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Sandstone Diagenesis – Richard Worden

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Diagenesis affects all sediments after their deposition and includes a fundamental suite of physical, chemical and biological processes that control the texture, mineralogy and fluid-flow properties of sedimentary rocks. Understanding the processes and products of diagenesis is thus a critical component in the analysis of the evolution of sedimentary basins, and has practical implications for subsurface porosity destruction, preservation and generation. This in turn is of great relevance to the petroleum and water industries, as well as to the location and nature of some economic mineral deposits. Combines key papers in sandstone diagenesis published in Sedimentology over the last 30 years. Records the development of diagenesis from the description of grain shapes through provenance, petrography and analytical geochemistry to predictive models of diagenetic process. Provides definitions and explanations of the terms and concepts used in diagenesis. If you are a member of the International Association of Sedimentologists, for purchasing details, please see:

Информация о книге:

  • Язык книги: английский
  • Язык оригинала: русский
  • ISBN: 9781444304466

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