. But, I claim they have the same jumps to the market in their biographies. Because they were nonentities before the market, the revolution raised them to the honorary regiment in the Roman cohort. Who was nothing will become everything!
The revolution only radicalized the lower classes to create a new hierarchy. They would have rushed without the revolution, in any case, they would have shown diligence, diligence, loyalty to the tsar and the fatherland, and so it happened, for example, with their fathers-loyal servants of the throne. But the market has excited new hungry and large families. And where there are needs and experiences. In other words, the literal physical hunger is adjacent to traditional hunger, where the main food, is the main status hierarchy. The hierarchy guarantees both food and drink and other respect for the people. The main thing is to climb higher. That was what the intelligentsia – the last cohort of honor and name-had to resist. True, they would defend themselves with the country and morals, as befits a selfish and stubborn “shit,” according to Lenin. I would give a lot to smell this shit as much as possible. So, there was a past elitism that everyone could see what these people had. And that there is continuity. Not a celebration of the next unscrupulous upstarts.
Here is the main thing to learn in the form of a conclusion.
The traditional people have the best-the most miserable at the previous stage of traditional history. But those who were the elite of the past, even without regalia and degrees, remain elite, even if the newly rich people will try to bribe them or trample into the dirt. It is significant for the new elite that all the people are always hungry and capable of various meanness. Here one might doubt that meanness is many moral outcasts. However, the traditional hierarchy obliges all the time to strive to climb up by any means, that is, even by meanness, which is not denied by the market, and the market creates the greatest opportunities for meanness. Hierarchy, once again, hierarchy. Other matters in sideways. But even here, if there were still "shit" as a cohort of great legionnaires, it would be equal to a pile of new and monetary shit. Equal! Even in the singular, the individual will be able to resist barbarism. Therefore, many hungry people will traditionally try to have at least some name.
The Zeref- a traditional person with rigidly set social actions, low reflection almost zero, hence the word zeref-reflection zero (zeref).). Has no semitones, serves the idols of the genus, communicates in the circle of native blood. Zeref has no semitones of perception, is categorical, irreconcilable, hostile to others and to another opinion in the development of rejection of "not your own"
The zeref's loop – the baby boom, overheating of the population.
The Zerot (zeroot = zeref+root) – the traditional feudal elite
The zerot's loop creates a solid cast, impenetrable social barriers. None of the lower castes can enter the feudal elite—the lack of social mobility pre-revolutionary situation.
The Remid – a new traditional elite, rulers, officials, authorities, teachers; remid put actions for zerefs, determine morality, laws, politics, reflection average-middle (remiddle).
The remid's loop – the elite's struggle with the brightest personality, the cooperation of second and third parties against the hero and the prophet.
The Refag is a person of a trading civilization in several generations; reflection is high, selfish, utilitarian-refag (re + high).
The Zeremid is a man of the first generation of traditional elites (or city, fresh citizen). He has a half-hard social reflex custom, neither the inferiority complex that wants to cover up, so he invents a new ancestry, creates a fine root and has the fancy "tail" behind. If this is a modern Zeremid, it is usually a former villager who has superficially mastered urban life culture, and he is half urban and half rural.
Zefa is a man from the city's first generation with inclinations towards the market and speculation, and to trade, at least what, he was forced by circumstances.
The Zeremid's loop – the Zeremids are approximate imitators. They imitate the elite, any idea, any direction just to be good for their families. Imitation, hypocrisy, and fanaticism harm any cause, state, or idea: hypocrisy, pharisaism, fanaticism, the adjustment of marginal strata to the existing idea and order. When the elite religious organizations from governments accumulate the Zeremids, there is stagnation and crisis. The collapse of the idea and system of Zeremids conformity is inevitable. They adapt to the system for the sole purpose of supporting their family. That is, they do the same thing as the Zerefs, but for this, they want to get into the elite, the privileged stratum, or the state system, they quickly learn, master new skills, and imitate the formal standards of idea and responsibility.
The Zelot is a superman, a hero, a prophet, the most gifted among the traditional elite. A Zelot is an ambitious but disinterested person, he is a fighter against the traditional elite (Zerots), with Pharisee officials (Remids, Zeremids), with the people, if the peoples are obsessed with dark passions.
