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They all step up to the cage where the crow is locked.

Yang. Aha! That’s done you.

Yin. It serves you right.

Crow. Let me out, please.

Yang. Yumi! It was she who showed Khorkov and Corkscrew where your home was.

Yin. Yes, Greta was caught because of her.

Yumi. I know what she has done.

Toy. Mice, go outside and test the waters. We will join you soon.

The mice leave.

Toy. Crow is a Lord’s spy, she has to be punished.

Crow. I couldn’t follow everything. Lord gave me up to the tormentors when he found out that you all had escaped.

Toy. You shall remember us all your life, you loud-mouth.

Crow. I don’t want to die. Please help me.

Toy. Yumi, let’s go.

Greta. If we leave her caged, she will die.

Toy. Lord does not spare anyone.

Greta. We need to be able to forgive and show mercy.

Yumi. We are no tormentors. Let the crow out, Toy.

Toy. Are you sure you don’t want to have revenge on her?

Yumi. Open the cage, Toy.

Toy. It’s up to you.

Toy opens the cage, the crow gets out.

Crow. Thank you, Yumi. Nobody loves me. I was betrayed by everyone.

Yumi. Be kind to others and they will be kind to you in return.

Toy. Let’s leave!

They all head for the door. At this moment the inner basement door opens. The jail-keeper rat comes in.

Rat. Stop, stop, stop. This wasn’t the agreement, Toy.

Toy. What are you talking about, jail-keeper?

Rat. You said that you were going to open only one cage and only one prisoner would leave. The crow and the girl will stay here!

Toy. I gave you the spongy bone.

Rat. One prisoner, one spongy bone. That was the agreement.

Nyuta. Let us go.

Rat. I am bound to raise alarm.

Yumi. Show some conscience!

Rat. I’m calling security.

Toy. Stop. Wait.

Rat. Are you willing to pay?

Toy. Here. This is all I have. (He gives his gold coin to the jail-keeper.)

Rat. What is it? (He bites the coin.)

Toy. It is my lucky gold coin.

Rat. It’s a pleasure to deal with you, ladies and gentlemen. You can go. (He leaves.)

Toy. The way is free, my friends. Follow me.

Right at the moment when they all are going outside, the outer door opens and major Suvorov enters the basement holding a gun.

Suvorov. Police! Stop right there.

Scene 10.

Late in the evening. Animal control center.

Karabasov, Khorkov, Malyshev.

Karabasov. I suppose, mister Mayor, you have received my message.

Malyshev. I’ve signed all the papers. The building site is yours.

Karabasov. I don’t want you to peg me as an enemy. I offer you cooperation.

Malyshev. Bring my daughter back to me.

Karabasov. I hope you learnt your lesson.

Malyshev. Why have you rounded up stray animals?

Karabasov. It was Khorkov’s call. He suggested to kill them humanely.

Khorkov. Tonight we are going to clean our district of these rogues!

Malyshev. Karabasov. If you want to keep running your business in this city, I insist that you don’t put these animals down. We will the means to deal with them without having to kill.

Karabasov. If you really agree to cooperate, I’ll meet you halfway and keep these stray beasts alive.

Malyshev. It is as good as a deal. Where is my daughter?

The door opens, the major and Greta rush in. Th major takes aim at Karabasov. Greta cuts off Khorkov’s escape.

Suvorov. Police! Put your hands behind your head, you are under arrest.

Karabasov. What a stunt.

Suvorov. Hold it right there, Karabasov.

Khorkov. Easy, doggy, easy. Avoid abrupt movements.

Greta. Grrr…

Nyuta, Yumi and Toy come in.

Nyuta. Dad!

Malyshev. Nyuta, sweetheart.

Suvorov. I will call for backup.

Corkscrew springs up behind Suvorov’s back and strikes him over the head with a bludgeon. The policeman falls unconscious. Corkscrew takes his gun. Khorkov quickly brings out his pistol and aims at Yumi.

Khorkov (to Greta). Don’t you move, you dirty dog, or I will blow your son’s head off.

Greta steps back, trying to shield Yumi with her body.

Karabasov. Are there any other policemen?

Corkscrew. He came here alone.

Karabasov. Well, well. Who do we have here? An unwanted witness. Mister Mayor, have I told you yet, what would happen if you go to the police?

Suvorov regains consciousness, keeps lying and moans with pain.

Malyshev. He is my cousin. He is local police officer in a village. Let us go, Karabasov.

Karabasov. Bad luck, Mayor. We don’t need witnesses.

Malyshev. You’ve got everything you want.

Khorkov. We have to change our plan, boss.

Karabasov. We have crossed the Rubicon, Khorkov. This city needs a new mayor.

Khorkov. Corkscrew!

Corkscrew cocks the gun and aims at Malyshev. At this very moment the crow flies into the open door, pecks Corkscrew at his head. Pirate runs into the room right after her, sinks his teeth into Corkscrew’s arm and knocks him on the floor. Khorkov manages to shoot Pirate. Greta falls upon Khorkov and neutralize him. Yumi and Toy come down upon Karabasov, Malyshev strikes him down to the floor with a punch.

Malyshev. It’s a judgement on you for my daughter, you villain.

Suvorov stands up, ties Corkscrew up, then puts the handcuffs on Khorkov and Karabasov. Pirate lies on the floor, he is wounded. The mice run in, the titmouse comes flying.

Yin. We activated the security alarm, the police will be here soon.

Yang. It was my idea!

Titmouse. You both did a great job. Greta, I am so glad to see you and Yumi.

Greta. Thank you for your help, neighbor.

Malyshev. Nyuta, are you all right?

Nyuta. I’m fine. Whose dog is this?

Yumi. This is Pirate. How did he get here?

Malyshev. Pirate saved our lives.

Major walks up to Pirate and examines him.

Suvorov. How can it be Pirate? It is Thunder, a police dog. Here is the name on his collar.

Corkscrew. Thunder again? I shot him with my gun.

Khorkov. I hope he will finally kick the bucket.

Yumi. Mom! Is Pirate really the police dog called Thunder?

Greta. Yes, Yumi. Pirate is Thunder. He is your father.

Titmouse. Finally she told her son the truth.

Yumi runs up to his father.