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A Christmas Family Miracle: Snowbound with Her Hero / Baby Under the Christmas Tree / Single Dad's Christmas Miracle
A Christmas Family Miracle: Snowbound with Her Hero / Baby Under the Christmas Tree / Single Dad's Christmas Miracle
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A Christmas Family Miracle: Snowbound with Her Hero / Baby Under the Christmas Tree / Single Dad's Christmas Miracle

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“I’d love it.”

Since coming back to Chamonix, she’d made a resolution to be more active with her son instead of taking a backseat. If it meant being with Raoul in the process while they were here, then she’d do it. She didn’t want Philippe thinking she was purposely avoiding his uncle.

Christmas would be here soon. Hopefully her father-in-law would be well enough by then that she could take Philippe back to Breckenridge and start a new year free of pain. With the understanding that they would come again in the spring, she was counting on her son not having a complete meltdown.

She turned to Raoul. “Thanks again for being the greatest uncle on earth, as Philippe always says. Now it’s time for a young man I know to get ready for bed. I’ll go upstairs and start your bath. Say good-night to everyone.”

After leaving Crystal, Raoul drove on home. He pulled off his boots and opened the fridge for a beer, but he was out. Not wanting anything else, he shut the door and wandered into the living room without turning on the lights.

At night he often left them off to enjoy the natural snowscape outside his window. Though he’d lived here all his life, the scenery always blew his mind. It reminded him of those deeply crevassed glaciers of the Himalayas, only these glaciers angled toward the Chamonix valley from Mont Blanc.

Tonight the vista reminded him of his earlier conversation with Philippe. When he’d brought his nephew home for dinner, Philippe had pointed to it. “I think that mountain looks like a king with a huge crown of ice on his head. Don’t you?”

Raoul had squeezed his shoulder. “That’s exactly how it looks.” He glanced down at the boy who noticed everything and had a reverence for nature. Somehow without him realizing it, Philippe had climbed into his heart a long time ago and had taken up residence.

“How come you don’t have a tree yet?”

“I was waiting for you to come. Day after tomorrow I’ll be free and we’ll go find one. You can make some decorations for it. How does that sound?” He hadn’t had the Christmas spirit for years.

The boy rested his blond head against Raoul. With a sigh he said, “I wish Mommy and I could live with you all the time and never have to go away.”

In that instant, those words had wrapped Raoul in their sweet tentacles and wouldn’t let him go.

“I’d like the same thing,” he whispered in a moment of truth. Deep down he’d wanted it for a long time, but had fought it with everything in him.

Philippe lifted hopeful blue eyes to him. “Please, will you ask Mommy? She’ll listen to you.”

Raoul’s body gave up a shudder. He couldn’t believe he’d just said those words aloud in front of Philippe. It was like lighting a fuse. “I wish it were that simple, mon gamin, but I’m not your daddy.” As Crystal had said, But Eric isn’t here. Had she said it thinking of Philippe’s feelings, or had she expressed them for her own sake? That was the question he needed to have answered.

“I don’t care,” Philippe answered right back.

“Talitha’s mommy lives with her boyfriend and he’s not her daddy.”

“The girl on oxygen?”


He looked down at Philippe. “Did her daddy die?”

“She doesn’t have a daddy.”

Out of the mouths of babes. “I thought you didn’t make any friends at your school.”

“Talitha’s not my friend. I heard some kids talk about her.”

Raoul’s heart thundered in his chest. He was in such deep water already, he didn’t dare let this subject continue. “Come on. Let’s put your parka on so we can go ice skating. We’ll have to hurry since you’ve got school in the morning.”

All along he’d planned to drive Philippe to school every day. It would give him an excuse to be with Crystal, who never lighted long enough for them to have an in-depth conversation. Unfortunately her move to get a rental car had thrown him, but it didn’t change his intention of being there for his nephew. If she didn’t like it, that was too bad. Philippe wanted and expected to be with him now that he was here.

Like a wound that had been torn open again, his conversation with Philippe had brought all his agony to the surface, leaving him bleeding all over the place. He needed to do something about his turmoil or he honestly didn’t know how he was going to make it through the night, let alone the rest of his life.

CHAPTER FOUR (#ubd062ee4-959f-5056-91b3-21bed7dcb1e1)

AFTER DROPPING Philippe off at school the next morning, Crystal drove to Broussard’s and parked around the side entrance reserved for the staff. The famous mountaineering shop looked like a giant chalet and catered to everything for the mountain climber, but it also carried ski clothes and equipment. Raoul’s office was on the third level at the other end. As she walked through the lower level to the ski shop, she doubted he was even at work yet.

“Eh bien—I can’t believe my eyes.”

She smiled. “Bonjour, Jean-Luc.”

