Книги жанра Исторические любовные романы
Eliza Redgoldисторические любовные романы, историческая литература, современная зарубежная литература
‘Every actress wants to marry a duke!’Every actress, it seems, apart from leading lady Miss Calista Fairmont. And for Darius Carlyle, the Du…
‘Every actress wants to marry a duke!’Every actress, it seems, apart from leading lady Miss Calista Fairmont. And for Darius Carlyle, the Du…
Elizabeth Laneисторические любовные романы, историческая литература, современная зарубежная литература
A man with a mission… Lawman Flynn O’Rourke swore he’d bring his sister’s killer to justice. So when suspect Aaron Cragun is identified, Fly…
A man with a mission… Lawman Flynn O’Rourke swore he’d bring his sister’s killer to justice. So when suspect Aaron Cragun is identified, Fly…
Tanya Anne Crosbyисторические любовные романы, историческая литература, современная зарубежная литература
SEPARATED AT BIRTH–REUNITED AT KNIFEPOINT!Merrick Welbourne never expected to discover a long-lost twin! Particularly one who'd rob him and …
SEPARATED AT BIRTH–REUNITED AT KNIFEPOINT!Merrick Welbourne never expected to discover a long-lost twin! Particularly one who'd rob him and …
Terri Brisbinисторические любовные романы, историческая литература, современная зарубежная литература
Indulge your fantasies of delicious Regency Rakes, fierce Viking warriors and rugged Highlanders. Be swept away into a world of intense pass…
Indulge your fantasies of delicious Regency Rakes, fierce Viking warriors and rugged Highlanders. Be swept away into a world of intense pass…
Carol Finchисторические любовные романы, историческая литература, современная зарубежная литература
A WARRIOR SPIRIT…A GENTLE HEARTVince Lone Wolf is the justice system's last resort. And, in spite of his dangerous reputation, Julia Preston…
A WARRIOR SPIRIT…A GENTLE HEARTVince Lone Wolf is the justice system's last resort. And, in spite of his dangerous reputation, Julia Preston…
Terri Brisbinисторические любовные романы, историческая литература, современная зарубежная литература
She will not surrender… Heiress to the MacDougall clan, Lara, Maid of Lorne, dreams of marrying for love – but when Robert the Bruce takes c…
She will not surrender… Heiress to the MacDougall clan, Lara, Maid of Lorne, dreams of marrying for love – but when Robert the Bruce takes c…
Elizabeth Mayneисторические любовные романы, историческая литература, современная зарубежная литература
Her Heart Was In The Highlands Indeed, every hill and vale seemed a mapping of her soul. Cassie MacArthur doubted any man could ever underst…
Her Heart Was In The Highlands Indeed, every hill and vale seemed a mapping of her soul. Cassie MacArthur doubted any man could ever underst…
Carol Finchисторические любовные романы, историческая литература, современная зарубежная литература
She prefers guns to gowns—and riding the land to dancing at balls.So heiress Gabrielle Price heads across Texas's most dangerous territory t…
She prefers guns to gowns—and riding the land to dancing at balls.So heiress Gabrielle Price heads across Texas's most dangerous territory t…
Gail Ranstromисторические любовные романы, историческая литература, современная зарубежная литература
THE EARL OF GLENROSS WOULD HAVE HIS REVENGE–BUT AT WHAT PRICE?Rob McHugh had survived an agonizing ordeal in foreign climes only to discover…
THE EARL OF GLENROSS WOULD HAVE HIS REVENGE–BUT AT WHAT PRICE?Rob McHugh had survived an agonizing ordeal in foreign climes only to discover…
Valerie Hansenисторические любовные романы, современная зарубежная литература
He found his calling ministering to the downtrodden in San Francisco. But in Sara Beth Reese, Dr.Cole Hayward finds something more. The beau…
He found his calling ministering to the downtrodden in San Francisco. But in Sara Beth Reese, Dr.Cole Hayward finds something more. The beau…
Victoria Bylinисторические любовные романы, историческая литература, современная зарубежная литература
Indulge your fantasies of delicious Regency Rakes, fierce Viking warriors and rugged Highlanders. Be swept away into a world of intense pass…
Indulge your fantasies of delicious Regency Rakes, fierce Viking warriors and rugged Highlanders. Be swept away into a world of intense pass…
Elizabeth Laneисторические любовные романы, историческая литература, современная зарубежная литература
Desperate Times Called For Desperate Measures…And widow Cassandra Logan was as desperate as they come. Who could blame her for the audacious…
Desperate Times Called For Desperate Measures…And widow Cassandra Logan was as desperate as they come. Who could blame her for the audacious…
Emily Frenchисторические любовные романы, историческая литература, современная зарубежная литература
He Married The Wrong Sister… .Ten Years after he left England, Sam Jardine wrote home for a bride, but instead of the angelic beauty he reme…
He Married The Wrong Sister… .Ten Years after he left England, Sam Jardine wrote home for a bride, but instead of the angelic beauty he reme…
Gail Whitikerисторические любовные романы, историческая литература, современная зарубежная литература
A Lady's DeceptionWhen the Earl of Carlyle suddenly decides to leave London to become better acquainted with the young daughter he barely kn…
A Lady's DeceptionWhen the Earl of Carlyle suddenly decides to leave London to become better acquainted with the young daughter he barely kn…
Хелен Диксонисторические любовные романы, историческая литература, современная зарубежная литература
Mistress for a night…Lord Dunstan found Miss Louisa Fraser captivating, though she was another man's mistress. He couldn&##39;t have been mo…
Mistress for a night…Lord Dunstan found Miss Louisa Fraser captivating, though she was another man's mistress. He couldn&##39;t have been mo…
Хелен Диксонисторические любовные романы, историческая литература, современная зарубежная литература
A Dangerous Mission, a Passionate Past…Nathan Rochefort has never understood why his fiancée Lucy Lane broke off their engagement. But now, …
A Dangerous Mission, a Passionate Past…Nathan Rochefort has never understood why his fiancée Lucy Lane broke off their engagement. But now, …
Jeannie Linисторические любовные романы, зарубежные любовные романы, современная зарубежная литература
Welcome to the infamous Pingkang Li—home of the celebrated Lotus Palace courtesans, and a place of beauty and treachery…Charming and seducti…
Welcome to the infamous Pingkang Li—home of the celebrated Lotus Palace courtesans, and a place of beauty and treachery…Charming and seducti…
Judith Stacyисторические любовные романы, историческая литература, современная зарубежная литература
Kaitlin Jeffers Had Big Dreams Dreams that would take her far beyond a delapidated store in the middle of nowhere.And if she couldn't banish…
Kaitlin Jeffers Had Big Dreams Dreams that would take her far beyond a delapidated store in the middle of nowhere.And if she couldn't banish…
Lyn Stoneисторические любовные романы, историческая литература, современная зарубежная литература
SHE WAS A WOMAN WITH IDEAS…AND THAT WAS TROUBLE!All the same, James Garrow found himself wildly attracted to Lady Susanna Childers. True, th…
SHE WAS A WOMAN WITH IDEAS…AND THAT WAS TROUBLE!All the same, James Garrow found himself wildly attracted to Lady Susanna Childers. True, th…
Mary Nicholsисторические любовные романы, историческая литература, современная зарубежная литература
How could she put things right without a scandal?Miss Sophie Roswell wanted to marry. But as she was an heiress, surely her money would attr…
How could she put things right without a scandal?Miss Sophie Roswell wanted to marry. But as she was an heiress, surely her money would attr…