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Rebel's Bargain
Rebel's Bargain
Rebel's Bargain


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Rebel's Bargain

Had he changed?

‘Because I’m not your wife. You can’t want me nursing you.’

‘It won’t be full-time nursing. I expect to manage once the bandages come off.’ Was that a hint of doubt in his voice? But he was talking again, distracting her from the fleeting impression. ‘I’ll only need someone on hand to be sure. That’s where you come in.’

‘As I said, Orsino, I’m not your wife. It won’t be me caring for you. Ask someone else.’

Then a horrible thought struck. Had his head injury affected his memory? Didn’t he recall what had happened between them? Poppy swayed. The possibility of brain damage was too much on top of exhaustion.

‘Of course you’re my wife. You never filed for divorce.’ He paused. ‘Why is that, Poppy? Because there was still publicity to be milked from my name?’

His icy tone grazed her skin, making her shudder.

Relief battered her, and anger. No memory loss after all. Orsino recalled everything. And still blamed her.

Poppy stiffened her backbone, setting her jaw and telling herself she’d been a fool to think he’d ever be glad to see her.

She didn’t want this man in her life. She was glad to be rid of him.

Yet his question rang in her ears. Why hadn’t she divorced him?

‘You didn’t file for divorce, either.’ Poppy stopped, hating how scratchy and thin her voice sounded, revealing her turmoil. She breathed deep, clasping her hands before her. They trembled.

Orsino had always made her feel too deeply.

Time hadn’t cauterised the wounds at all. She’d just pretended it had. That knowledge scared her as nothing had in years.

‘Our marriage ended when you walked out.’ Though it had taken her far longer to realise it. The memory of her desperate hopes and frantic phone calls, all unanswered, made her itch with embarrassment.

‘When I walked out? Talk about selective memory!’ Orsino shook his head. ‘There’s no mistake. I gave the hospital your name.’

Poppy blinked owlishly at the man before her. He’d orchestrated this?

She darted a glance towards the door. Why stay and let him manipulate her?

Yet something welded her to the spot. Pity for his injuries? Better that than the alternative, that somewhere, deep down, she still cared. That she didn’t want to leave till she found out how badly he was hurt and whether he’d see again.

‘You had no business giving them my name.’

He shrugged and Poppy hated herself for noticing the way his broad shoulders moved against the white bed linen, as if she were some love-struck teenager, transfixed by his athletic physique.

Been there, got the T-shirt, over it now.

If only she believed it. The thread of unexpected heat twisting deep inside belied her certainty.

‘The hospital needed my next of kin. That’s you, Poppy. It has been ever since we left that registry office together.’

She shook her head. ‘What about Lucca? What about Lucilla? You’ve got all those brothers and sisters. Plus your father. Any one of them—’

‘They’re all tied up at the moment. Besides, by law you’re my next of kin.’

‘And you thought I wouldn’t be busy?’ Her hands slipped to her hips as anger hiked. ‘Unlike you, I have to work for my living. I’m in the middle of a photo shoot. I can’t simply drop everything to nurse you.’

‘But you just did, didn’t you?’ His words punctured her fury, pulling her up short. Poppy bit her lip, the salt tang of blood filling her mouth.

He was right. She’d thrown over everything in the rush to get to him.

Would she have a job to return to? There’d been talk of working around her absence, shooting without her for a few days, but she’d barely taken it in.

Poppy chewed her lip. Of course she’d have a job. Hers was the new face of Baudin.

But she’d left them in the lurch. Never had she behaved so. Poppy Graham was always a consummate professional, punctual and reliable. Until now. She spun on her heel and marched to the window, pushing her hair back over a shoulder that slumped with weariness.

Looking up she saw the dark bulk of the Himalayas, enormous as a crouching giant. Her heart plunged at the thought of what might have happened.

‘What were you doing up there?’ She shivered and wrapped her arms around her middle, wishing she could warm the part of her that was still frozen from lingering fear. ‘You must have known it was ridiculously dangerous, especially at this time of year!’

‘Why, Poppy, if I didn’t know better I’d almost believe you were worried about me.’

