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Handbook of Renewable Materials for Coloration and Finishing – Mohd Yusuf

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This unique handbook provides a vivid multidisciplinary dimension through technological perspectives to present cutting-edge research in the field of natural coloration and finishing. The 20 chapters are divided in to four parts: Substrates for coloration and finishing; renewable colorants and their applications; advanced materials and technologies for coloration and finishing; sustainability. Among the topics included in the Handbook of Renewable Materials for Coloration and Finishing are: The systematic discussion on the suitability, physical, chemical and processing aspects of substrates for coloration and finishing Bio-colorant’s application as photosensitizers for dye sensitized solar cells Animal based natural dyes Natural dyes extraction and dyeing methodology Application of natural dyes to cotton and jute textiles Sol-gel flame retardant and/or antimicrobial finishings for cellulosic textiles Rot resistance and antimicrobial finish of cotton khadi fabrics Advanced materials and technologies for antimicrobial finishing of cellulosic textiles

Информация о книге:

  • Язык книги: английский
  • Язык оригинала: русский
  • ISBN: 9781119407843

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