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The Rancher's Christmas Baby
The Rancher's Christmas Baby
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The Rancher's Christmas Baby

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She tensed as his manhood pressed against her inner thighs, hot and hard. “You think?”

He shrugged, making no effort to hide the fact that he wanted to make love with her again every bit as much as she wanted to tenderly explore him. “I feel a lot more at peace with things now.” He tunneled his hands through her hair and captured her bare lips with his. “How about you?”

Amy let him shift her onto her back once again. “Definitely.”

“There’s only one problem.” He draped one leg over hers.

“What?” Amy’d never felt so warm and safe. Never believed anyone could desire her with such ferocity.

Teddy smiled, his eyes glowing with a determined sensual light. “I don’t know if I’m ever going to want to get out of bed again.”

Chapter Six

It seemed to Amy that she and Teddy had just gotten to sleep after their night of marathon baby-making, when the alarm beeped. With a groan, Teddy shut it off.

Amy struggled to sit up, saw it was six o’clock.

Teddy pressed a kiss on her bare shoulder, ran a caressing hand down her spine. “You should try to get some more sleep if you can.”

“I wish I could.” Amy yawned, not sure when she had felt that well-loved. Every inch of her tingled with the memory of his touch. Wrapping her arms around her legs, she rested her face on her upraised knees. She watched appreciatively as Teddy stretched, rubbed the sleep from his eyes and reluctantly rolled out of bed.

He picked up the clothes he’d left on the floor and carried them into the bathroom, where he put them on top of the overstuffed hamper.

Amy stood and pulled on a robe. She picked a brush up off the bureau and ran it through her hair. “But I’ve got to get going, too.”

Teddy set the full hamper next to the hall door, for transport to the laundry room, then went back to his closet where only a few pairs of jeans and two clean canvas work shirts remained.

“Getting down to the wire there, aren’t you, cowboy?” Amy teased.

Teddy grinned at her. “I’ve got a couple days left before I have to do laundry.”

“Like to wait till the very last minute, do you?”

He shrugged his broad shoulders. “That way I only have to do it once a month.”

“It must take all day.”

“Pretty much. But then I don’t have to worry about it. Let me guess. You’re a laundry-once-a-week kind of gal.”

“More like two or three times a week. I only like to do a load or two at a time, at most. And that includes my delicates, which have to be washed separately.”

She could see the mess in the laundry room—and the overflowing hamper in the master bath—was going to bother her, in the long run. Fortunately it was nothing that had to be dealt with today. Amy didn’t want anything ruining the glow she felt, after a night of ardent lovemaking.

Oblivious to her thoughts, Teddy headed for the bathroom. “Where do you want to sleep tonight?” he asked, running a razor over his morning beard.

That, at least, was easy. Amy squeezed toothpaste onto her brush. “Here.”

His eyes met hers in the mirror. Clearly stunned by her newly cooperative attitude, he said, “Again?”

Amy shrugged as she rinsed and wiped her mouth on a towel. “How about from now on?” She rubbed liquid complexion soap over her face. “It really doesn’t make sense for you to try to fold yourself into my much smaller bed.”

He caught her against him and ran a finger down the foamy white cream on her cheek. “It might be fun if you were in there with me.”

“I want you to be comfortable,” Amy said. She wanted them to be able to make love unencumbered. There was no way Teddy and she could do that crammed in a trailer bedroom that was barely bigger than the double bed it contained.

“I want you to be at ease, too,” Teddy murmured.

Pulling her to him, he used his free hand to dampen a washcloth and remove the soap from her face. Finished, he dipped his head and found her lips with his. Amy tingled all over as they indulged in a long, steamy kiss. She knew they were just friends, but if this wasn’t romantic, she didn’t know what was.

Slowly, Teddy lifted his head and he gazed down at her with desire. She knew how he felt. When they’d married, she hadn’t expected such thrilling passion, either.

He flashed a crooked grin and traced the side of his hand down her face. “I better go before I’m tempted to stay and make love with you all over again.”