She swung around, fingers biting into her arms through her cashmere sweater. ‘Spare me the act, Orsino. I’m not in the mood.’ She breathed deep. ‘Much as I … dislike you, I never wished you dead.’

His tight smile disappeared. The lines bracketing his mouth scored deeper than she remembered. What was the rest of his face like beneath those bandages? Grim like his mouth?

‘Really? But you’d look superb in widow’s weeds.’ His voice grated on stretched nerves. ‘You’d do stoic vulnerability with such panache. Think of all the lovely media sympathy to boost your profile.’

She strode to his bed, slamming to a stop beside him. ‘That’s a vile thing to say! I never …’ She swallowed hard, choking on a fiery ball of tangled emotion. ‘You can be an absolute bastard, did you know that?’

His mouth thinned. ‘So I’ve been told.’

No doubt by some woman. Poppy swung away but stopped as long fingers closed unerringly around her wrist.

How had he known so precisely where she was when he couldn’t see her?

The warm abrasiveness of his callused fingers held her in a familiar grasp. She told herself she felt only fury at his accusations.

Yet it wasn’t true. She repressed a shudder as her nerve cells leapt in recognition of his touch. Memory bombarded her. Orsino’s hand linking with hers as the marriage celebrant pronounced them husband and wife. His hand splayed at the back of her head as he tilted his face to hers the first time they kissed. His hand trawling in slow seduction over her naked body.

Even through the pervasive smell of hospital cleansers she caught the scent of his skin. She drew it in hungrily. She’d missed it, she realised, that subtle tang of cedar wood spiced with something that was wholly, uniquely Orsino.

His thumb swiped the inside of her wrist, over the spot where her pulse raced. It felt like a caress.

She tugged her hand but his fingers closed tight. Despite his injuries he was physically stronger.

Once, she’d revelled in his strength that made her feel fragile and feminine despite her almost six feet in height. Orsino had made her feel delicate instead of gangly. His embrace had awakened Cinderella fantasies she’d harboured as a child, before the harsh realities of life cured her of believing in happy-ever-afters. In his arms she’d actually believed that they might come true after all.

‘Let me go, Orsino.’ Miraculously her voice was composed.

For a second longer he held her, almost as if he didn’t want to release her.

Then she was free. She took a step back, her other hand circling her wrist, covering the place where his heat lingered.

‘What were you doing up on the mountain, Orsino? Everyone said it was a dangerous climb.’

‘Danger is part of the appeal.’

‘That’s no answer.’ She’d never understood his need to fling himself into one perilous venture after another. ‘Even by your standards this was foolhardy.’

‘Not foolhardy. A calculated risk. Ice climbing always is.’

‘Then you didn’t calculate very well, did you?’ Why she harped on like this Poppy didn’t know. But she couldn’t leave it alone.

Even after all that had passed between them, she hated him risking his neck.

‘No one could have predicted that avalanche. I’m not omniscient, you know, Poppy.’

She watched his mouth form her name and a deep tingling throb began inside. Maybe it was the way he said it, in that dark-as-night voice, but something long forgotten stirred.

Poppy took another step back from the bed.

‘No one has ever done that climb, because it’s so dangerous. The experts say it’s impossible.’

‘Only until someone does it. Besides, if we’d succeeded the money we raised would have funded a new eye clinic and helped scores of local families.’

‘You risked your life for an eye clinic?’ Poppy knew he raised money for charity with his more daring adventures, but this—

‘Why not? Better this than as some commercial stunt for a luxury company.’ His voice held an unfamiliar note and Poppy watched his hand clench on the coverlet.

‘Orsino? What do you mean?’

He waved his hand dismissively. ‘Nothing. What I do with my time is my business. Mine alone.’

Wasn’t that the truth?

When she’d needed him, when she’d been desperate for his strong arms holding her, he’d headed off on one of his adventures. He hadn’t cared enough to support her, too busy taking on the next challenge.

‘It’s not just your business when it endangers others. What about your climbing partner and the men who rescued you? You were selfish to put them in danger.’

‘Michael is recovering nicely down the hall. He knew the risks.’ But the rough edge to Orsino’s tone made her wonder if, after all, he felt guilty.

Orsino raised his hand as if to rake his fingers through his hair in a gesture of frustration she recalled too clearly. When his hand touched bandage it dropped to the bed.

