Книги автора Natalie Yacobson
Natalie Yacobson
короткие любовные романы, городское фэнтези, любовное фэнтези, магическая школа, темное фэнтези / dark fantasy, романтическое фэнтези, обложка нюBrendan ran away from his royal uncle and pretended to be a wandering minstrel. Already at the beginning of his journey, frivolous fairies h…
Brendan ran away from his royal uncle and pretended to be a wandering minstrel. Already at the beginning of his journey, frivolous fairies h…
Natalie Yacobson
Janet dreams of a knight wearing the armor of dragon scales. He is victorious in a magical war, yet he begs the girl for help. Janet follows…
Janet dreams of a knight wearing the armor of dragon scales. He is victorious in a magical war, yet he begs the girl for help. Janet follows…
Natalie Yacobson
учебники и пособия для вузов, теория государства и праваPrincess Rhianon subdues dragons and sea creatures. They all used to obey Madael, but now she must become their mistress. After all, she nee…
Princess Rhianon subdues dragons and sea creatures. They all used to obey Madael, but now she must become their mistress. After all, she nee…
Natalie Yacobson
Queen Diana kept a secret that fell victim to her two daughters. One Odette is the daughter of a mortal king, the other Odile is the daughte…
Queen Diana kept a secret that fell victim to her two daughters. One Odette is the daughter of a mortal king, the other Odile is the daughte…
Natalie Yacobson
прочая образовательная литератураYoung King Serpin is heard to be the wisest ruler, but the secret to his wisdom is a dexterous demon pretending to be the king’s counselor. …
Young King Serpin is heard to be the wisest ruler, but the secret to his wisdom is a dexterous demon pretending to be the king’s counselor. …
Natalie Yacobson
юмористическая фантастикаPatricia got a magic ship and recruited a crew of magical creatures. Her goal is piracy and revenge against the wizard king. A pirate as das…
Patricia got a magic ship and recruited a crew of magical creatures. Her goal is piracy and revenge against the wizard king. A pirate as das…
Natalie Yacobson
учебная литератураFlora got to the fairies’ masquerade by accident, and she managed to survive in the circle of magical creatures only with difficulty. Every …
Flora got to the fairies’ masquerade by accident, and she managed to survive in the circle of magical creatures only with difficulty. Every …
Natalie Yacobson
How can the power be held over the dragon who has broken free from captivity? Only by inviting him a bride, more beautiful and more dangerou…
How can the power be held over the dragon who has broken free from captivity? Only by inviting him a bride, more beautiful and more dangerou…
Natalie Yacobson
современные любовные романы, эротические романыQueen Rosamunda receives fiery letters from the dragon she once loved and betrayed. Rosamunda doesn’t remember any dragon among her suitors.…
Queen Rosamunda receives fiery letters from the dragon she once loved and betrayed. Rosamunda doesn’t remember any dragon among her suitors.…
Natalie Yacobson
классическая прозаUntil now, the will of heaven has forced Madael to fight only on the side of justice, but out of jealousy he breaks the law of heaven and ta…
Until now, the will of heaven has forced Madael to fight only on the side of justice, but out of jealousy he breaks the law of heaven and ta…
Natalie Yacobson
современные любовные романы, реальные истории, любовные сцены, психологические драмы, становление личности, трансформация личностиPrincess Marianne fell in love with an elf she saw at a tournament. Alas, Marianne is not free. She already has a fiancé. The elf has entere…
Princess Marianne fell in love with an elf she saw at a tournament. Alas, Marianne is not free. She already has a fiancé. The elf has entere…
Natalie Yacobson
саморазвитие / личностный ростPrincess Lilophea lives in an island kingdom where a tropical paradise reigns during the day and fires are lit on the shore at night to esca…
Princess Lilophea lives in an island kingdom where a tropical paradise reigns during the day and fires are lit on the shore at night to esca…
Natalie Yacobson
триллеры, современные детективы, полицейские детективы, убийства, психологические триллеры, психологические драмы, детектив-загадка, детективное расследованиеPrincess Estella is beautiful, but stupid. Rumor has it that an evil sorcerer has stolen her mind. Bridegrooms flee from the princess, but t…
Princess Estella is beautiful, but stupid. Rumor has it that an evil sorcerer has stolen her mind. Bridegrooms flee from the princess, but t…
Natalie Yacobson
The beautiful Maerlin lives in a house by the sea. One stormy night, she manages to rescue a beautiful stranger who is shipwrecked. The youn…
The beautiful Maerlin lives in a house by the sea. One stormy night, she manages to rescue a beautiful stranger who is shipwrecked. The youn…
Natalie Yacobson
Princess Rose has fallen prey to magic and intrigue. Now she is a hostage of the golden dragon, who rules the whole empire of magical creatu…
Princess Rose has fallen prey to magic and intrigue. Now she is a hostage of the golden dragon, who rules the whole empire of magical creatu…
Natalie Yacobson
Daniel came to the shooting of the film in a gloomy city. There are myths about the deceased film star Athenais, whose films drove people cr…
Daniel came to the shooting of the film in a gloomy city. There are myths about the deceased film star Athenais, whose films drove people cr…
Natalie Yacobson
современные любовные романы, young adultPeople easily fall into the trap of magic. But is it worth breaking out of the web of spells? Everyone decides for himself. Anita becomes a …
People easily fall into the trap of magic. But is it worth breaking out of the web of spells? Everyone decides for himself. Anita becomes a …
Natalie Yacobson
Ancient Egypt. Pharaoh Akhenaten carries out an unheard-of reform, replacing all gods with one and only one — the sun god, but who is behind…
Ancient Egypt. Pharaoh Akhenaten carries out an unheard-of reform, replacing all gods with one and only one — the sun god, but who is behind…
Natalie Yacobson
боевое фэнтези, другие расы, близкое будущее, виртуальная реальность, приключенческое фэнтези, боевая магия, LitRPG / ЛитРПГThe king of elves kidnapped Amaranta. Now she is his captive and sweetheart. Probably she is destined to become the queen of elves. But the …
The king of elves kidnapped Amaranta. Now she is his captive and sweetheart. Probably she is destined to become the queen of elves. But the …
Natalie Yacobson
социальная фантастика, триллеры, современная русская литература, ужасы, страшилки и ужастики, антиутопия, мистические триллеры, саспенс, НапряжениеIn the mirror of the young artist, Claire dwells the demon. He is now beautiful, now terrible. Because of him, people die, but for some reas…
In the mirror of the young artist, Claire dwells the demon. He is now beautiful, now terrible. Because of him, people die, but for some reas…