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The Real Witches’ Craft: Magical Techniques and Guidance for a Full Year of Practising the Craft
The Real Witches’ Craft: Magical Techniques and Guidance for a Full Year of Practising the Craft
The Real Witches’ Craft: Magical Techniques and Guidance for a Full Year of Practising the Craft


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The Real Witches’ Craft: Magical Techniques and Guidance for a Full Year of Practising the Craft

If you are still working on developing your ability to raise energy and don’t feel confident that you will be successful, try the following instead: Prepare the food and drink as before, but instead of casting the Circle and raising power, spin around for a full minute before attempting the task. Then earth yourself as described in the previous paragraph and try it again. This is not quite the same, but will give you a rough idea of the need for grounding and earthing. Again make notes on your experiences.


Another way of raising energy is the rite called Drawing Down the Moon, which takes place at the Full Moon. In the modern Craft this has become quite formalized, with a Priest invoking the spirit of the Goddess into a Priestess who then proclaims the Charge of the Goddess to the rest of the Coven. Drawing Down the Moon, when performed successfully, channels the spirit of the Goddess through the Priestess, and the Charge then becomes the words of the Goddess addressed to Her followers. However, this format for Drawing Down the Moon, as given in most ‘modern’ books on the Craft, implies that the Rite is only for those who work in groups or Covens, but this does not have to be the case. There are techniques for Drawing Down the Moon which can be an effective way of raising energy for the solitary Witch.

For the sake of completeness I have included the group, or Coven, form of Drawing Down the Moon, and also a Full Moon Ritual which can be used by the Solitary Witch.

The Priestess stands with her back to the Altar, preferably facing the Moon. The Priest commences by giving her the Five-fold Kiss. The Priestess now allows her hands to move slightly away from her sides with her palms facing forward. Whilst he continues she should look over his head at the full Moon and focus on allowing the spirit of the Goddess to enter her.

With the forefinger of his strong hand the Priest then touches the Priestess in the sigil of the First Degree: right breast, left breast, womb and right breast, whilst saying:

‘I invoke thee and call upon thee Mighty Mother of us all, bringer of all fruitfulness, by seed and root, by stem and bud, by flower and fruit do I invoke thee, to descend upon this the body of thy servant and Priestess.’

He then kneels and, spreading his arms outwards and downwards, says:

‘Hail Aradia, from the Amalthean Horn. Pour forth thy store of love. I lowly bend before thee, I adore thee to the end. With loving sacrifice thy shrine adorn. Thy foot is to my lip.’

He kisses her feet and continues:

‘My prayer, upon the rising incense upborne. Then spend thine ancient love O Mighty One, descend to aid me, for without thee I am forlorn.’

The Priest then rises and faces the group and says:

‘Listen to the words of the Great Mother, she who, of old, was also called among men Artemis, Astarte, Dione, Melusine, Aphrodite, Ceridwyn, Dana, Arianrhod, Isis, Bride and many other names.’

He then steps to the side and the Priestess, facing the group, raises her arms and delivers the Charge.

There are two key components to this Rite. The first is the ability of an experienced Priest to invoke the Goddess, which can help even the least experienced Priestess to become the vessel of the Goddess. However, the second component, the ability of the Priestess to open her mind to the Goddess, will enhance the Rite, or can help an inexperienced Priest to learn the technique. Obviously, for a Solitary Witch, the latter is essential, as she will be on her own.


Every night for a full lunar month (29 days) take the time to look at the Moon. You may need to provide yourself with a diary or calendar which also indicates the time of Moonrise in your part of the world. It is best if you can actually go outside, or at least open the window, but if this really is impossible, then look through the glass. Notice the phase of the Moon; for example, new, first quarter, full, third quarter, or dark, where no Moon is visible. Also take note of whether the Moon is waxing (increasing in size), or waning (decreasing). Even if the sky is clouded over, you should be able to work out its phase. As you do so, consider which aspect of the Goddess this reflects. Keep a record of the Moon; its size, rising time, and position in the sky. If you are able to get outside, notice where the Moonlight actually falls, as the Moon also casts shadows. Alongside these, note how you feel physically, emotionally and spiritually, both in your daily life and whilst performing the exercise. You may like to continue this diary even when you have worked through this chapter, as you will also find it helpful for work later in this book.


As with all Rituals, ensure that you have prepared yourself and everything you will need, including some means of grounding yourself afterwards.