‘As for the rescue party—’ His mouth pursed. ‘We’d left instructions that no rescue was to be attempted if anything went wrong. We know how many local guides are killed and injured supporting foreign climbers.’

‘It’s a good thing for you they ignored your wishes.’ Poppy wrapped her arms across her chest, chilled anew at the thought of Orsino on the unforgiving mountain, buried in snow. How long did it take to die from exposure?

Suddenly he grinned. With his dark stubble surrounding that slash of white teeth he looked like a pirate.

Poppy stared, telling herself it was not a zing of attraction she felt. That was no longer possible.

‘I’m not complaining.’ His smile faded. ‘We knew them all from previous years here, that’s why they ignored our wishes. Bloody fools. If something had happened to one of them …’

He really was the most complex, unreasonable, infuriating man.

She wanted to despise him for his life of idle luxury but he risked his life raising money for others. She wanted to berate him for taking stupid risks but he’d cold-bloodedly taken on this challenge knowing he could die and demanding no one risk their life to save him.

Poppy sank into a visitor’s chair. No wonder she felt confused. Orsino Chatsfield was the sort of man to tie anyone in knots. But just because he had a social conscience didn’t mean he was good husband material.

Good husband! If the idea didn’t hurt so much it might have been funny.

She hadn’t thought of him as her husband in ages.

Yet there was still something about this man that burrowed deep beneath logic and reason. Something that had squeezed her heart till she couldn’t breathe when she thought he was going to die. Something that hurt like the devil when he accused her of wanting him dead.

He had the power to anger her and hurt her as no one else could.

Why hadn’t that died when he killed her love?

Poppy watched her hands twist in her lap and knew real fear. Fear that, despite everything, it wasn’t over between them. At least not for her.

She shook her head. It couldn’t be. She was stronger than that. Five years ago she’d grovelled, leaving pleading messages for Orsino to contact her. None had been answered.

That was how little she’d meant to him.

Since then she’d dragged herself back from the brink, facing the glare of the press, the curiosity of millions, slavering for details on their breakup, probing her feelings and watching her every move.

Unlike Orsino, Poppy didn’t have the buffer of extreme wealth to protect her. She’d had to get back to work, acting as if her heart hadn’t been ripped into bleeding shreds.

It had taken everything she had to rebuild herself, to be more resilient and focused than before.

She lifted her head and scrutinised Orsino. He pretended he still had some say in her life, but he’d forfeited that right long ago.

He had no hold over her.

All she had to do was remember that and ignore her body’s traitorous awareness of him. That must be some legacy of the past, a sense memory that would soon fade.

‘Are you still there?’ His deep voice broke her reverie. Was that a hint of vulnerability she heard? It would be natural given those injuries. But the set of Orsino’s firm jaw spoke of strength, not fear. Why would he be concerned if she’d left? He who’d deliberately faced death on that treacherous climb?

‘Why did you tell the hospital to contact me? And don’t give me that line about being your next of kin.’

‘I told you. I need someone to be with while I recuperate.’

Need not want.

Was that why his jaw set so tight? Because he didn’t want her but needed her help? Yet this was Orsino Chatsfield. He didn’t do anything unless it suited him.

‘Why, Orsino?’

‘Why not?’ he shot back at her. ‘Surely you owe me?’

‘Owe you?’ Indignation warred with guilt, just as it had all those years ago.

Her cheeks flamed at the memory of what she’d done to deserve his disgust. But at the same time anger surged. He’d never admitted his role in what had happened, never once tried to understand. If it hadn’t been for his arrogance and selfish pride—

‘I don’t owe you a thing, Orsino.’

‘So you say, but would those millions of fans agree if they knew the details of why we split?’

Poppy felt her eyes bulge.

‘You’re trying to blackmail me?’ She groped for words, her brain spinning. ‘Why now? Why after all this time?’ It didn’t make sense.

‘Blackmail? To expect a wife to take care of her husband when he needs her?’

His arch tone set her teeth on edge.

‘I haven’t the time or inclination to continue this discussion.’ She rose and picked up her bag. ‘Spread what stories you like, Orsino. It makes no difference to me.’

