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The Rancher's Christmas Baby
The Rancher's Christmas Baby
The Rancher's Christmas Baby


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The Rancher's Christmas Baby

Jeremy nodded, with a physician’s sage attitude. “Show her that you really care.”

Teddy held up a hand. “You guys don’t need to worry.”

Trevor scoffed. “That scene yesterday says otherwise.”

“Amy and I worked it all out,” Teddy countered.

Three sets of male eyebrows raised.

“And that’s all I’m going to say,” Teddy added firmly, folding up the handout and putting it in the back pocket of his jeans.

There was a long, skeptical silence.

Then three slow grins.

The light of recognition in their eyes.

Trevor was the first to slap him on the back. “If this means what I think it means—that you and Amy are in a real marriage—way to go!”

“Congratulations, dude!” Tyler shook his hand.

Jeremy nodded his approval. “I’ve always said Amy needed to stop being so frivolously romantic and go for the real thing. Apparently, she’s found it.”

“Thanks, guys,” Teddy said. He only hoped he and Amy didn’t lose what they had found the previous night. Their success in the baby-making department had been so unexpected. Amy could be skittish, especially when she was feeling overemotional. He looked all three men straight in the eye. “I really want this to work out.” And for the first time since he and Amy had said their vows, he felt like they had a chance.

“WHAT WERE YOU AND JEREMY and your brothers talking about in the parking lot?” Amy asked when they got home.

Teddy took in the anxious look on Amy’s face. “How’d you hear about that?” he asked, hanging up their coats. More important, what had she heard? He didn’t want her upset or embarrassed in any way. To that end, he was prepared to do whatever had to be done.

“I went out to see if you had arrived yet, and I saw them laughing and smiling and slapping you on the back. It seemed like a guys-only kind of moment, so I went back inside. And then I got drafted to wash the soot off the stained-glass windows, so I got caught up in that.”

Teddy knelt to light the fire he’d built in the hearth.

“So back to my question about what was going on out there…?”

“Oh, yeah. Our brothers. They’re all happy we’re married and going to have a family. Naturally, they were full of ‘advice’ on how to achieve that.”

Amy looked like she wanted to sink through the floor. “You didn’t tell them…we…”

“C’mon, Amy,” Teddy countered gruffly. “You know me better than that. I’ve never been one to kiss and tell.” Although, their brothers had all quickly surmised as much, he recalled ruefully.

“But…” he reached into his back pocket, glad for the opportunity to move the conversation along, to something much more important to both of them. “Jeremy did give me a copy of the handout he gives his family-practice patients who are trying to have a baby.”

Amy cast a look at the laundry room, where clothes took up every available inch of floor. With a slight frown, she closed the door, then went to the fridge and opened it up. “What does it say?”

Teddy scanned the suggestions. “We should both be drinking our milk and having tea instead of coffee. We’re not supposed to be imbibing alcohol. I’m supposed to be wearing boxer shorts. We should be making love every one to two days, at least during the window of opportunity.”

Smiling, Amy poured two glasses of milk and unwrapped the plate of gingerbread cookies. “I think we covered that last night.”

Teddy grinned. “So we did.” He munched on a cookie and kept reading. “Uh-oh.”

“What?” Amy paused, mid-sip.

“We’re supposed to be using the missionary position.”

“We did.”

“The first time.” The second time they had been a little more adventurous.

“Do you want to try again tonight?”

Amy looked so hopeful that Teddy suddenly feared her disappointment if they didn’t conceive this month. Willing to do anything to give her what she most wanted for Christmas—their baby—he referred to the list of instructions once again and told her practically, “It says here sperm count is higher in the morning than at night. Since this is the end of the window of opportunity…what do you think?” He paused, reading her expression. “Should we wait until morning?”

IT WAS A VALID QUESTION. Thoughtfully posed. Yet Amy felt as if she had been punched in the stomach. All the blossoming romantic feelings—and Christmas spirit—that she had been experiencing, abruptly faded. To be replaced by uncertainty and doubt.

“Sure.” Amy finished the last of her milk in a single gulp and turned away. “I’m a little tired tonight, anyway.”

Teddy came up behind her and put his hands on her shoulders. “We can make love tonight if you want.” Still holding her gently, he turned her to face him. The warmth of his hands transmitted through her clothing to her skin.

“What does the handout say?” Seeing a streak of soot on his chin, she reached up and wiped it away. “Is there a problem if we make love too many times in a certain period?”

