Книги жанра Современные религиозные течения
Карлос Сезар Арана Кастанедасовременные религиозные течения, эзотерика / оккультизм, зарубежная эзотерическая литература, оккультизм, медитации, духовные практики, иллюзии жизни, астральное тело, жизненная энергия, магия и колдовство, философия существования
Из самой магической, самой невероятной книги Кастанеды «Сказки о силе» ты узнаешь, что привычная нам картина мира – лишь крохотный островок …
Из самой магической, самой невероятной книги Кастанеды «Сказки о силе» ты узнаешь, что привычная нам картина мира – лишь крохотный островок …
Владимир Петрович Бровкосовременные религиозные течения, спиритизм / пророчества / предсказания, религиоведение / история религий, гуманитарные и общественные науки, религиозно-философская проблематика
Данная книга является новой версией биографии Е. П. Блаватской и представляет собой историко-документальное расследование ее жизни и обстоят…
Данная книга является новой версией биографии Е. П. Блаватской и представляет собой историко-документальное расследование ее жизни и обстоят…
Светозаръ Лучникърелигия и духовная литература, современные религиозные течения, христианство, современная русская литература, ангелы и демоны, Афганистан, семейная драма, христианская философия
Да, он был одним из нас, но он не был одним из нас. Тягота Афганской войны наложила на его жизнь трагическую печать, но однажды в его мир во…
Да, он был одним из нас, но он не был одним из нас. Тягота Афганской войны наложила на его жизнь трагическую печать, но однажды в его мир во…
Brian P. Bennettсовременные религиозные течения
A fascinating comparative account of sacred languages and their role in and beyond religion —written for a broad, interdisciplinary audience…
A fascinating comparative account of sacred languages and their role in and beyond religion —written for a broad, interdisciplinary audience…
J. B. Stumpсовременные религиозные течения
Science and Christianity is an accessible, engaging introduction to topics at the intersection of science and Christian theology. A philosop…
Science and Christianity is an accessible, engaging introduction to topics at the intersection of science and Christian theology. A philosop…
Shanta Premawardhanaсовременные религиозные течения
Religious Conversion: Religion Scholars Thinking Together explores various issues relating to the nature, methods, and effects of religious …
Religious Conversion: Religion Scholars Thinking Together explores various issues relating to the nature, methods, and effects of religious …
Louis Komjathyсовременные религиозные течения
The first book-length introduction to an exciting new interdisciplinary field—written by an internationally recognized leader of the Contemp…
The first book-length introduction to an exciting new interdisciplinary field—written by an internationally recognized leader of the Contemp…
David VanDrunenсовременные религиозные течения
The Protestant philosophical and theological heritage of Thomas Aquinas This major new book provides an introduction to Thomas Aquinas’s inf…
The Protestant philosophical and theological heritage of Thomas Aquinas This major new book provides an introduction to Thomas Aquinas’s inf…
Paul Gwynneсовременные религиозные течения
This cool, clear-sighted comparative study has no theological axe to grind. It offers a trusty thematic guide to the figureheads of three of…
This cool, clear-sighted comparative study has no theological axe to grind. It offers a trusty thematic guide to the figureheads of three of…
Kevin Schilbrackсовременные религиозные течения
Philosophy and the Study of Religions: A Manifesto advocates a radical transformation of the discipline from its current, narrow focus on qu…
Philosophy and the Study of Religions: A Manifesto advocates a radical transformation of the discipline from its current, narrow focus on qu…
Philip Sheldrakeсовременные религиозные течения
Engagingly written by one of the world’s leading scholars in this field, this comprehensively revised edition tells the story of Christian s…
Engagingly written by one of the world’s leading scholars in this field, this comprehensively revised edition tells the story of Christian s…
Lee Dian Raineyсовременные религиозные течения
Written by a leading authority on Chinese philosophy, Decoding Dao uniquely focuses on the core texts in Daoist philosophy, providing reader…
Written by a leading authority on Chinese philosophy, Decoding Dao uniquely focuses on the core texts in Daoist philosophy, providing reader…
Joyce Burkhalter Flueckigerсовременные религиозные течения
This innovative introductory textbook explores the central practices and beliefs of Hinduism through contemporary, everyday practice. Introd…
This innovative introductory textbook explores the central practices and beliefs of Hinduism through contemporary, everyday practice. Introd…
Randall L. Nadeauсовременные религиозные течения
This lively introduction offers a complete overview of the main Asian religions, their traditions and contemporary relevance, and how they a…
This lively introduction offers a complete overview of the main Asian religions, their traditions and contemporary relevance, and how they a…
John Milbankсовременные религиозные течения
Beyond Secular Order is the first of a two-volume work that expands upon renowned theologian John Milbank’s innovative attempt to understand…
Beyond Secular Order is the first of a two-volume work that expands upon renowned theologian John Milbank’s innovative attempt to understand…
Philip Sheldrakeсовременные религиозные течения
A Spiritual City provides a broad examination of the meaning and importance of cities from a Christian perspective. Contains thought-provoki…
A Spiritual City provides a broad examination of the meaning and importance of cities from a Christian perspective. Contains thought-provoki…
Tamara Sonnсовременные религиозные течения
50 Great Myths about Religions is an intriguing, informative, and often humorous introduction to some of the long standing myths that surrou…
50 Great Myths about Religions is an intriguing, informative, and often humorous introduction to some of the long standing myths that surrou…
Alister E. McGrathсовременные религиозные течения
A major new introduction to the global history of Christianity, written by one of the world’s leading theologians and author of numerous bes…
A major new introduction to the global history of Christianity, written by one of the world’s leading theologians and author of numerous bes…
Eugene F. Rogersсовременные религиозные течения
This new work clarifies Aquinas’ concept of natural law through his biblical commentaries, and explores its applications to U.S. constitutio…
This new work clarifies Aquinas’ concept of natural law through his biblical commentaries, and explores its applications to U.S. constitutio…
Nicholas Adamsсовременные религиозные течения
Eclipse of Grace offers original insights into the roots of modern theology by introducing systematic theologians and Christian ethicists to…
Eclipse of Grace offers original insights into the roots of modern theology by introducing systematic theologians and Christian ethicists to…