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Global development issues: Economic and financial aspects. (Бакалавриат, Магистратура). Монография. – Полина Вихрова

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Today, humanity is facing a lot of problems on a global scale. Some of them are wearing short-term, other global problems are longer term and may require a strategic approach to finding solutions. The monograph examines the crucial problems of modern
economy and current trends in its development.
Global poverty is one of humanity"s’ pain. No less complex problems facing humanity are the need to counter climate change and global warming, the introduction of the principles of sustainable development, responsible business conduct and responsible
investment in the global agenda, digitalization of the world monetary system and decarbonization. These issues are explored in the monograph
The monograph is intended for specialists in economics and finance, scholars, lecturers and students, as well as anyone interested in the problems of the world economy and world finance.

Информация о книге:

  • Язык книги: русский
  • Издательство: Кнорус

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