The ski veteran who’d run the shop for years came around the counter and gave her a bear hug. “If it isn’t Crystal, as I live and breathe. You are a sight for sore eyes.”

“It’s great to see you, too.” He was like family to the Broussards. Jean-Luc had been a fabulous skier in his time and had given Eric a lot of pointers.

“What brings you in here?”

“I want to rent some equipment to go up skiing for a couple of hours.”

His brows lifted. “You didn’t bring your own gear?”

“Not this time. This was a spur-of-the-moment decision.” Thanks to Raoul, who’d infused her with the determination to get back doing what she did best.

“Well … let me fix you up. I’m afraid we don’t have your special skis, but I think I can find something for the famous Colorado champion.”

Before long she was outfitted with ski bibs and everything she’d need. He found an empty dressing room for her to change in and let her put her things in a locker in the back room.

Once she was ready, she put her skis and poles over her shoulder and started for the same side entrance. It was only a short walk to the Brévent cable car.

But she never made it outside because a tall, powerfully built man in a familiar black bomber jacket was just coming in, blocking her exit. She looked up at him and trembled. “Raoul—”

His hands shot out to grip her upper arms. At his touch, a jolt of electricity arced through her body. “I saw your rental car out there as I was driving around to the back.” She felt his gaze travel over her like a laser beam. “Give me a minute to get into my ski gear and I’ll go up to Planpraz with you. I haven’t had a good run on skis in weeks.”

Warmth flooded her system. It wasn’t just his physical presence that made it difficult to catch her breath. It was the fact that he was willing to drop everything to come with her. She’d always loved that trait in Raoul. His spontaneity at a moment’s notice made him such an exciting man to be with. Though it was taking an emotional risk, for once she didn’t question it because the negative tension between them seemed to be missing.

“I’ll wait outside the door for you.” Maybe it was the day, the air. All she knew was, she wanted to be with him.

His hands fell away, leaving her free to continue walking, but her legs felt like mush. If this was the way he was going to affect her, she didn’t think she had the strength to make it to the cable car, let alone ski. He was a wonderful skier and an even more wonderful companion when he was relaxed. Thrill after thrill darted through her at the thought of being with him like this.

She didn’t have to wait long before he joined her looking fantastic in his black ski outfit with the blue stripe up the side. They walked the short distance to the ski station in companionable silence before riding the cable car up the mountain. Soon Chamonix lay at their feet. She gasped softly at the phenomenal sight while experiencing an attack of exhilaration that she was seeing this with him.

This was her world! For a few years she’d forgotten. When she turned her head, her eyes fused with the cobalt blue of Raoul’s.

“You’ve got that look on your face, Crystal.”

“What look is that?” she whispered shakily.

“The one that used to be on all the billboards. The look that’s been missing. I’m glad to see it’s back. I’ll race you to the bottom.” His gaze reluctantly left hers before he gripped his poles and started down the run, exploding like a torpedo out of its silo past two other skiers.

She adjusted her goggles and pushed off, eager to catch up to him. They played like children, skiing the moguls down the steep piste. Sheer euphoria. She let out a joyous laugh and poured on the speed, flying past him. She eventually reached the bottom a few seconds faster than he did.

Crystal was still laughing for the utter pleasure of being alive and sharing this with him. When he skied over to her, his smile dissolved her bones. “You’re still the greatest thing going out here. If anything, I think you’re skiing better than you used to. You were loose. Fluid.”

Raoul. “You’re good for my ego.”

“I think you meant that.” His expression grew more thoughtful. “How about one more run before I have to get a little work done today?”

“You’re on!” she cried, delirious with happiness that he wanted to go again.

They skied over to the station and rode the cable car once more. It filled up fast. Raoul’s intense gaze found hers over the heads of the other skiers. His gorgeous eyes conveyed so many things, she felt giddy.

Their second run was even more exciting because Raoul was determined to win. And she let him.

He flashed her a crooked half smile while he waited for her to ski over to him. She hadn’t fooled him, of course. “Thanks for making a mediocre skier look like a pro in front of our audience. I owe you for that.” A small crowd had gathered to watch them.

She chuckled. “I’ve had the time of my life this morning.” For once she’d done something for pure pleasure. No cross examinations, no guilt she was trying to hide. She’d just gone with the moment because Raoul had made her feel so good.

“My sentiments exactly,” he said in his deep voice. It sent delicious chills through her body. She sensed this had been good for him, too.

They removed their skis and started walking back to his work, cocooned in their own world for the moment by the spell holding them after such a fabulous morning. Halfway there, Raoul’s cell phone rang. He had to pick up. When his black brows furrowed, she had to accept the fact that reality had intruded.

