Книги автора Автор не определен
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бизнес-процессы, информатика и вычислительная техника, информационные технологии (IT), открытые системы, управление эффективностью, автоматизация бизнес-процессов, управление процессами, интеграция, IT-менеджментThermodynamics of Biochemical Reactions emphasizes the fundamental equations of thermodynamics and the application of these equations to sys…
Thermodynamics of Biochemical Reactions emphasizes the fundamental equations of thermodynamics and the application of these equations to sys…
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полицейские детективыThe ability to introduce non-canonical amino acids in vivo has greatly expanded the repertoire of accessible proteins for basic research and…
The ability to introduce non-canonical amino acids in vivo has greatly expanded the repertoire of accessible proteins for basic research and…
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кулинария, сделай сам, хобби / увлечения, полезные советы, пироги, выпечка, кулинарные рецепты, кондитерские изделияThe first to combine both the bioinorganic and the organometallic view, this handbook provides all the necessary knowledge in one convenient…
The first to combine both the bioinorganic and the organometallic view, this handbook provides all the necessary knowledge in one convenient…
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Part of the new Treating Addictions series, Treating Drug Problems is full of practical information on assessing, diagnosing, and treating d…
Part of the new Treating Addictions series, Treating Drug Problems is full of practical information on assessing, diagnosing, and treating d…
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This important work offers the most comprehensive and up-to-date account of the Orthodox Church available, providing a detailed account of i…
This important work offers the most comprehensive and up-to-date account of the Orthodox Church available, providing a detailed account of i…
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женские журналы, журналы о доме и семье, практические рекомендации, женское здоровье, полезные советы, домашний круг, мир женщины, современная женщинаIn this book Sarah Coakley confronts a central paradox of theological feminism – what she terms 'the paradox of power and vulnerability'. Co…
In this book Sarah Coakley confronts a central paradox of theological feminism – what she terms 'the paradox of power and vulnerability'. Co…
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социальная психология, газеты, книги по экономикеIn this first integrated view, practically each of the world's leading experts has contributed to this one and only authoritative resource o…
In this first integrated view, practically each of the world's leading experts has contributed to this one and only authoritative resource o…
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Combining empirical evidence with indices to measure mattering, Family Matters: The Importance of Mattering to Family in Adolescence explore…
Combining empirical evidence with indices to measure mattering, Family Matters: The Importance of Mattering to Family in Adolescence explore…
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общая психология, учебники и пособия для вузовEdited by one of the main driving forces behind the field's momentous rise in recent years, this one-stop reference is the first comprehensi…
Edited by one of the main driving forces behind the field's momentous rise in recent years, this one-stop reference is the first comprehensi…
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Biophysical Chemistry is an outstanding book that delivers both fundamental and complex biophysical principles, along with an excellent over…
Biophysical Chemistry is an outstanding book that delivers both fundamental and complex biophysical principles, along with an excellent over…
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газеты, политологияThis book provides an up-to-date summary of the principles of protein evolution and discusses both the methods available to analyze the evol…
This book provides an up-to-date summary of the principles of protein evolution and discusses both the methods available to analyze the evol…
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A unique, comprehensive reference that integrates the molecular, cellular, physiological, pathological, and engineering aspects of regenerat…
A unique, comprehensive reference that integrates the molecular, cellular, physiological, pathological, and engineering aspects of regenerat…
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SciFinder® is rapidly becoming a preferred means to access scientific information in industry and universities worldwide. It accesses databa…
SciFinder® is rapidly becoming a preferred means to access scientific information in industry and universities worldwide. It accesses databa…
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учебники и пособия для вузовThis monograph instructs counselors on how to better recognize, understand, and treat clients’ underlying problems. The model presented help…
This monograph instructs counselors on how to better recognize, understand, and treat clients’ underlying problems. The model presented help…
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сад и огород, газетыIn this new edition, Stephanie Covington includes important new evidence-based data and new proven techniques for her unique and exclusive p…
In this new edition, Stephanie Covington includes important new evidence-based data and new proven techniques for her unique and exclusive p…
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кинематограф / театр, музыка, развлечения, журнальные изданияWritten by contributors from around the world, The International Handbook of Stepfamilies: Policy and Practice in Legal, Research, and Clini…
Written by contributors from around the world, The International Handbook of Stepfamilies: Policy and Practice in Legal, Research, and Clini…
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хобби / увлечения, обучение рисованию, пошаговые инструкции, уроки мастерства, школа рисования, техника рисункаThis ground-breaking book challenges readers to rethink the divide between liberal and orthodox approaches which characterises Christianity …
This ground-breaking book challenges readers to rethink the divide between liberal and orthodox approaches which characterises Christianity …
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журнальные изданияPresents methods for determining the secondary and tertiary structure of proteins. The issues covered here involve theoretical/empirical app…
Presents methods for determining the secondary and tertiary structure of proteins. The issues covered here involve theoretical/empirical app…
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учебная литература, прочая образовательная литература, история РоссииThis book covers all aspects of bioavailability, as related to environmental contaminants. After a discussion of the definition of bioavaila…
This book covers all aspects of bioavailability, as related to environmental contaminants. After a discussion of the definition of bioavaila…