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While currently available titles either focus on the basics or on very specific subtopics, this text meets the need for a comprehensive survey of surfactants and their properties,...
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The first modern approach to relate fundamental research to the applied science of colloids, this series bridges academic research and practical applications, thus providing the in...
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The first modern approach to relate fundamental research to the applied science of colloids, this series bridges academic research and industrial applications, thus providing the i...
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The importance of emulsification techniques, their use in the production of nanoparticles for biomedical applications as well as application of rheological techniques for studying...
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Highlighting recent developments as well as future challenges, this series of volumes covers such topics as emulsions, nano-emulsions, nano-dispersions and novel techniques for the...
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Teaching the fundamental knowledge required for successful dispersion of powders in a liquid, this book covers a host of topics – from recent advances to industrial applications. I...
В этот день...
28 июня 1871 года родился Сергей Николаевич Булгаков, философ, богослов (ум. 1944).
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