Книги автора Virginie T.
Virginie T.
современная зарубежная литератураПаранормальный роман между метаморфами и фаталоми (людьми, обладающими сверхъестественными способностями) на фоне борьбы за власть Первонача…
Паранормальный роман между метаморфами и фаталоми (людьми, обладающими сверхъестественными способностями) на фоне борьбы за власть Первонача…
Virginie T.
современная зарубежная литератураПаранормальный роман между человеком в опасности и ангелом Кейтлин уже несколько лет возглавляет американский балетный театр в Нью-Йорке. Од…
Паранормальный роман между человеком в опасности и ангелом Кейтлин уже несколько лет возглавляет американский балетный театр в Нью-Йорке. Од…
Virginie T.
Паранормальный роман между метаморфами и фаталоми (людьми, обладающими сверхъестественными способностями) на фоне борьбы за власть Первонача…
Паранормальный роман между метаморфами и фаталоми (людьми, обладающими сверхъестественными способностями) на фоне борьбы за власть Первонача…
Virginie T.
исторические приключения, биографии и мемуары, книги о войне, серьезное чтение, об истории серьезноПаранормальный роман между человеком в опасности и ангелом Кейтлин уже несколько лет возглавляет американский балетный театр в Нью-Йорке. Од…
Паранормальный роман между человеком в опасности и ангелом Кейтлин уже несколько лет возглавляет американский балетный театр в Нью-Йорке. Од…
Virginie T.
зарубежное фэнтези, мистика, героическое фэнтези, комиксы / графические романыA paranormal love story set on a backdrop of Amerindian legend.
Apenimon: I temporarily left my tribe to go in search of my soul mate. I did…
A paranormal love story set on a backdrop of Amerindian legend.
Apenimon: I temporarily left my tribe to go in search of my soul mate. I did…
Virginie T.
современная русская литератураA paranormal romance between a shapeshifter and a fatel (people with supernatural powers) behind a power struggle Connor has finally shelter…
A paranormal romance between a shapeshifter and a fatel (people with supernatural powers) behind a power struggle Connor has finally shelter…
Virginie T.
ужасы / мистика, мистика, фольклор и мифология, русские мифы, мистическая прозаA paranormal romance between a fallen angel and a human.
Azazel is the first of the fallen, the one everyone turns to when they have a probl…
A paranormal romance between a fallen angel and a human.
Azazel is the first of the fallen, the one everyone turns to when they have a probl…
Virginie T.
эзотерика / оккультизм, развлечения, другие справочникиA paranormal romance between a metamorph and a fatal (people with supernatural powers) against the backdrop of a power struggle Originally, …
A paranormal romance between a metamorph and a fatal (people with supernatural powers) against the backdrop of a power struggle Originally, …
Virginie T.
зарубежная классика, литература 20 векаA paranormal romance between a fallen angel and a human.
Azazel is the first of the fallen, the one everyone turns to when they have a probl…
A paranormal romance between a fallen angel and a human.
Azazel is the first of the fallen, the one everyone turns to when they have a probl…
Virginie T.
медицина / здравоохранение, медицинаParanormal romance story with Native American legend Isabelle is a solitary Parisian who moves to Canada to work. Achak is a Native American…
Paranormal romance story with Native American legend Isabelle is a solitary Parisian who moves to Canada to work. Achak is a Native American…
Virginie T.
современная русская литератураFantasy book mixing dragon, monsters and humans, with a romance Dakota Jones is a Demon Hunter. Under the orders of her cold and distant fat…
Fantasy book mixing dragon, monsters and humans, with a romance Dakota Jones is a Demon Hunter. Under the orders of her cold and distant fat…
Virginie T.
современные любовные романы, короткие любовные романыParanormal romance story with Native American legend Isabelle is a solitary Parisian who moves to Canada to work. Achak is a Native American…
Paranormal romance story with Native American legend Isabelle is a solitary Parisian who moves to Canada to work. Achak is a Native American…
Virginie T.
фэнтези, попаданцы, юмористическое фэнтези, любовное фэнтезиAn impossible love story between a vampire and a werewolf After decades of servitude, Dumitru’s werewolf pack wants to be free. To do this, …
An impossible love story between a vampire and a werewolf After decades of servitude, Dumitru’s werewolf pack wants to be free. To do this, …
Virginie T.
A paranormal romance between a shapeshifter and a fatel (people with supernatural powers) behind a power struggle Connor has finally shelter…
A paranormal romance between a shapeshifter and a fatel (people with supernatural powers) behind a power struggle Connor has finally shelter…
Virginie T.
Fantasy book mixing dragon, monsters and humans, with a romance Dakota Jones is a Demon Hunter. Under the orders of her cold and distant fat…
Fantasy book mixing dragon, monsters and humans, with a romance Dakota Jones is a Demon Hunter. Under the orders of her cold and distant fat…
Virginie T.
современная русская литератураParanormal romance between a human in danger and an angel
Caitlyn has been the lead dancer of the American Ballet Theater of New York for se…
Paranormal romance between a human in danger and an angel
Caitlyn has been the lead dancer of the American Ballet Theater of New York for se…
Virginie T.
фэнтези, киберпанк, социальная фантастика, попаданцы, философская проза, фантастические игры, LitRPG / ЛитРПГ, малая прозаA paranormal romance between a shifter and a fatel (people with supernatural powers) against the background of a power struggle
Ashley joins…
A paranormal romance between a shifter and a fatel (people with supernatural powers) against the background of a power struggle
Ashley joins…
Virginie T.
саморазвитие / личностный рост, духовная мудрость, энергия и здоровье, жизненная энергия, самореализация, эмоциональные состоянияParanormal romance between a woman bruised by life and a fallen angel
Yekun never imagined that a woman would one day make his heart beat fa…
Paranormal romance between a woman bruised by life and a fallen angel
Yekun never imagined that a woman would one day make his heart beat fa…
Virginie T.
Paranormal romance between a human in danger and an angel
Caitlyn has been the lead dancer of the American Ballet Theater of New York for se…
Paranormal romance between a human in danger and an angel
Caitlyn has been the lead dancer of the American Ballet Theater of New York for se…
Virginie T.
Paranormal romance between a woman bruised by life and a fallen angel
Yekun never imagined that a woman would one day make his heart beat fa…
Paranormal romance between a woman bruised by life and a fallen angel
Yekun never imagined that a woman would one day make his heart beat fa…