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A Perfect Compromise
A Perfect Compromise
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A Perfect Compromise

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Bella surveyed his dinner. “Well, I didn’t get one of these chocolate-dipped maraschino cherries, so turnabout is fair play.”

J.B. plucked a cherry from his plate and held it to her lips.

Her gaze snapped up to meet his, indecision swirling in the blue depths. Then the tiniest spark of heat flickered. Her lips curved into a sultry half smile as, without releasing his gaze, she bit slowly, delicately, into the cherry.

Fire shot through him, tightening his groin. What the hell?

“Mmm. Delicious,” she said huskily.

J.B. popped the rest of the cherry into his mouth. “Not bad.”

“Looks like you guys started without us.” Sapphie laughed as she and Taylor appeared behind them, holding glasses.

Bella blinked. “We were wondering when you’d be back with our drinks.”

The edge was back in her voice, dousing the heat in J.B. as effectively as if she’d tipped her icy drink in his lap. He studied her, considering. He’d seen several sides to Bella this evening and he wasn’t sure which was the real one.

Would it be foolhardy to take the risk of finding out?

* * *

“IT’S TIME TO lower the bar!”

As the DJ played “Get Down On It” and the crowd chanted and clapped, Issy wondered how she got into these situations. She stood on the sandy dance floor, beside the other three finalists of the limbo competition.

Unlike her fellow contestants, who were lapping up the spotlight, she felt awkward. Other than when she was with her class, Issy preferred to be in the background. So why was she out here, center stage?

Because of Sapphie.

Ever since her childhood friend had teased, cajoled, pushed and dared Issy beyond her comfort zone. Although Issy was older by ten days, Sapphie had been the first to walk, talk and get into trouble. She’d also been the first to learn how to work the washer at the Laundromat. And how to sneak money from her mother’s purse so she could buy groceries.

Sapphie had also been the one to encourage Issy to follow her dreams. She’d bluntly pointed out that if Issy didn’t leave the town and her family behind, she’d spend the rest of her life taking care of them instead of having a family of her own.

Plain and simple, Issy wouldn’t be where she was today, so close to achieving everything she’d always wanted, without Sapphie.

So, although Issy didn’t want the emerald necklace, her friend clearly did, and Issy would try her damnedest to get it for her. Which meant winning the limbo contest Sapphie and the two hockey players had already crashed out of.

“As this is the final, we’re taking the bar down two notches,” the emcee announced.

“How low can you go?” the crowd chanted.

Part of her wanted to fail so she could return to the relative anonymity of the sidelines. But another part refused to surrender without trying. She hated to just give up.

“First up is the lovely Bella. Step forward and lim-bo.”

Issy walked over to the bar, which looked ridiculously low, and waited for the musical cue. The audience whooped and hollered.

“Go, Bella!” Sapphie’s voice mingled with Taylor’s deeper tones.

“You can do it,” J.B. encouraged. “Take your time and relax.”

How was she supposed to relax with him standing in front of her, his dark eyes watching every sway and shimmy? Making her feel sexy and a little naughty? Making her imagine a different, more private, dance with him?

Hot, hot, hot, blared the speakers.

Issy dropped her shoulders, arched her back and bent her knees. Slowly she inched forward.

When her chest brushed the wooden pole, she thought she’d blown it. Although the bar rattled on the stand, it stayed up. Even so, she didn’t move again until she was sure. Then she held her breath as she carefully made it through.

Giddy with success, she straightened to boisterous cheers. Sapphie ran over, squealed and hugged her tight, then pulled Issy off to the side. J.B. lifted her in the air and spun her around.

As he stopped and began to lower her slowly, their gazes met. Suddenly she was intensely aware of the hardness of his body as hers slid down the length of him. Of the crisp scent of his aftershave mingled with the heady fragrance of clean male skin. His arms around her seared her through the thin cotton of her dress.

Plastered against him—breast to chest, thigh to thigh—she felt every plane and dip of his taut muscles. Her cheeks flamed as his arousal pressed against the cradle at the top of her legs.

She should move...break his hold...step back...something.

The message in his dark eyes—he didn’t want to let her go—thrilled her.

She was venturing into dangerous, uncharted waters. For the first time in her life Issy wanted to dive straight in.

Excitement warred with her reason. As wonderful as that would probably—definitely—be, it would also be a mistake. There were bound to be consequences.

J.B. was like no one she’d ever met before. Her reaction to him was like nothing she’d ever experienced before.

And, he clearly wanted her, too.

Loud groans from the gathered crowd and the clatter of the limbo bar interrupted her thoughts, breaking the moment.

J.B. eased her away from him but anchored her to his side with his arm around her shoulder. His reluctance to let her go thrilled her. A few more minutes couldn’t hurt. Besides, Sapphie and Taylor couldn’t keep their hands off each other; they’d disappear once the contest was over. Then J.B. wouldn’t have a reason to hang out with her anymore.

That was for the best. Really. In the meantime she’d enjoy the pleasure of the moment and the undivided attention of a gorgeous man.

More groans signaled the third contestant had failed. One more to go. If the last man succeeded, it would delay the end of the contest and extend her time with J.B. On the other hand, she’d have to step back out into the spotlight and do more limbo. A devil’s choice.

Raucous cheers told her which path had been chosen for her.