At first, it seems that there is no state without citizens and citizens without the city. The Revcon scheme does not consider organizations that are quite complex without cities and citizens, for example, a fairly complex organization like the Horde of nomads. Here, the role of state officials is taken by people who are completely traditional and brought up in the same spirit and culture. What exactly is the official Horde or performing fees baskak different from the ordinary Baskak warrior? Nothing. This is all for example. Actually, an official in the first urban generation (Zeremid) does not differ in culture and way of thinking from his fellow countryman from the past, not an official.
Revcon generally considers not the officials of the horde and the modern state, but the reflection, that is, the ability to look at yourself from the outside. Well, first, in terms of reflection, he certainly does not differ much, but the official Zeremid with higher education, this education help him with his behavior and responsibility, as a forceful catalyst in the peak of tradition. The official performs more complex and responsible work.
Well. The official of the Horde is not a Remid, if it is a Remid, then here we have to add the word traditional, that is, we get a traditional Remid. (Here, there may be confusion between the traditional Remid and the Remid of the state official – statesman as the goal of the Revkon). In fact, if we call the traditional elite as Zerot (zeref + zelot = zerot), then the officials of the Horde can be designated as Zemids (zeref+ remid = zemid), this will somehow separate the traditional world, its Baskaks from the executive power, the officials of modernity. After all, by designating or separating the elite of modern times from the elite of the Middle Ages, we have separated the Zerots from the Zelots (the supermen).
The traditional elite has no future.
Due to the lack of cities.
That is, the traditional elite Revcon deprived of the future due to the lack of its ability to complicate and first responsibility for the fate of people of others, people of other people's blood. The traditional Zerot elite takes care of their people, distinguishes them from the mass of strangers. The Zelots, on the contrary, take care of their people through any circumstances. The Zerots, in modern terms, are conditional nationalists, the Zelots, on the contrary, are internationalists. It turns out that it is easier for the Zerot to manage society if it is simplified. The Zerot want simplification and eternal domination among their people. The Zelots accept the complication of responsibilities as a necessary condition for the progress of their people, who must learn in the world workshop and take the best from there.
But does the simplification of the Zerots mean that their people should return to their original folk crafts, again engage in hunting and fishing or grazing, for example? Zelots need to maintain responsibility for everyone, a kind of humanistic complication, and they want to teach and teach everyone.
The Zerot eternity.
Thus, the traditional people can remain in eternity thanks to their traditional elite if there are no changes in the people and surrounding circumstances. All right. You can cite the example of all the primitive communities still engaged in ancient crafts, those that made distant ancestors, and they do not need anything else. We love the pygmies of the Equatorial forest, and the forest loves his pygmies…
The Zerots or the traditional elite will never change.
Any change is a violation of the balance. To Zerots will only change intoxicated of changed circumstances. For example, there will be climate change. And then there is the so-called Great Migration of peoples and at the same time a certain change in people's habits. After all, the lands where the masses of Zerefs will come have their elite and their laws.
But still, the Zerots recognize nothing but power.
In Zeref reflexivity, the concept of force comes first. Strong man means are worthy. Not belligerent, kind, sympathetic means weak. From this, it is easy to understand that next to Zeref justice, there is no kindness and there is no responsiveness, and Zerefs care about each other because thousands of eyes of the same relatives look at the care of relatives, that there is a shame if at least a couple of eyes reports the fact of betrayal. That is, the Zeref does not care at all what you get from your kindness; it is important for them what they get. Then they can forget about you. Beyond that, you simply don't exist for the Zeref. After all, for the Zerefs, a good person, although a good person, is still weak. If you refuse them, they will recognize you as a potential petty chieftain, a sort of fake elitist. "The greater punishment for them, the more merciful the Lord is to them." Therefore, the best person for Zeref is the leader, the pharaoh, and the despot.
The chief refuses all evil.
If he was a former Zeref were to receive them as Zerefs in his office, what kind of leader would he be? Moreover, he knows why they came, they know him, and he knows them… If his Zerefs came to Zerot and wanted to teach him new rules, he would order them to be executed (this is an extreme so say, for example, especially here the Zerot of the Middle Ages considered-Revcon.)