It was a lie. Damaging rumours would make her life hell again. With photos of Orsino as a wounded hero she’d be cast as a villainess, her reputation in tatters as well as her peace. It was bound to impact on her career.

But she couldn’t let it matter. Losing her self-respect was too high a price.


His peremptory tone stopped her as she turned away.

‘I have a proposition.’

Reluctantly she turned. What she could see of his face looked paler than before. His mouth was set in a thin line of pain. She eyed his tense jaw and wondered if she could call the nurse.

How could she feel concern for a blackmailer? It didn’t make sense. But then nothing about her reactions to this man was logical.


‘I’m listening.’

‘I refuse to stay in a convalescent home. I want privacy while I recuperate.’

‘So?’ She refrained from pointing out that with his money he could buy the best medical care in his own home. ‘Why not ask one of your women to look after you?’

Orsino was regularly seen with a gorgeous woman at his side, a different one every week.

‘Why not this Amindra you were expecting? I’m sure she’d jump at the chance to be alone with you.’

His chuckle rippled, warm and rich, across her skin and Poppy was appalled to feel herself melt a little at the knees. Till he spoke again and her hackles rose. ‘Ah, that explains your bad mood. Are you jealous?’

She stood straighter, a shaft of fury stiffening her backbone. ‘Absolutely not. Now, I have a return flight to organise.’

She’d taken just one step when he spoke again. ‘Amindra is a nurse. I’m sure she’d jump at the chance for extra money but not if it means leaving her children and grandchildren behind for several weeks.’

‘She’s a nurse?’

‘Who else would I meet in this condition?’ For the first time Orsino’s voice betrayed bitterness as he waved his hand in a slashing gesture across his bandaged torso. It spoke of barely leashed frustration and all at once it hit her how difficult an active man like Orsino must find his forced confinement. She’d been so caught up in relief at seeing him alive, then irritation at his high-handed attitude, that hadn’t sunk in.

Even badly wounded Orsino had more presence than most men she knew. If only he didn’t get under her skin so!

‘Look after me for a couple of weeks and I’ll set you free.’

Poppy stared intently but couldn’t make out his expression. Those bandages hid so much. Was he blind behind them? She wanted to ask but knew he wouldn’t answer.

‘What do you mean, set me free?’

His mouth curled up at one side. ‘That should be obvious. I’ll give you a divorce.’

Poppy’s fingers tightened on the strap of her bag.

‘Why now? After all this time?’

He shrugged again and fleetingly she thought of how his occasional Mediterranean gestures, the use of his hands as he spoke, the lifting of those broad shoulders, used to fascinate her. As had the intriguing combination of stunning Italian good looks and English reserve, courtesy of his Italian mother and British father.

‘It’s what you want, isn’t it?’

Poppy stared. Was he offering an easy divorce because that’s what he wanted or because he thought she did? Had he found someone else to fill the rarefied position of his wife?

For years she’d resolutely turned her thoughts away from Orsino with anyone else. Even though he wore gorgeous women like fashion accessories every time he appeared in public.

A hollow ache started up beneath her ribs. She told herself it was stress from the long journey and from facing Orsino again.

‘Why should I go to such bother, when I could just visit a lawyer and file for divorce?’

He didn’t like that. She saw his mouth tighten.

‘Because I have it in my power to make divorce easy.’ He paused. ‘Or hard. You get to choose whether it’s smooth and painless or drawn out and very, very public.’

No mistaking the threat in the rough velvet timbre of his voice. It was on the tip of Poppy’s tongue to ask why he hadn’t divorced her. But she wouldn’t give him an excuse to pry into her own reasons for inaction. She hadn’t worked that out herself. ‘Unless—’ his voice dropped to a speculative murmur ‘—you don’t want a divorce after all?’

Silence throbbed between them, fraught with vulnerabilities she’d thought she’d conquered years ago, and a challenge she didn’t dare refuse.

Divorce meant an end to their relationship. No more lingering dregs of regret, no ‘if onlys’ in the wakeful predawn hours.

A divorce would free her, make her whole. She’d thought herself free of Orsino but her reaction today taught her otherwise. Despite the way he’d shattered her dreams, some remnant of emotion remained.