After he’d taken the call, his glance swerved to hers. “I’ve got a situation I have to deal with immediately.”

Inside she moaned. “You go on.”

“I’ll be in touch with you later.”

He took off like a shot through the crowd of skiers. A guide had probably called in because of an emergency. Raoul was always the first to respond and coordinate any mountain rescue efforts. She hoped he didn’t have to go himself. There was always a certain amount of danger, but after being with him this morning, her normal worry for him escalated to new heights.

She returned to the chalet and changed back into her street clothes. After thanking Jean-Luc, she left to get some lunch and do a little more Christmas shopping. Pretty soon it was time to pick up Philippe.

Crystal spotted him right away. For his second day at school he’d chosen to put on his dark blue pants and lighter blue polo shirt with the long sleeves. It wasn’t like Albert’s uniform, but Crystal could see the colors were close enough.

“Guess what, Mommy?” He’d just come out of the room with his cousin. “I’m in the school program, too. We’re going to be Christmas angels.”

“You are? How exciting!” She walked them to the car and they got in. “When is it?”

“On Saturday afternoon. We have to sing two songs.”

“Just you and Albert?”

“All the kids,” her nephew said.

“Which Christmas carols are they?”

“I don’t know. Uncle Raoul will help me practice.”

She looked at him through the rearview mirror. “We’ll get Aunt Vivige to teach you since she’ll know the songs Albert is working on.”

“But I want him to do it.”

“Honey, he doesn’t have the time.”

“He’ll help if I ask him.”

“I’d rather you didn’t.” She felt she was going under for the third time. Though her morning with Raoul had been magical, it had to end.

“You’re mean.”

“What did you say to me?”

“I’m sorry.” Here came the tears. While he sat there crying hysterically, there was a knock on the rear window causing both their heads to turn. It was Raoul.

She was elated to realize that he wasn’t out on an emergency, but she was surprised to see him here. Philippe unstrapped himself and scrambled out of the backseat into his arms where he sobbed even harder.

“Eh, bien, what’s wrong, mon gars? Do you feel sick today?” Anyone nearby would assume Raoul was the father attempting to console his son. The love he had for Philippe had always been the real thing and it was reciprocated a hundred fold.

Crystal had known fear once before around Raoul. Now she felt it even stronger to see the way Philippe clung to him. This affection for his uncle that had its roots deep in the past was reaching critical mass. With a sense of despair, she knew it would only grow stronger. She needed some advice about now.

His cute little face was all blotchy. “Mommy says you don’t have time to t-teach me some s-songs for the school program.”

“Of course I do.” Raoul turned his dark head in her direction. “Did you hear that, Mommy?” Raoul had turned his back on her, reminding her of their conversation outside the bedroom the other night when he’d told her Philippe could never be a burden.

This was so hard. Crystal resented being in the position of the enemy when Philippe was her son. But this wasn’t a situation where blame could be attached to any one person. Whatever she said right now would spell the difference between temporary peace or permanent chaos. It wouldn’t be fair to create more problems when Jules wasn’t even out of the hospital yet.

“I did. I just didn’t know if it was all right with you, Raoul.”

Crystal thought she saw a look of satisfaction enter Raoul’s eyes before he kissed his forehead. “There. Did you hear that?” Philippe nodded. “Have a treat on me.” Raoul pulled two small wrapped candy canes from his pocket and undid them for the boys.

Philippe put it in his mouth. “Mmm. This tastes good, like peppermint.”

“Yum,” Albert said.

“I brought them especially for you guys because I know you like that flavor.”


“You’re welcome.” Though he was speaking to the boys, his focus was on Crystal. After taking in her knitted blue ski hat, Raoul’s eyes narrowed on her mouth. Fire ran through her body, igniting her. It brought back the joy she’d shared with him earlier.

Maybe it was the cream-colored cable knit pullover he was wearing that made his eyes look inky blue in the afternoon light. Helpless to do otherwise, her gaze lowered to the jeans molding his powerful thighs. Her heart thumped hard as she took in his features again. To think any one man could be that handsome …

Out of the corner of her eye she saw Vivige pull up. Her daughters rushed toward her car. More than ever it didn’t explain Raoul’s presence. The thought—the hope that after this morning’s ski run he might be missing Crystal’s company—gave her a suffocating feeling in her chest.

Vivige opened her window. “Come on, Philippe, Albert,” she called to them. “We’re off to the hospital to see Grand-père.” The boys scrambled into her car. Philippe was perfectly happy again.

“I’ll feed the children dinner. See you two later,” Vivige murmured as she looked at the two of them.

After she drove off, Raoul’s gaze flicked to Crystal. Her pulse was galloping. “I came by here to catch up with you because I want to give you your prize.”

She smiled. “My prize? For what?”