On the night of the full Moon, position yourself so that you can kneel upright, rather than back on your heels, facing the Moon, in its light. Whilst standing, create the Sacred Space in your usual way.

Then kneel in the moonlight, and raise your arms to each side of your head, so that they curve gently upwards. Close your eyes and take several deep breaths to centre yourself. Open your eyes and gaze at the Moon, or just above it as this is better for the eyes. Whilst you do so, focus your mind on the Mother Goddess. You may also like to consider chanting, ‘Lady of the Moon, Lady of the Moon. Come to us, be with us, Lady of the Moon,’ several times, either aloud, or under your breath. Consider all that she does for you and for the land. Visualize Her energy being carried in the Moonlight, washing over and entering you. When you are sure you can feel her energy within you, read aloud the Charge of the Goddess (below) quietly to yourself, then spend a few moments in meditation. If you have an act of magic you wish to perform at this Esbat, do so now.

When you are ready, remove the Sacred Space in the usual way and ground yourself before going on to tidy up and write up your notes.

Many Witches find that Drawing Down the Moon is a very empowering Ritual, and that it has energizing effects which last well beyond the night it was performed.


The Charge may be derived from Doreen Valiente’s Charge of the Goddess, as is the version given below. But it may also be written by the High Priestess, or the Priestess may speak the words which come to her at the time. It is usually recommended that Priestesses memorize the Charge, even though when the time comes in the ritual they may find that other words will come to them.

‘Whenever ye have need of any thing, once in the month, and better it be if the Moon is full, then shall ye gather in some secret place and worship the spirit of me, who art Queen of all Witcheries. There shall ye assemble, ye who would fain learn all sorcery, yet have not won its deepest secrets, to these I shall teach things as yet unknown. And ye shall be free from slavery, and as a sign that ye be really free, ye shall be naked in your Rites. And ye shall dance, sing, feast, make music and love, all in my praise. For mine is the ecstasy of the spirit, and mine is also joy on earth, for my lore is love unto all things. Keep pure your highest ideals, strive ever towards them, let naught stop you, nor turn you aside. For mine is the secret door which opens on to the land of youth, and mine is the cup of the wine of life, and the Cauldron of Cerridwen, which is the Holy Grail of immortality.

‘For I am the gracious Goddess, who gives the gift of the joy of life unto the hearts of man. Upon earth I give knowledge of the spirit eternal, and beyond death, I give peace and freedom, and reunion with those who have gone before. Nor do I demand sacrifice, for behold I am the gracious Mother of all living, and my love is poured out upon the earth. I who am the beauty of the green earth, and the white Moon amongst the stars, and the mystery of the waters, and the desire of the heart of man, call unto thy soul; arise and come unto me. For I am the soul of nature, who gives life to the universe. From me all things proceed, and unto me all things must return; and before my face, beloved of Gods and of men, let thine innermost self be enfolded in the rapture of the infinite. Let my worship be within the heart that rejoiceth; for behold, all acts of love and pleasure are my rituals. And therefore let there be beauty and strength, power and compassion, honour and humility, mirth and reverence within you. And thou who thinkest to seek for me, know that thy seeking and yearning shall avail ye not, unless thou knowest the mystery; that if that which thou seekest, thou findest not within thee, then thou shalt never find it without. For behold, I have been with thee from the beginning, and I am that which is attained at the end of all desire.’


Whilst there is no reason that a Priest should not be able to channel the energy of the Goddess for his magic, there is a complementary Ritual known as Drawing Down the Sun. This is performed in much the same way, although it is essential that neither Priest nor Priestess looks at the Sun itself, as this can so easily damage the eyesight. In many cases a golden, but not reflective, disc or other solar symbol is placed so that the sunlight falls onto it and the Priest uses this as the focus of his concentration. Drawing Down the Sun is usually performed when the Sun is at its zenith and is therefore a daytime ritual. Whilst Drawing Down the Moon is often performed every month, Drawing Down the Sun takes place far less often, usually only at the Summer and Winter Solstices, as the Craft is a Lunar based belief system and it is the Goddess to whom we primarily look for the source of our magics. The God is her Consort and Her partner through the Wheel of the Yeat, and the changing of the seasons.

There is no well-known equivalent Charge of the God, although many have written their own, but some use a version of the Song of Amergin:

‘I am the Wind of the Sea.

I am the Wave of the Sea.

I am the Sound of the Sea.

I am the Stag of Seven Tines.

I am the Hawk upon the Cliff.

I am the Ray of the Sun.

I am the Fairest among Flowers.

