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юмористическая проза, современная русская литература, юмор и сатира, сказка, сказки для взрослых, чувство юмора, сказочные истории, ЛитРес: чтец, волшебные сказкиВ книге представлены задачи по всем разделам школьного курса математики, выбранные авторами из широко известного «Сборника задач» под редакц…
В книге представлены задачи по всем разделам школьного курса математики, выбранные авторами из широко известного «Сборника задач» под редакц…
Коллектив авторов
газетыКнига содержит 2500 задач по всем разделам курса математики, изучаемого в школах, лицеях и гимназиях. Эти задачи выбраны авторами из широко …
Книга содержит 2500 задач по всем разделам курса математики, изучаемого в школах, лицеях и гимназиях. Эти задачи выбраны авторами из широко …
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Considered the industry's standard resource, this guide helps accountants and financial managers understand the complexities of the speciali…
Considered the industry's standard resource, this guide helps accountants and financial managers understand the complexities of the speciali…
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The world is a big place full of interesting things. And The Grand Tour has seen some of them. That’s why few people are better placed to le…
The world is a big place full of interesting things. And The Grand Tour has seen some of them. That’s why few people are better placed to le…
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A quirky guide to counting the calories as they come off, through ways you may never have considered possibleExactly how long would you have…
A quirky guide to counting the calories as they come off, through ways you may never have considered possibleExactly how long would you have…
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русское фэнтези, книги о приключенияхThe only 100% fully OFFICIAL Annual. Forget the rest, this is THE One Direction Annual of the 2011!Written in collaboration with the boys, t…
The only 100% fully OFFICIAL Annual. Forget the rest, this is THE One Direction Annual of the 2011!Written in collaboration with the boys, t…
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In this book the authors tried to accumulate their work experience as well as results of their own scientific research together with researc…
In this book the authors tried to accumulate their work experience as well as results of their own scientific research together with researc…
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научная фантастика, искусственный интеллект, киборги, англійська мова, знаменитые архитекторыA detailed and thorough reference on the discipline and practice of systems engineering The objective of the International Council on System…
A detailed and thorough reference on the discipline and practice of systems engineering The objective of the International Council on System…
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сказки, стихи и поэзия, мифы / легенды / эпосThe financial services industry is undergoing significant change. This has added challenges for institutions assessing their operations and …
The financial services industry is undergoing significant change. This has added challenges for institutions assessing their operations and …
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современная русская литератураВ сборник вошли стихотворные произведения Томаса Уайетта, Уолтера Рейли, Эдмунда Спенсера, Уильяма Шекспира, Джона Донна и многих других анг…
В сборник вошли стихотворные произведения Томаса Уайетта, Уолтера Рейли, Эдмунда Спенсера, Уильяма Шекспира, Джона Донна и многих других анг…
Коллектив авторов
учебная литература, английский языкThis collection of compact cases on management practices in Russian companies was produced by professors of HSE Graduate School of Business …
This collection of compact cases on management practices in Russian companies was produced by professors of HSE Graduate School of Business …