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Handbook of Violence – John S. Wodarski

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A multidisciplinary team of experts examines violence from a resilience perspective Violence knows no boundaries. It attacks in schools, in families, and even in the workforce-places that should be regarded as safe havens. Encompassing the enormity of violence through a comprehensive, biopsychosocial perspective, Handbook of Violence examines community, school, family, and workplace violence, including identification, classification, prevention, and interview programs and case management. Written by the leading authorities in their fields, this groundbreaking compilation: * Reviews how children and adolescents from violent homes are detrimentally affected in multiple ways, including short- and long-term consequences that seriously impair their psychological, social, educational, and physical development * Explores issues related to the occurrence of domestic violence in African-American families, presenting an array of theoretical formulations that may prove useful to practitioners who must service both victims and perpetrators * Examines the prevalence of female juvenile delinquency and reviews the literature from a sociological and practice perspective * Focuses on the current trends and issues surrounding youth gang violence,discussing identification, classification, and prediction as they relate to gang violence as well as effective prevention and intervention * Addresses the identification, classification, and prediction of school violence among middle-school and high-school youth * Covers the broad range of cases that are classified as «workplace violence,» examining the differences in definition and analyzing the bases for the growing prevalence of incidents Topics include: * Violence within families through the life span * Adolescent dating violence * Assessing violent behavior * Domestic violence in Latino cultures * Conduct disorder and substance abuse * Youth gang violence * School violence * Preventing workplace violence * Domestic violence in the workplace * And much more

Информация о книге:

  • Язык книги: английский
  • Язык оригинала: русский
  • ISBN: 9780471214441

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