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Tree of Pearls – Louisa Young

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Scintillating comic-romantic thriller, a finale to Louisa’s fab Egyptian trilogy: what life will Angeline choose?The final volume in the Angeline Gower trilogy, following ‘Baby Love’ and ‘Desiring Cairo’.Our angel is back. Angeline Gower is back home in Britain, back safe, back in her own bath. And, right on cue, that’s when trouble arrives, back for another bout with her. But this time she’s going to see it off for good….There’s trouble in the form of her nemesis, her Russian roulette – wiseguy wideboy Eddie: he’s on the loose again, and who would the police send out to Egypt to trace him if not Evangeline? Then there’s trouble of another more painful, more joyful sort altogether: the trouble she has choosing between safe, solid, sensitive Harry, and hot, haughty, harmonious Sa’id. So, out among the sensuous wonders of Luxor, on the mobile and on the hoof, our angel shimmies and swerves with all her ex-belly dancer’s supple style through a series of emotional chicanes. Now and again, in a particularly tight corner, she spins off, but she always regains control and surges forward to seize the life and future she deserves for those she loves and, triumphantly, for herself.

Информация о книге:

  • Язык книги: английский
  • Язык оригинала: русский
  • ISBN: 9780007397020
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