Amy turned her head and kissed the center of his palm. She knew he was right. They could easily pick this up later, when they had all the time in the world….

“Are you going to the marathon cleaning and painting session of the chapel this evening?” she asked.

He nodded.

Amy smiled, glad to be working with him on some thing so important, not just to the community, but to themselves. “Then I’ll meet you there.”

It was only after she had spoken that Amy realized how cozy and domestic their morning “routine” had been, and how very much she suddenly felt like Teddy’s wife.

“YOU LOOK GORGEOUS TONIGHT,” Susie told Amy, hours later.

Broom and dustpan in hand, Amy’s sister Rebecca joined them in the center of the chapel. “You’re positively glowing,” she concurred.

If so, it was a warmth that came from the inside out, Amy thought. She pushed the trash can across the stone chapel floor, assisting in the pickup of the debris left over from the storm and resulting fire.

On either side of the chapel, volunteers were busy removing damaged sections of drywall and wooden pews that needed to be either replaced or refurbished.

“We weren’t sure what to expect….” Susie scooped up bits of tree, leaves and burned roof.

Rebecca made a face. “We heard about the scene in the hospital lobby—or was it elevator—yesterday afternoon.”

Amy paused to admire the new sections of drywall going up. With a fine new roof overhead, the chapel was going to look like new in no time. “That’s the beauty of working out on my ranch most of the time.” She made a face right back. “I miss all the gossip.”

Rebecca swept another square clean. “You don’t seem worse for wear. Maybe this marriage is a good thing.”

Amy knew it was. But it was also so new and precious she didn’t want to share her feelings with anyone just yet.

She changed the subject. “How are the twins?”

Rebecca exuded the excitement of a new mom. “Wonderful. Exhausting. Perfect. Sweet.” She chuckled. “They’re also up all night, every night. We’ve got both their grandmothers taking care of them this evening, but they’re both so busy with their own careers… I don’t know how Trevor and I are ever going to get any Christmas shopping done.”

Up until now, Amy had been avoiding spending too much time with the twins. She knew it was selfish, but being around babies had made her lament her own lack of children too much. Now that she and Teddy were married and actively trying to have a baby, she no longer felt that way. In fact, she was eager to make up for lost time. “Teddy and I could babysit for you, if you two want to go out some evening.”

Rebecca perked up. “Could you do it Friday?”

“I’ll have to check with Teddy, but I think he’s pretty flexible. In any case, I can do it.”

One of the volunteers set up a boom box. Christmas music filled the sanctuary, adding to the festive mood.

“You two still trying to have a baby?” Susie asked, obviously referencing the scene at the hospital the day before. “’Cause if you are, I’ve heard being around babies helps stimulate all those maternal hormones and feelings.”

“Susie!” Rebecca chided.

“It’s true.” Susie chuckled. “Haven’t you heard how people who’ve never been able to conceive, adopt a child, and then boom—they’re pregnant?”

“I don’t think Amy’s situation is the same,” Rebecca said, glaring at the four months pregnant Susie.

“Well, whatever her situation is, I’ve never seen her looking happier,” Susie commented. She leaned close. “What is going on with you two, anyway?”

Amy flushed.

“Are you and Teddy…?” Susie persisted.

In love? The unspoken words hung in the air. Amy wanted to say no, out of habit, but she knew that wasn’t true any longer. Not after last night. The truth was their passionate lovemaking had shown her a side of Teddy that she hadn’t ever allowed herself to see. He was hot. She wanted him. She might even be falling in love with him. And he with her…?

Susie’s jaw dropped open. “Oh, my gosh.” She looked at Rebecca, still in total shock. “I think they’re…”

“Stop!” Amy held up a hand. “You both need to slow down with your observations and assumptions.” They all did. The last thing Amy wanted was her romantic desires to ruin what she and Teddy had. “Teddy and I are taking it one step at a time.” It was the only prudent thing to do. “If I look happy tonight it’s because it is finally beginning to feel like Christmas to me.”

