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Satellite Networking. Principles and Protocols – Zhili Sun

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This book provides up to date coverage of the basics of ATM and internet protocols, and characteristics of satellite networks and internetworking between satellite and terrestrial networks Satellite Networking: Principles and Protocols, Second Edition provides up to date information of the original topics in satellite networking and protocols focusing on Internet Protocols (IP) over satellites, broadband over satellites, next generation IP (IPv6) over satellites, new generation of DVB-S/S2 and DVB-RCS next generations and new services and applications. It also includes some analytical techniques for evaluation of end to end IP performance and QoS over satellite, reflecting the recent convergence of telecommunication, Internet, broadcasting and mobile networks. Topics new to this edition: Internetworking with MANET, DVB-S/S2 and DVB-RCS/RCS2 (including TCP/IP over DVB-S/RCS), recent developments in broadband satellite systems, convergence of services and network technologies (including Internet, telecom, mobile, TV, etc.), radio resource management, PEP, I-PEP, SCPS, traffic modelling and engineering with analysis and examples, and future developments of satellite networking. Provides up to date coverage of the basics of ATM and internet protocols, and characteristics of satellite networks and internetworking between satellite and terrestrial networks (e.g. mobile ad hoc networks), including coverage of new services and applications (e.g. Internet, telecom, mobile and TV) Discusses the real-time protocols including RTP, RTCP and SIP for real-time applications such as VoIP and MMC, and explains TCP/IP over satellite and evolution of IPv6 over satellite and beyond

Информация о книге:

  • Язык книги: английский
  • Язык оригинала: русский
  • ISBN: 9781118856765

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