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The Ghost Of Margaret Houg – Elton Varfi

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London, nowadays. The wife of a powerful and chatted banker dies but, a year after the death, the sons of the lady say they have seen the ghost wandering around the villa. It is a matter of fact? It's a nightmare? There is something murky in the affair?
London, nowadays. The wife of a powerful and chatted banker dies but, a year after the death, the sons of the lady say they have seen the ghost wandering around the villa. It is a matter of fact? It's a nightmare? There is something murky in the affair? It's up to Ernest Devon, a former policeman from Scotland Yard now private investigator and his friend Roni, solve the complicated case, which develops between blackmail, suspicions and a brutal murder. In the background runs the personal sentimental story of the protagonist who defends with tender obstinacy his impossible love for his ex-wife.

Информация о книге:

  • Язык книги: английский
  • Язык оригинала: русский
  • ISBN: 9788873045007
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