The best Christmas, in fact, that Amy had ever had.

TEDDY HAD BARELY CLEARED HIS pickup truck when his triplet brothers, Trevor and Tyler, approached.

“We need to talk.”

Given a couple of the text messages he had been receiving throughout the day, Teddy had an idea what this was about. “No, we don’t.” Anxious to see Amy after a day spent apart, he strode toward the chapel doors—only to be cut off by Amy’s brother, Jeremy.

“Yeah, I think we do,” Jeremy said.

Teddy exhaled and stopped where he was in the parking lot.

“We all heard what happened yesterday at the hospital,” Trevor said, as if he were the authority on marital relations, just because he had been the first of the triplets to tie the knot.

“We’re not sure what part of the baby-making process you are having trouble with,” Tyler added, with a smidgen of the soothing manner he used as a large-animal vet.

“But in any case—” Jeremy reached into the inside pocket of his blazer and withdrew a white envelope “—I brought you the handout I give the patients in my medical practice on how to optimize the chances of getting pregnant.”

“Assuming you’ve got the basics down pat,” Trevor teased, with a knowing wink.

“If you need help with those…” Tyler added, chuckling.

“Well, at your age…” Jeremy shook his head as if it were a lost cause, if that was the case.

Teddy shot them all a droll look. “Very funny, guys.”

“Seriously, stress is not good for making babies,” Trevor said.

“You want success, you’ve got to be all romantic,” Tyler added.

Jeremy nodded, with a physician’s sage attitude. “Show her that you really care.”

Teddy held up a hand. “You guys don’t need to worry.”

Trevor scoffed. “That scene yesterday says otherwise.”

“Amy and I worked it all out,” Teddy countered.

Three sets of male eyebrows raised.

“And that’s all I’m going to say,” Teddy added firmly, folding up the handout and putting it in the back pocket of his jeans.

There was a long, skeptical silence.

Then three slow grins.

The light of recognition in their eyes.

Trevor was the first to slap him on the back. “If this means what I think it means—that you and Amy are in a real marriage—way to go!”

“Congratulations, dude!” Tyler shook his hand.

Jeremy nodded his approval. “I’ve always said Amy needed to stop being so frivolously romantic and go for the real thing. Apparently, she’s found it.”

“Thanks, guys,” Teddy said. He only hoped he and Amy didn’t lose what they had found the previous night. Their success in the baby-making department had been so unexpected. Amy could be skittish, especially when she was feeling overemotional. He looked all three men straight in the eye. “I really want this to work out.” And for the first time since he and Amy had said their vows, he felt like they had a chance.

“WHAT WERE YOU AND JEREMY and your brothers talking about in the parking lot?” Amy asked when they got home.

Teddy took in the anxious look on Amy’s face. “How’d you hear about that?” he asked, hanging up their coats. More important, what had she heard? He didn’t want her upset or embarrassed in any way. To that end, he was prepared to do whatever had to be done.

“I went out to see if you had arrived yet, and I saw them laughing and smiling and slapping you on the back. It seemed like a guys-only kind of moment, so I went back inside. And then I got drafted to wash the soot off the stained-glass windows, so I got caught up in that.”

Teddy knelt to light the fire he’d built in the hearth.

“So back to my question about what was going on out there…?”

“Oh, yeah. Our brothers. They’re all happy we’re married and going to have a family. Naturally, they were full of ‘advice’ on how to achieve that.”

Amy looked like she wanted to sink through the floor. “You didn’t tell them…we…”

“C’mon, Amy,” Teddy countered gruffly. “You know me better than that. I’ve never been one to kiss and tell.” Although, their brothers had all quickly surmised as much, he recalled ruefully.

“But…” he reached into his back pocket, glad for the opportunity to move the conversation along, to something much more important to both of them. “Jeremy did give me a copy of the handout he gives his family-practice patients who are trying to have a baby.”

Amy cast a look at the laundry room, where clothes took up every available inch of floor. With a slight frown, she closed the door, then went to the fridge and opened it up. “What does it say?”