Of course, people of other people, respected and powerful, should come to Zerot. Representatives of the disrespectful and maybe no longer powerful people for Zeref, let’s say right away, just weak Zerots. Maybe he’ll respect them for old times’ sake. Then he will listen. But Zeref will take special pleasure if representatives of the former power serve him; he will subdue them or see their requests and humiliations (here we are talking only about Zeref and traditional people, their reflexes and habits – Revcon.) To Zerefs are always pleased to see the humiliation of former bosses. This was the case when the urban bourgeoisie executed French nobles. Or when Stalin’s servants tried marshals of the Red Army. How pleasant it is to condemn and execute your superiors!
But let’s say those literate people of their kind came to the Zerots with somewhat complicated reflexivity. They came as specialists. Of course, they learned their letters and professions from a powerful neighbor. Where else could they learn, get new ways to develop? They will be received in the same way a delegation of neighbors would have received in the past. But if the neighbor who taught them all the tricks is already weak, it will not talk with these mangurts.
For the reform of the traditional people, changing the fate of clans and tribes should have their prerequisites. And the first prerequisites are the complication of life. It requires a gathering of people of indeterminate nationality and unclear religion. And where is this possible? Only in the empire. Only in the cities. Only in Babylon. And this is all called modernization. We’ll talk about it later.
ZUGZWANG. It was bequeathed by the ancestors
The traditional elite will never change. The Zerots are always for themselves.
The traditional elite will never agree to change the terms and conditions if everything is under her control. In other words, it does not want, will not want, and has never changed anything because of the preservation of the order at the head of which it is. This order is called by one name – tradition. It is the traditional elite that we are talking about. Because of tradition, the most important thing is to reproduce yourself from the previous cocoon. And the most important cocoon of the traditional people is occupied by the traditional elite as the elite of the people. Any other claim will be called a mob claim, in other words, a riot, and will be severely suppressed. So, it was, so it is, and so it will continue, as long as there are and will be the Zerots of the traditional elite.
The cause of the death of all Zerot in the world can be considered as an objective process because they will never settle for second place. But now, we will not talk about the feudal elite, but about another elite that came to replace the Zerots. Sometimes the traditional or completely feudal elite of the Zerots can be temporarily replaced by the Remids, who in Revkon we hold as statesmen. In fact, the Remids are changing the feudal or archaic elite of the Zerots (Ideally, they should have changed the Zerots on the territory of the former USSR, but everything happened the other way around), because of the Russian Revolution and because of the technological and cultural progress in the world. Here we are referring to the new Bolshevik leaders who came in the form of revolutionaries. Well, not for nothing did they call them so – revolutionaries. In the words of any nobility, they are simply rebels.
From these revolutionaries-rebels, a new apparatus of power was formed, which later turned out to be traditional, a new copy of the previous system. Names change, but people don’t! Reflection does not disappear anywhere, and it remains in place. It was also very difficult to push the same partocracy to reform because they were the new elite. So, they immediately began to look for enemies so that no one would prevent them from being ahead. So, that their children automatically remain the elite. This is the law of tradition. And it is in this inheritance of privilege, and the Remids strongly resemble the Zerots, a past feudal elite. The collapse of the USSR and Soviet power showed that the Remids or staff members were often recruited from among the rural inhabitants, where the feudal elite actually comes from.
If the apparatchiks are the city administration, then they did not specifically choose the cities to rule in the old way; the cities themselves are a whim of civilization. However, if the recruitment of employees is still made from rural areas, then so much the worse for society if it wants reforms, and nothing changes. Because the former Zerefs, traditional people, should, according to the evolution of tradition, turn into Zerots, the feudal lords, and not market democrats. It is also difficult for the Remids to understand that the world is changing and that tradition must change with it. And why should they change anything if they are so happy? But just like the past Zerots, like feudal lords, Remids did not want to change the system. Therefore, if something changes, then the Remids of the previous regime change place. Changes occur only when the Remids are literally carried out of the office’s feet first like the dead men. All Remids know that if they leave the office earlier, they will immediately become not interesting to everyone, especially their relatives. If you can’t help or solve questions, who needs you? And therefore, they will sit in one place in the people say until the end of their days. This super-conservatism of the Zerots, who turned into Remids because of Marxism. It is worth understanding answering why when any invaders come in the form of sailors of Columbus or peasant immigrants from the central provinces of Russia, Stalin’s emissaries-collectivizes, then factory builders, conquerors of virgin lands. If the Zerots remained even after the first meetings, they would always be against the newcomers and the changes. But they, the Zerots, did not survive because Stalin’s emissaries were a much more powerful Soviet elite. The Remids are always more powerful than Zerots because they rely on a new technique, literal and indirect. With them came the most advanced methods of leadership at that time.
