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Fishery Science – Robert Werner

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It is now clear that data based on the studies of fish eggs and larvae make a number of unique contributions to fishery science that are crucial for accurate assessment and management of fish populations, including those of commercially important fisheries. This valuable book demonstrates why fish eggs and larvae are important, how the characteristics of early life stages require a somewhat different research approach and how information on early life stages can be applied and interpreted to yield unique insights into fish populations. The editors of Fishery Science have drawn together an extremely useful and well-written book with contributions from internationally respected researchers from North America, Asia and Europe. Chapters include a discussion of the unique nature of early life stages, age and growth, mortality, recruitment, populations analysis, habitats, human impacts and management. A carefully selected set of case studies demonstrates several specific applications of early life history information to a number of fishery problems. Fishery Science was designed to complement existing textbooks and is an essential purchase for all fisheries students and professionals, and for biologists working on the early life stages of fish. This exciting book is also of great value to ecologists, marine, freshwater and environmental scientists, populations biologists and oceanographers. All libraries in universities and research establishments where biological and fishery science are studied and taught should have copies of this book available on their shelves.

Информация о книге:

  • Язык книги: английский
  • Язык оригинала: русский
  • ISBN: 9781405147378

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