She could see he didn’t want to answer.

Aware she needed to know, she arched a brow and waited.

He frowned and admitted reluctantly, “With some men, yes, the information did say that too-frequent lovemaking can reduce the sperm count, but it’s not the case in all men.”

Amy bit her lip, torn between momentary pleasure and their long-range goals. She looked deep into his eyes. “But it could be the case with you.”

He shrugged.

“Then morning it is.” Amy pushed aside her disappointment and tried not to think how much she had been longing for this very moment—when they were alone and could make love again. Morning was just hours away, after all. She’d waited years to have a baby.

In the meantime, she needed to ask him something. “I hope you don’t mind, but I told Rebecca that you and I would babysit for the twins Friday evening so she and Trevor could go Christmas shopping.”

Reaching for another cookie, Teddy grinned. “Sounds fun.”

Amy felt compelled to warn, “She said the twins are a handful right now.”

Unperturbed, Teddy drained his glass. He took her by the hand and led her toward the fireplace. “Most four-month-old babies are, from what I’ve heard.”

“Are you up for it?” Amy settled on the sectional sofa beside him.

“Are you kidding?” Teddy pulled her into the curve of his arm. He pressed a kiss on the top of her head. “It will be good practice for us.”

FOR A SECOND, TEDDY THOUGHT he had made a mistake, putting the science of procreation ahead of the emotional considerations of making love to his new wife. But as they continued to talk and enjoy the evening, Amy relaxed. By the time they hit the showers and went to bed, she was all too willing to let him pull her into his arms and give her a long, leisurely good-night kiss.

Exhausted, content in a way he hadn’t been in a very long time—if ever—Teddy fell immediately into a deep sleep. When the alarm went off hours later, Amy was no longer in his arms. Rather, she was stretched out alongside the edge of the opposite side of the bed.

While he rubbed the sleep from his eyes, she rose gracefully and disappeared into the bathroom. He heard water running, the sounds of her brushing her teeth. Figuring it wasn’t a bad idea to do the same, he waited until she came back, then got up.

When he returned to the bed, Amy was lying on her back, waiting for him, the covers drawn to her collarbone.

The pale pink T-shirt and pajama pants already on the floor let him know she wasn’t wasting any time.

He couldn’t fault her for that. Even though they’d allowed a good hour or hour and a half for the pleasurable “task” ahead of them, there was no sense in wasting precious moments struggling to get out of clothing they weren’t going to need, anyway.

He let his boxers fall to the floor, then lifted the edge of the covers and climbed in beside her. “Good morning, Mrs. McCabe.”

“Good morning,” Amy replied in a voice tight with tension.

Figuring he knew exactly how to relax her, Teddy took her into his arms and began kissing her bare shoulders, the nape of her neck, the shell of her ear, her cheek. As he had expected, Amy’s breath quickened. Her body heated.

Still, he took his time finding her lips with his. Even longer delving into her mouth.

Amy murmured a sound that should have been acquiescence, but wasn’t. She returned his kiss, but instead of the sweet, sure passion of the other night, the exchange was awkward, out of sync.

Figuring maybe they just needed time to wake up, Teddy rolled so he was on his side, bringing her with him via the pressure of his arm on her waist. Flattening his palm on her spine, he brought her closer still. Or tried to—when his hand dipped to the small of her back, instead of curving into him, letting hardness meet softness in that fundamental man-woman way, Amy tensed even more, and drew back slightly.

Teddy tried again, by cupping her breast, but felt her withdraw.

He exhaled, broke off the not-so-great kiss and lifted his head. “What’s wrong?” he asked softly.

Amy pressed her lips together and wiped the moisture in her eyes away with the back of her hand. She barely met his eyes before dropping her gaze once again. “Nothing.”

“Don’t you like to make love in the morning?” He ran a caressing hand down her bare arm, from shoulder to wrist. “Is that it?”

Teeth raking across her lower lip, she shook her head in mute denial, then sat up, dragging the blankets with her. “It’s… I don’t know. I can’t seem to get in the mood, but I know we should do this so I want you to just go ahead.” She gulped in more air and lay back down.

It was his turn to sit up, only he made no effort to cover himself with the sheet. The ache in his loins was still there, but he could feel his spirits deflating like a leaky balloon. “Amy, I want to have a baby, too, but not unless you’re in the mood.”

“I’m trying.” Sudden tears trembled on her lashes. “Please.” She held out her arms to him. “Let’s just do it.”