I am the Savage Boar in Valour.

I am the Salmon in the Pool.

I am the Lake upon the Plain.

I am the Hill of Poetry.

I am the Spear Point in the Battle.

I am the God who kindles the Fire Within.

Who, hut I, can make known the Secrets of the Unhewn Dolman?

Who, hut I, can make known the Ages of the Moon?

Who, hut I, can show the Secrets of the Resting Sun?’

At one time the Song of Amergin was thought to be a Christian text, but it can actually be traced back as far as 600BC, and may well be far older. More recently it has been considered to be a Druid verse, but there is little, if any, evidence that it should be considered exclusive to them.


Whilst we raise energy for each spell or piece of magic we work, there are some magics which are centred on specific forms of power raising.

Building the Cone of Power to draw something to you

One of the frequently asked questions of the Craft is, ‘How do I find a Coven, or a teacher or mentor, or a magical co-worker?’ The first step is to determine what you actually need, not in terms of a specific person or group, but in terms of your requirements.

To expand: if you are seeking a Coven, how often will you be able to attend? Sabbats, Esbats, and new Moons mean 33 dates per year, almost certainly mostly evenings. Consider how far you are prepared to travel, bearing in mind that many meetings may finish after public transport stops running. Are you able and willing to work outside, or might adverse weather have an effect on your health? Are you looking for a formal structure, with regular training sessions, or one where you are required to make a greater effort to drive your own learning.

Alternatively, if you are looking for a mentor or partner, would you feel happier, at least at first, being with someone of your own sex. Would you prefer someone who you can meet regularly or would you be happy with letters and/or emails? Consider which form of the Craft attracts you: hedgewitch, Gardnerian, Alexandrian or another path.

When you have a clear idea of what you are seeking, prepare your area and create your Sacred Space in the usual way. In the centre of your Circle place a single, unlit white candle in a safe holder. Raise energy in your preferred manner, but as you do so visualize a circle of white light rising from the edges of the Circle. Build it up until it becomes a cone rising high above you. As you are doing this, focus on the specifics you decided you are seeking. Visualize the cone becoming a beacon in the skies which will draw to you what you seek. Once it is at its peak, release its base from the Circle, leaving the beacon to remain above, much like a spotlight pointed into the sky. Now light the candle and keep it by you until it has burnt all the way down. Whilst it is doing so you can complete your ritual in the normal way, and write up your notes.

A word of caution however: if you cannot maintain your focus on the things that you seek, and find your concentration wandering in any other direction, stop the spell immediately and banish both the Circle and however much of the cone you have built. This is to prevent the cone acting as a beacon for things you do not want to draw to you.


For some, Earth healing magic is the primary reason for working as a Witch, and they will work magic for the preservation of endangered species, or the rainforest, or to prevent the death of wildlife on our roads, etc. Virtually all their spells will be directed at the healing of the planet and the life which dwells on it. In this case they will use a number of forms of spell working.

For others, it is a form of magic undertaken at times they consider to be of particular need, for example, when there is an oil spill or other potential ecological disaster. Because this is usually directed at a geographical location, raising the Earth Dragon is especially effective for this is a type of magic.

Prepare by researching the problem as well as you can. Watch and listen to TV and radio coverage, read articles on the internet, until you have a clear mental picture of the problem. Try to be aware of the causes: for example, is a rainforest being cleared to make way for the genuine needs of local people or is it being cleared to further the interests of industry? When you are sure that your magical intention is sound, then you can go on to perform your spell at the next full Moon.

If you feel the need, take the picture(s) you created of the Earth Dragon in exercise five into your working area with you. Create your Circle in the usual way. Raise power by whichever technique you have found most effective. Now focus that energy in visualizing and waking the Dragon. Call upon it until you see it rising out of the planet, with its great wings unfurled and its tail stretching out behind it. Watch until you can see it circle the Earth three times. Now focus your energy towards the region which needs help and, stating the nature of the problem, direct the Dragon towards it. Visualize the Dragon swooping down to that area and entering it, plunging deep into the land. Now visualize its presence driving out the problem and restoring the land and life to health and fruitfulness. When you feel sure that the Dragon’s work is done, thank it and give it leave to rest once more. Complete your ritual as usual and write up your notes.

Regrettably, few of us have sufficient energy to achieve Earth healing on our own, but it is certain that when many Witches work this form of magic for the good of the land then things do begin to improve. Many Witches feel that each full Moon Ritual should take the form of three spells: one for the self, one for someone else and one for the land.

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