Книги автора Автор не определен
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спорт / фитнес, газетыA Companion to Museum Studies captures the multidisciplinary approach to the study of the development, roles, and significance of museums in…
A Companion to Museum Studies captures the multidisciplinary approach to the study of the development, roles, and significance of museums in…
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The aim of this book is to describe the methodology of conducting the THEDRE research «Traceable Human Experiment Design Research». It appli…
The aim of this book is to describe the methodology of conducting the THEDRE research «Traceable Human Experiment Design Research». It appli…
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The Sarbanes-Oxley Act requires public companies to implement internal controls over financial reporting, operations, and assets-all of whic…
The Sarbanes-Oxley Act requires public companies to implement internal controls over financial reporting, operations, and assets-all of whic…
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A Practical Approach To Building Small To Medium Software Systems For Real Business Clients Based on more than 100 actual commercial project…
A Practical Approach To Building Small To Medium Software Systems For Real Business Clients Based on more than 100 actual commercial project…
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Bringing together the results of more than 300 new design studies, an understanding of people, knowledge of hardware and software capabiliti…
Bringing together the results of more than 300 new design studies, an understanding of people, knowledge of hardware and software capabiliti…
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учебники и пособия для вузовThis thoroughly revised and updated second edition of The Strategic Application of Information Technology in Health Care Organizations offer…
This thoroughly revised and updated second edition of The Strategic Application of Information Technology in Health Care Organizations offer…
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юмористическое фэнтези, любовное фэнтези, магические академииStroke is a common and devasting event, which often results in death or major loss of independence, with immense human and financial costs. …
Stroke is a common and devasting event, which often results in death or major loss of independence, with immense human and financial costs. …
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учебники и пособия для вузовThis is the fifth edition of the definitive reference source on the management of health records. Health Information Management provides the…
This is the fifth edition of the definitive reference source on the management of health records. Health Information Management provides the…
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программирование, учебники и пособия для вузов, информатика и вычислительная техникаTherapists must increase their understanding of Continuing Professional Development (CPD) to maintain and improve competence. Every practiti…
Therapists must increase their understanding of Continuing Professional Development (CPD) to maintain and improve competence. Every practiti…
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Symbian OS continues to be the top operating system for smartphones across the world, with the number of Symbian OS phones sold now well bey…
Symbian OS continues to be the top operating system for smartphones across the world, with the number of Symbian OS phones sold now well bey…
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триллеры, современные детективыThis innovative book puts modernist literature in its cultural, intellectual, and global context, within the framework of the year 1913. Bro…
This innovative book puts modernist literature in its cultural, intellectual, and global context, within the framework of the year 1913. Bro…
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The extended second edition of this inspiring introduction to Shakespeare offers readers more insights into what makes Shakespeare great, an…
The extended second edition of this inspiring introduction to Shakespeare offers readers more insights into what makes Shakespeare great, an…
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учебники и пособия для вузов, ветеринария, паразитологияRupture of an abdominal aortic aneurysm is one of the leading causes of death. The risk of rupture has been a controversial topic for years …
Rupture of an abdominal aortic aneurysm is one of the leading causes of death. The risk of rupture has been a controversial topic for years …
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учебники и пособия для вузовThis beautifully illustrated new biography of Cleopatra draws on literary, archaeological, and art historical evidence to paint an intimate …
This beautifully illustrated new biography of Cleopatra draws on literary, archaeological, and art historical evidence to paint an intimate …
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Provides practical easy-to-implement advice on how to comply with the latest rules and regulations. Shows how to recoup money spent on duty …
Provides practical easy-to-implement advice on how to comply with the latest rules and regulations. Shows how to recoup money spent on duty …
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учебники и пособия для вузовLucid, entertaining and full of insight, How To Read A Poem is designed to banish the intimidation that too often attends the subject of poe…
Lucid, entertaining and full of insight, How To Read A Poem is designed to banish the intimidation that too often attends the subject of poe…
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учебники и пособия для вузовRoyalty Rates for Licensing Intellectual Property includes critical information on financial theory, rules of thumb, industry guidelines, li…
Royalty Rates for Licensing Intellectual Property includes critical information on financial theory, rules of thumb, industry guidelines, li…
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учебники и пособия для вузовDesigned to help motivate the learning of advanced calculus by demonstrating its relevance in the field of statistics, this successful text …
Designed to help motivate the learning of advanced calculus by demonstrating its relevance in the field of statistics, this successful text …
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музыкаThe Dictionary of Auditing is a one-stop resource for key auditing terminology, concepts, and processes essential to auditors and of increas…
The Dictionary of Auditing is a one-stop resource for key auditing terminology, concepts, and processes essential to auditors and of increas…
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учебники и пособия для вузовA Companion to the Classical Tradition accommodates the pressing need for an up-to-date introduction and overview of the growing field of re…
A Companion to the Classical Tradition accommodates the pressing need for an up-to-date introduction and overview of the growing field of re…