Teddy lay back down beside her. Once again, he gave it his all. Once again it didn’t seem to make a damn bit of difference.

“DON’T YOU LOOK LIKE YOU’VE lost your best friend,” Ed said when he walked into the Laurel Valley Ranch greenhouse, several hours later.

No kidding, Amy thought.

Her and Teddy’s planned morning lovemaking session couldn’t have been more of a disaster had the bed collapsed beneath them.

She never had been able to relax.

Teddy had been concerned, hurt and frustrated.

In the end, they’d given up and promised they’d do it again later, just in case the window of opportunity was still the slightest bit open. But Amy wasn’t kidding herself….

Until last night, when she had seen Teddy with that list of instructions her physician brother had given him, she’d thought—hoped—that something magical and romantic was happening between them. She’d imagined he was falling in love with her every bit as much as she was falling in love with him.

Only to discover it was all about having a family, after all.

Given how much she wanted a child, that should have delighted her.

It didn’t.

Instead, she felt foolish and hurt and emotionally exposed in a way she had never been before.

She’d let herself go with Teddy, in a way she had never done before. And it had been more than just the physical. She had completely opened her heart to him. Let herself think they were starting a new chapter in their life together, one that had all the traditional romantic elements of a strong and solid marriage. Only to find out it was all about friendship and having a baby together in the most efficient way.

And now…now she had to figure out how to leapfrog back to where they had been before they’d made love that first time, to the place in her heart where she didn’t expect or want quite so much, the place where she would be able to settle for what her husband was able to give her.

“Earth to Amy…earth to Amy…”

Amy looked up, realizing her employee had been talking to her for several minutes and she hadn’t heard a word of it.

She put down her spade and gave Ed her full attention. “I’m sorry. What did you say?”

“We’ve rescheduled the couple’s baby shower for a week from Saturday. Obviously, we can’t have it at the restaurant now, with Sheryl on bed rest, so we’re going to have it at the house. I assumed you would want to bring Teddy, now that you’re married.” The words were casual, but there was a question mark in his eyes.

Amy figured Ed was wondering the same thing as everyone else. Was this hasty marriage of hers going to last?

Yesterday morning, Amy had been certain of it.

Now she didn’t know what was going to happen, over time.

Ed carefully moved starter plants to bigger pots. “Do you want to issue the invitation? Or shall I?”

“I’ll ask him.” Amy flashed a confident smile she couldn’t begin to feel. “We promised Rebecca and Trevor we’d babysit the twins tonight. I’ll do it then.”

Chapter Seven

Rebecca and Teddy were both running late when they met up at the Silverado that evening.

Because he only had one full bath in his ranch house—albeit a very luxurious one—and time was running short, they were forced to share quarters as they got ready to go over to Rebecca and Trevor’s. It seemed to him that the close proximity was apparently a lot harder on him than it was on her. Seeing her wrapped in a robe, knowing she was fresh out of the shower and had on nothing but her birthday suit beneath the thick terrycloth, had him aching like there was no tomorrow.

Stripped down to his boxers, he hid the proof of his need for her by turning into the bathroom sink.

While he shaved, Amy stood in front of the sink at the other end of the long bathroom cabinet and ran a comb through her damp, fragrant-smelling hair. “I hope tonight goes okay,” she said.

Teddy watched as she put a small dab of some sort of hair product in her palm and sensually worked it through her hair, from root to ends.

Trying not to recall how those same hands had felt, gently caressing him, he focused on his task and spread shaving cream over his face. “You’re the last person I’d expect to be apprehensive about babysitting.”

Amy flashed him a wry smile. “I know we can handle the mechanics of taking care of the babies.” She switched the hair dryer on low and began running warm air over her damp honey-blond hair, the lighter streaks around her face turning platinum as they dried. “It’s just, up to now, seeing the twins has been bittersweet for me.” Amy paused to meet his eyes in the mirror. A mixture of emotions glittered in her soft eyes. “I’m hoping it will be different now that I’m married and going to have a baby of my very own.”

My very own.

Not our very own.

Trevor pushed aside his disappointment. One day soon she’d be thinking of the baby they were trying to conceive as theirs. Taking in the unbridled hope shining in her eyes, knowing how deeply romantic she was—and how easily she could get disappointed—he felt compelled to caution gently, “It may not happen the first time out of the gate, you know.”

Amy tensed, as if she didn’t even want to consider the possibility that they might have to try to conceive again and again before they got the desired results. She shrugged and turned away from him. “Then we’ll keep trying,” she said tensely.

