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Grid Converters for Photovoltaic and Wind Power Systems – Remus Teodorescu

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Grid converters are the key player in renewable energy integration. The high penetration of renewable energy systems is calling for new more stringent grid requirements. As a consequence, the grid converters should be able to exhibit advanced functions like: dynamic control of active and reactive power, operation within a wide range of voltage and frequency, voltage ride-through capability, reactive current injection during faults, grid services support. This book explains the topologies, modulation and control of grid converters for both photovoltaic and wind power applications. In addition to power electronics, this book focuses on the specific applications in photovoltaic wind power systems where grid condition is an essential factor. With a review of the most recent grid requirements for photovoltaic and wind power systems, the book discusses these other relevant issues: modern grid inverter topologies for photovoltaic and wind turbines islanding detection methods for photovoltaic systems synchronization techniques based on second order generalized integrators (SOGI) advanced synchronization techniques with robust operation under grid unbalance condition grid filter design and active damping techniques power control under grid fault conditions, considering both positive and negative sequences Grid Converters for Photovoltaic and Wind Power Systems is intended as a coursebook for graduated students with a background in electrical engineering and also for professionals in the evolving renewable energy industry. For people from academia interested in adopting the course, a set of slides is available for download from the website.

Информация о книге:

  • Язык книги: английский
  • Язык оригинала: русский
  • ISBN: 9780470667040

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