It was a remnant she was determined to obliterate.

A couple of weeks with this arrogant, selfish man would cure her of those last hints of doubt. It would be hell but it would be worth it to finally be free.

Poppy stepped to the edge of the bed and watched him turn his head towards her.

‘You’ve got yourself a deal, Orsino. I’ll give you a couple of weeks for old times’ sake and then I never want to see you again.’


ORSINO GRIMACED AS the doctor probed gently and pain throbbed through him.

‘How long till I’m fit?’ he demanded, his voice hoarse from fighting pain and the unexpected emotion of meeting Poppy just hours before.

He felt raw inside, as if the slip of deadly ice and rock had crashed right through his innards instead of merely cracking a few bones and tearing skin.

Despite his injuries, death from exposure had, by comparison, been a strangely peaceful prospect. Numbness would lead to loss of consciousness then nothing. No pain, no struggle. Only his brain hadn’t let him give in. He’d heard a voice, Poppy’s voice, whenever he’d wanted to give up. He’d known he couldn’t just slip away until he’d finished what was between them.

‘For the arm, a month or so, though you could have lingering symptoms in this hand especially. You were in the ice too long for my liking.’

The doctor scrawled another note in his report and Orsino reminded himself he was lucky he could see the movement, no matter how poorly. The prospect of blindness had terrified him. He repressed fear that this distorted vision was the best he’d ever get.

‘I’d prefer that you stayed here longer.’

Orsino opened his mouth to protest but the doctor spoke again. ‘I know, I know. That’s not going to happen. Since you insist on leaving I’ll forward a report so your doctor can keep an eye on you. In the meantime you need rest and plenty of it.’

The doctor’s terseness was a welcome change. He’d grown sick of that unfailingly upbeat tone with which the nurses avoided answering questions about his recovery.

‘You’ll have to be careful of the ribs for some time. As for the lacerations and bruising, that’s all healing nicely.’

Orsino let himself sag against the pillows.

‘And my eyes?’

Orsino tried not to read significance into the pause before the doctor answered.

He’d come a long way from those hours half frozen as he dragged Michael from the avalanche. More than once he’d thought them both lost for ever.

Whatever the prognosis it was better than being another fatal statistic.

‘Ah. Your vision. That’s more difficult. As we discussed earlier, snow blindness usually doesn’t last. But in some cases, such as yours, there can be longer-term damage. The injury to your head hasn’t helped.’

‘But I will recover?’

Again that pause. Orsino drew a deep breath as he fought panic. These days of darkness had been the most taxing of his life. How would he cope if poor vision stopped him doing the things that made life worthwhile? He’d go insane.

‘I’m hopeful.’


‘But how long it takes and whether the recovery will be complete I can’t say. You’ll need regular monitoring. I’ve made a referral for you to see an excellent specialist in France.’

Orsino murmured his thanks as the doctor left.

Ironic that he’d damaged his vision while raising money for an eye clinic.

No, that wasn’t true. The clinic hadn’t been the real impetus for his perilous climb. It had been his father, and his own impetuous anger.

Five years ago Orsino had thrown himself into ever more reckless adventures, trying to escape the pain of loss and Poppy’s betrayal.

The media had loved his dangerous stunts, providing him with an opportunity to do something he actually felt proud of—making a difference in the lives of those who needed help. His exploits lured donors to support a range of causes and for the first time he’d had real purpose, not just an easy life of privilege.

Till his father, Gene Chatsfield, took an interest.

Orsino’s unbandaged hand clenched against the bedclothes, frustration rising.

If his father had wanted to reconcile Orsino would have met him halfway.

But Gene wasn’t interested in happy families. His interest was purely commercial.

Orsino gritted his teeth. Had he really hoped the old man was interested in more than making money?

To Gene Chatsfield his daredevil son was no more than a potential business asset. He wanted Orsino as the public face of his revamped luxury hotel chain, using his philanthropy as a draw card.

Heat seared Orsino’s belly. His father cheapened everything Orsino had built. What had given him such purpose and satisfaction was reduced to the level of tawdry circus stunts to draw a crowd.

And when Orsino had refused he’d been threatened with loss of income from the family trust.