But what if it didn’t happen for months? Teddy wondered. He stroked the razor across his face, shaving away the day’s growth of beard. Would Amy become discouraged if it took six months or a year or more? Lose interest in marriage and him? Misunderstanding, Amy turned off her hair dryer and came close enough to touch his arm. “My lack of…enthu siasm…this morning was a mistake that is not going to happen again, Trevor. I’ll get into it next time, I promise.”

Teddy knew it wasn’t that simple. Men were more straightforward in their wants and needs. Desire in a woman was a complicated thing. And that was especially true with a romantic like Amy.

Giving him no chance to comment further, she slipped out of the bathroom, shutting the door behind her. Glad for the privacy, Teddy stepped into the shower and turned the dial from warm to cold.

When he emerged, Amy was on her cell phone with her sister Susie, taking an order for more landscape plants. They continued talking business during the drive over to the Primrose ranch house, where Rebecca and Trevor had been living since they were married. Trevor’s house was right next door, on the Wind Creek, but Rebecca and Trevor had opted to reside at Rebecca’s home, since it was bigger and more family-friendly.

“Jenny and Joshua are sleeping in their cradles in the family room,” Trevor said as he ushered them inside. “Rebecca’s writing out the list of phone numbers.”

“And what a long list it is,” Amy laughed, allowing Teddy to help her with her coat.

Rebecca made a face at her younger sister. She handed the legal pad of numbers over. “Give me a break. I’m a new mom and you never know who you might need to call. The pediatrician, fire department.”

“I know we know our own parents’ phone numbers,” Teddy said, perusing the list.

Rebecca made a face at him. “In an emergency, people sometimes can’t recall what they need on the spot.”

Trevor motioned for Teddy. “Come in the kitchen. I’ll show you how the bottle warmer works.”

“I’ve also written down what time they should have their next bottle. Although all times are approximate since we feed on demand.” Rebecca wrung her hands. “Obviously, they’ll need diaper changes throughout the evening. I’ve written down when those are most likely to occur.”

Amy touched Rebecca’s arm. “Take a deep breath. It’s okay. There’s two of them and two of us. We’re not going to be outnumbered. Furthermore, Jeremy is right next door. And although our brother can be very annoying at times, especially when he’s waxing on and on about that broken-down ranch he purchased and can’t yet live in, he’s also a fine family physician. Should a medical emergency occur tonight he will be here in thirty seconds flat.”

Trevor reemerged, holding Rebecca’s coat and what looked like another long list. “If we want to get our Christmas shopping done tonight, hon, we need to get a move on.”

Rebecca started to launch into another long list of instructions.

Trevor clamped his hand over his wife’s mouth and playfully compelled her out of the room as if she were a vaudeville comedian who needed to exit the stage before a riot ensued. “The stores are open late. So don’t expect us back before midnight. Food and beverages are in the fridge, so help yourselves. And stay away from the mistletoe!”

“Cute,” Teddy quipped.

Trevor grinned as if he knew it.

Rebecca rolled her eyes and they left.

Alone at last, peace stole over them. “What should we do?” Amy asked eventually.

Teddy took Amy’s hand and drew her toward the sofa. “I suggest we relax while we can.”

“Good thinking.”

Amy turned her attention to the sparkling lights on the evergreen in front of the window. “Their Christmas tree is beautiful.”

Teddy nodded in agreement. Aware how much more of a family home this was than either his or Amy’s place, he murmured, “We really should get ours up. Rev up the yuletide spirit.”

Amy reached over and took his hand. Her fingers felt small and delicate in his. “The stockings on the mantel are sweet, too.”

Teddy nodded his agreement. “It really feels like Christmas here.”

“I like what they’ve done with their photographs, too.”

Teddy turned his eyes to the collection of sterling-silver frames on the end table. One captured Trevor and Rebecca at the party officially announcing their engagement. Another showcased a professional pose from their wedding. The next was a snapshot of Rebecca in late pregnancy, Trevor’s hand on her belly. And, of course, there were photos of the four of them in the hospital, after Jenny and Joshua’s birth.

The wistful look in Amy’s eyes as she studied the family photos said it all. Too late, Teddy realized just how much he had taken from Amy, marrying her the way he had.

Jenny stirred.

Amy released her grip on Teddy’s hand and got up to take a peek at the babies. “They’re waking, Teddy. We better get those bottles warmed and ready….”

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