“Down, down,” the crowd chanted as the DJ made a show of lowering the bar another notch.

“You can take that guy. No problem,” J.B. murmured in her ear.

The feather touch of his breath against the sensitive skin of her neck made her shiver deliciously.

As she gently disengaged herself, he pulled her back, then tilted her face up to his. “A kiss for luck.”

Her knees went weak. Who knew that could really happen?

Good grief—it was the slightest brush of his firm, warm lips against hers. What would happen if he kissed her properly?

Issy managed what she hoped was a casual smile before heading over to stand beside the remaining contender.

“Bella and Kent, are you ready for ‘winner takes all’?” the DJ roared.

Hell, no.

“Ladies first,” Kent said with an exaggerated bow and a cocky grin.

“Age before beauty,” she retorted to the delight of the crowd.

Where had that come from? She never made that kind of snappy comeback.

Clearly it had shocked Kent, too, because his gaze narrowed, assessing. He waved his arms to pump up the audience then strutted over to the limbo bar. The music started. With a flourish, Kent bent his knees and leaned back.

He almost made it. But his arrogance did him in at the last second. He raised his head to gloat before he was fully clear of the bar and knocked it to the ground. He acknowledged her victory with a rueful smile and another bow.

J.B.’s laughter made her grin. But she blushed when she read the dark, delicious and definitely dangerous promise in his eyes. Now she had to win.

It didn’t help that Sapphie was in her line of sight, standing with Taylor behind her, his arms around her waist. Envy twinged.

“Go, Bella!” the crowd chanted.

Issy swallowed her nerves and positioned herself behind the bar.

Hot, hot, hot. Clearly her theme song tonight.

Whether it was the incentive or practice, this time she cleared the bar without trouble.

The crowd went wild, congratulating her and patting her on the back. Even Kent gave her a grudging “well done.” Sapphie couldn’t stop jumping up and down and hugging her.

Issy’s heart thudded heavily as she waited for J.B. to make his way through the mass of people. What would he do?

She didn’t get a chance to find out as the emcee called her over. Swallowing her disappointment, she joined the DJ on the stone promenade and accepted the necklace gratefully, thanking him and the resort.

Back on the sand she presented it to Sapphie. “Happy birthday.”

“You’re kidding?” Her friend’s eyes welled with tears. “You’ve earned this.”

“So have you, my dearest friend.” Issy hugged her, then helped her put it on.

Taylor and J.B. dutifully admired the necklace, as around them the party kicked up another gear. The DJ raised the volume of the music and people started dancing.

J.B. gave her a one-armed hug. “Great job. You made it look easy.”

Not exactly the celebration she’d been anticipating. What had happened to the promise she’d seen in his eyes? “Thanks. It was fun.”

Behind her she heard Taylor say softly to Sapphie, “I can’t wait to see you model this Marilyn-Monroe-style, only without the radio.”

“I don’t get it,” Sapphie replied then laughed huskily. “But let’s find somewhere private, so I can channel my inner Marilyn.” She raised her voice. “Issy, I’ll see you later. Okay?”

Suddenly, being alone and reading didn’t appeal quite so much.

Damn it. Why couldn’t she be as casual about a holiday fling as Sapphie?

Issy smiled brightly at her friend. “Have fun.”

As the pair walked arm-in-arm down the beach, Issy turned back to J.B., who was watching her, his expression thoughtful. Issy wished she had more experience with men so she’d know how to read him. And know what to do next.

She blurted out the first thing that came to mind. “Let’s get some champagne.”

“I thought you didn’t drink.”

She wasn’t a teetotaler, but her family’s weakness had made her cautious. “I only drink on special occasions and I think this qualifies, don’t you?”

“Okay. Let’s get you some bubbly.”

His ready acceptance lifted her spirits. They soared when he rested his hand in the small of her back as they walked to the bar.

Once he ordered their drinks he said, “Giving Sapphie the necklace was nice.”

“She liked it more than I did.” Issy shrugged.

“Still, that’s a generous gift.”

“An expensive necklace is nothing compared to what she’s done for me.”

“Sounds like a fascinating story.” He handed her a champagne flute.

Issy didn’t want to spoil the evening by talking about her past. She wanted to enjoy the moment. And, if she could pluck up the nerve, live a little dangerously.

She sipped her drink. The bubbles went straight into her blood, giving her the courage she wanted. “Another time, maybe. Right now, I want to dance.”

“Then let’s dance.” He linked fingers with her as they walked through the palm trees toward the makeshift dance floor.

When they put their glasses on their table, J.B. said, “I hope I don’t embarrass you. My moves won’t match up to yours.”

Issy laughed. “I’m afraid you’ve already seen the best of my moves.” She lowered her voice conspiratorially. “Sapphie and I used to limbo when we were kids. Except it was usually under a barbed-wire fence and the prize was apples from the farmer’s orchard.”

He grinned. “I bet Kent wouldn’t be happy to hear he was beaten by a ringer.”

She leaned forward and pressed her finger against his lips. “Shh. It’s a secret.”

“Your secret’s safe with me.” He kissed her finger.

Just as before, her knees went weak.

Maybe it was those bubbles, but Issy’d had enough of being teased. Of fleeting little kisses that left her wanting more. Much more. Time for payback.

She traced his mouth with the tip of her finger, lingering over his full lower lip.