However, you ask why the Zerots of Indians were not against the sailors of Columbus. Why didn’t they kill such an alien element? With the sailors of Columbus, there was the usual incident of curiosity. What is not clear is first studied, at least felt. If this new miracle does not interfere with performing rituals, does not infringe on the privileges of the elite, then they can walk around and entertain. Clashes begin when the miracle begins to manifest itself and manifest itself as a rival. But it was too late.
At the same time, the Remids, when their power is established, always think that their supremacy will be no less durable. They will also sit in offices and believe in their indispensability. They will suffer from the same disease as the Zerots from conservatism and clumsiness, and the tribal priests always support them.
The facts are simpler.
Even after the fall of the USSR and Soviet power, the editorial and technical staff in the Central Asian republics retain the illusion of their superiority. They did not recognize and do not recognize the changes that have occurred and continued to behave as if they remained in captivity but did not agree that their priority was over. Their time has passed. So leading specialists or just professionals in their field really remain in privileged informal roles and even look like statesmen (next to the natives, it sometimes seems that the old-regime editors hold the entire infrastructure). But this is all an illusion, as mentioned above. You understand, of course, that we are talking about the Russian specialists of the last regime and the free Kazakhs who have become insolent from their independence. Here the empire works against the province even by inertia.
If the new government is not interested in state tasks, it only seems that the Zerefs are not interested; in fact, they are interested, but only from the position of… tradition. That is, power is needed to fulfill traditional dogmas. And they are elementary. So, leading specialists, editors, or engineering staff next to the new rulers perform both traditional and state tasks in the tradition of the new elite of independence. They go into service, whether they want to collaborate or not. This is what distinguishes traditional people. Traditional people are very inflexible in matters of strategy. Tactically, however, as always, they bow to their superiors. In the same way, leading hired editors or hired engineers and other auxiliary material act as assistants to perform the personal tasks of several leading families, although the assistants of traditionalists can make a very arrogant and independent face.
But they are the same Remids copies of feudal and Soviet elitists “from the plow”, which will never give way to another man. Not only the feudal lords of the past did this. No socialism can get rid of this. People stay the same. They resemble their ancestors, who never give in to an argument. So, the former Soviet pensioners after the collapse of the USSR began to work for the new regime and at the same time portrayed themselves as proud virgins. They couldn’t change themselves. Not as a result of old age, as is commonly believed, an old person is not flexible, but because they will be useless pensioners without this place. They preferred not to get out of the pool. They were afraid of oblivion. And they were well aware of where they lived. However, we are well aware of this. If Remid backs down, then he is no longer Remid, not an elite at all, and no one will need him anymore, not even his family and relatives. These are the laws of the traditional world. If in the West a person without money is not needed by anyone. Then here a person without a high place and position is not interesting to people here. The people everywhere remain people. If the Remid old-regime shell gives way, then all of them will soon disappear altogether. They know it and feel it with their skin and their traditional gut. Therefore, this editor, who could not even write (but remains a well-deserved authority among the natives!), and this annoying economist who wants to jump on the train of tomorrow (still giving interviews for this), simply saw me and were afraid. The old people feared that they would lose their fame and place. For them, even their billionaire owners are natives! And they are the informal white elite so far. But from the past. My sudden appearance playing would turn this upside down, so it would deprive these old maids in men’s suits (in fact, we are talking about men here) of the comfort of life.
It would seem that contemporaries read the modern force of circumstances in the same way. However, the naked eye can see that the ruling elite behaves quite differently from what is expected of it. It behaves as if there was no pre-revolutionary capitalism, no socialism, no perestroika with democracy. Actually, what did perestroika with democracy lead to? It just led to the triumph of feudalism in its purest form. Of course, you select all the equipment and technologies of modernity and even remove fashionable clothes from these people. They are sitting at the top like the feudal lords and acting quite traditionally. They do not want to change, they don’t want to change anything around them, do not want to listen, but on the contrary, they move away from the masses as if they were sultans, shahs, and even pharaohs of Ancient Egypt.